One More Tone-Deaf Dem Who Needs Dumping
There’s a handful of incumbent Democrat senators facing some very tight races this coming November. Keeping them in the national news is the political tap-dancing they are being required to perform to put distance between themselves and their increasingly unpopular president, who is leading their party determinedly and destructively left. These senators are particularly vulnerable for their support of Obamacare which they all irresponsibly voted for without having a clue as to what they were inflicting on their constituents. Facing tough re-election contests, you’d think they might attune their political sensitivities to the decidedly dyspeptic mood of their constituents. Well, not so much with our tone deaf Democrat senator here in Arkansas, Mark Pryor.
I recently received an email from Pryor’s Republican opponent, Congressman Tom Cotton, informing me that Pryor had recently been a guest of honor at a $10,400 per plate fundraiser in Hollywood. I admit to being a Cotton supporter ( he served in the same regiment, the 506th Infantry of the 101st Airborne that I once did) but even so, I thought to myself this had to be political hyperbole. I simply could not believe that Pryor could be so politically dense as to hand his opponent such a risky advantage in such a tough fight. So I went on line and sure enough, there was ol’ Mark, supping with socialist swells (don’t expect to find any mention in the Democrat media) out there on the Left Coast, at a dinner sponsored by Alan Horn, Chairman of Walt Disney Studios, a noted lefty fundraiser, gathering in boodles of ultra-lib California cash to bring back to Arkansas to spend pounding on a down-home, good ole boy, Army war veteran.
Folks, this is Arkansas, a place where the term carpet bagging still leaves a bad taste in the mouth; and while there is still a solid contingent of the Old South Democrat party here, it is not even close to being in tune with those Chablis-sipping, Left Coast, limousine-liberal Democrats underwriting Pryor’s campaign. Most folks here in this graceful, thriving example of the Old South, embrace the reality (and what we consider an absolute blessing) that we are in flyover country. Down here, California, particularly Hollywood, is perceived as poorly here as all those Yankee blue enclaves up north, like Sheecago, Deetroit and Noo Yawk City. Pryor may be home-grown and from an old Democrat dynasty, but injecting flaming, decadent, Hollywood liberals and their ill-gained wealth into this Arkansas campaign is begging for the response that Cotton’s campaign is more than happy to hand him.
Right now there must be a whole bunch of Arkansas Democrat movers and shakers out there shaking their heads and wondering just what the hell that boy thought he was doing going out there for crying out loud. My first thought in that regard was: Desperation. As for the ever expanding Republican Party in Arkansas, they’ve just been handed proof positive and endlessly reproducible that their main line of attack is rock-solid: Mark Pryor has become a liberal, elitist, bi-coastal, socialist, more attuned to the politically correct and lib-looney interests on both coasts than those of the down home folks here in Arkansas. The Natural State just went through its coldest winter in years, but I’d bet big bucks Mark Pryor is in lock step with the hysterical, Chicken Little, global warming policies of his party. Know that saying that, “You can take the boy out of the country but you can’t take the country out of the boy?”
Mark Pryor, one more tone deaf Democrat is living proof that you can do that indeed.
An edited version is crossposted at American Thinker.
Category: Liberals suck, Politics
Poetrooper. My last duty station was LRAFB in Jacksonville. I loved my time there, great base to serve on and great people all around in the community. Clinton was the Arkansas Attorney general then. Thanks for the article. Pryor is going to go over like a “fart in church” for these recent antics.
The senate race in AR is key to the GOP/Tea Party regaining a majority. I’m watching this one closely.
I think that here in NC Kay Hagen is in at least as much trouble as Pryor. So much so that during President Obamas last 2 trips here she was too busy to even be in the state with him.
Throw NH Senator “Queen Jeanne the Spending Machine” Shaheen in that pile as well. Her supporters and fellow travelers have spent millions on attack ads against a guy who hasn’t even decided whether or not he’s running (Scott Brown.)
Here in Michigan, Gary Peters(D-Anywhere) is having problems, too. As a for instance, last night the local news was full of reports of Dodge truck owners not being able to get their recalled pickups fixed, because the repair parts were also recalled. Then there was yet another story on the GM non-recall, because of steering column and ignition problems. When the commercial break came, there was an ad for Peters, touting his support of the auto bailout, the same companies who were just featured.
Then, there is his attempt to get the anti-Obamacare ads thrown off the air, which hasn’t happened.
Cotton has a big problem in his district. He didn’t support the farm bill. That’s the big issue in the district. Just sayin’
Add to that list the entire democratic party of California-Ugh, as of this year, the CA GOP is so depleted that the Dems hold supermajorities in both houses of the legislature and the governorship. God help us.
I could see the handwriting on the wall and got the hell out of Ca. as soon as I retired in 93. Just wish I could get my son, daughter-in-law and grand daughter the hell out. Lived in different states since then but now happily ensconced back below the Mason-Dixon.
California is lost. The Deafocrats have locked up the Minority Vote and Gay Voting Block, and the rest of the voters are swayed more by liberals then anything. Every elction year means more 18 year olds who have been thoroughly indoctrinated by the left since middle school at the ballot box.
The only thing that will sway the big votes in Cali ( president and senate) is the Dems being so distrought that they dont even show up at the polls