Carter’s disappointment; Obama doesn’t call

| March 24, 2014

Jimmy_Carter_rabbit attack

Jimmy Carter, the last fellow for whom I cast a vote for Democrat for president, is a bit miffed because President Obama doesn’t call him for advice, the Washington Times reports;

He was asked on NBC’s “Meet the Press” if Mr. Obama ever reached out to him for advice on various policy matters. His response?

“Unfortunately, the answer is no,” said Mr. Carter, 89, the New York Daily News reported. “President Obama doesn’t, but previous presidents have called on me and the Carter Center to take action.”

Even President Ronald Reagan has reached out for his advice, Mr. Carter said. So have former White House Presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, but not Mr. Obama.

Well, I can clear that up for the one termer, a conversation between the two would only be an echo chamber. Obama is clearly a student of the failed Carter presidency, and talking to Carter would be like having a conversation with himself.

Carter also claims that the man who doesn’t want to talk to him is spying on him;

“I have felt that my own communications are probably monitored,” he said, The New York Daily News reported. “And when I want to communicate with a foreign leader privately, I type or write the letter myself, put it in the post office and mail it, because I believe if I send an email, it will be monitored.”

Yeah, well, that’s brilliant, too. The government has never opened our mail, have they? He’s probably suspicious about those rabbits in his yard every morning, too. Little assassin rabbits everywhere.

Category: Jimmy Carter

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Well, Jimmy has become that crazy grandfather that says and does things that make people just roll their eyes and pretend not to notice him, he even believes the NSA and CIA is spying on him specifically.


Andy what did Forrest Gump’s momma say, “Carter is as Carter does”.


Jimmy C, the prez for whom I delayed my re-enlistment until after the election – if he had won again, I was getting out. He went into office filled with high ideals which turned out to be shit. He was still full. Always thought he had an unassailable position as the worst prez in my lifetime… until 2008. He probably is getting his communications monitored. What would make him so special?

Adam in Israel

I’ll just leave this here.


Thanks Andy In Israel! 😀

Adam Fenner

Wow. Just wow.


Be vewwy vewwy qwiet, we’re huning wabbit…

“He’s probably suspicious about those rabbits in his yard every morning, too. Little assassin rabbits everywhere.”


Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages, I give you the Killer Rabbit.

The Other Whitey

Bring forth the Holy Hand Grenade!

Consult the Book Of Armaments!

“Once the number three, being the third number, is counted, thou shalt then hurl thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch at thy foes!”

The Other Whitey

I don’t have firsthand experience of the Carter presidency, as I was born when Ronaldus Maximus was running for reelection. But given what I know of history, I can’t see how Carter’s advice could be any worse than what the Glorious Leader has come up with on his own. After all, Obama’s only success has been at making Carter look not so bad in comparison.

2/17 Air Cav

“Here you are boss, it’s another one of Carter’s typed letters.”

“Before you open it, read it, copy it, and forward it, make certain we still have his personalized envelopes in the safe.”

“Not a problem. We just got two dozen in yesterday.”

“Okay. Go for it, then.”


Jimmy Carter? He’s history’s greatest monster!


Now that someone noticed that Jimmy is still breathing, he’s found it necessary to expound on other things.
Those rotten Catholics and Southern Baptists are responsible for abuse of women everywhere in the world. I’m just surprised he didn’t throw the Joooooooos in with them. Jimmy overlooked or ignored the Muslilm’s stellar record of tolerance of women, for some strange reason.


Why would Obama call anyone for advice? He’s the worlds smartest person, allhisnyes people say so including Valerie Jarrett.

God we are in trouble.


All his yes people.

Note to self never work electronics before first cup of coffee.

Green Thumb

No surprise here.

The one good thing Carter has going for him is that Obama is going to usurp him as the worst President in history.


… then … Mr. Carter should be GLAD that Mr. Obama doesn’t call. If he was to provide advice, that might confuse the outcome because Mr. Obama might NOT win or Mr. Obama might win but it might be construed as Jimmy’s fault due to bad advice given and taken.

By the way I think that it was not a swimming rabbit rather it was a flying rabbit — a pioneer in lapine military aviation — attempting to attack by vertical envelopment.


I reckon that Obama will call him when he has another canal to give away….


One wonders, then, whether or not Fearless Leader consulted with Mr. Carter about cedeing US federal control of the Internet.



a conversation between the two would only be an echo chamber. – that just might be the understatement of the week…

I’d like to request a new Category for this story:

Blind leading the blind


Someone is leading? I must have missed that part.