Is this a thing?
Yep, it looks like the E-4 Mafia is back to trying to dictate foreign policy to us again. This is the only one to make it to my attention, but I’m sure some half-wits will try to make it something;
Just stop it, for Pete’s sake. the Obama Administration has already taken military action against Russia off the table, so any conflagration in that region would be completely Putin’s choice, and not some E-4 who needs a haircut (they ALL need haircuts, even when they’re leaving the barber shop). The NSA should use their considerable assets tracking down these nimnils.
I know the E-4 mafia’s egos have swelled in the wake of Manning and Snowden, but stop being dumbasses on the internet.
Category: Shitbags
Yep, the damn E-4 mafia is, once again, a day late on this, since you are correct; military action was taken off the table over a week ago. But, this type of thing is slow to reach the E-4 mafia, since they’re the ones getting shit done while the E-5 and above types are busy following behind Top saying “yes Top, anything you say Top” and refilling their cup of joe and screaming at some PFC for having his Air Force gloves on.
As for what he’s whining about; that’s a decision that’s made above his pay grade and he doesn’t get to pick and choose which battles he will fight. If he wanted that kind of choice, he picked the wrong career path. His job is to snap to and say “yes sir”.
Don’t think this is what Gen. Chuck Krulak meant by “Strategic Corporal”.
Hiding behind a piece of cardboard shows real strength of convictions… not.
Mr E-4 if he is in fact even in the Army needs to go and ask to be separated for the good of the service.
Well, as long as he is willing to hold an umbrella for Obama, if called upon to do so, that’a what really counts, anyway.
I assume that he is representing the US Army’s view of things. After all, he is wearing the uniform. If it was only his personal view, he would have worn civvies for the photo op. And if that’s not the case, the photo was posted to somewhere from somewhere so it can be traced. And if the Army chooses not to trace it, I have to conclude the statement does represent the Army’s view.
I think holding the Umbrella is the the degrading job he reserves for Marines. He makes Soldiers clean it up when his never-bothered-to-housebreak dog craps on the floor. Different branch, different degrading, elitist insult from the Glorious Leader.
Oh god not the umbrella shit again. Of all the shit details of any given enlistment to act like holding an umbrella is degrading is bullshit. I’d sure as hell rather hold a fucking umbrella than pick up smoker’s butts, or lose my Saturday cause the ACQ showed up drunk, and I wasn’t smart/stupid enough marry some skank from Victoria’s Caberet in order to avoid CQs knocking on my door with details.
Also while I am not a fan of POTUS he is the CINC if he wants a goddamn umbrella, he gets an umbrella. Charlie fucking Mike.
He hides his face because there is no freedom of speech or personal feelings allowed in the military, he hides his face to protect his career because you are not allowed to speak out against the Commander in Chief, he hides his face but someone knows who he is.
WTF military did you belong to? Some of the most opinionated outspoken people I have ever met were military. You sound like a high-school wannabe trying to join a discussion about which he knows nothing. F*ck off.
NavyDoc, it’s against regulation to become involved in politics while in uniform. Don’t know it off the top of my head, but it’s there. And, with his attitude, I guarantee you he’s a pussy ass Fobbit, trying to credit his “opinion” with that Airborne “combat” patch. I bet he’s an annoying as turd who I’d love to skull drag around the barracks for about 20 minutes.
Listen, snowflake… there are DOD Directives and Navy Regs that cover what you can and cannot do in uniform. Pulling BS like this pic can get your ass in a lot of hot water, ans has been the case for a long time. Try pulling this crap with an FMF unit, see what the hell happens to you. You don’t have to respect the civilians that are calling the shots, but you have to respect the office that they hold.
If you have a problem with serving, then get the fuck out when you hit your EAOS.
Just because you currently hold a lower rank does not mean you have to exhibit a lower level of intelligence…
Maybe, if this is actually a real thing, this little turd should re-read what his contract states…
You don’t have to agree with your Commander in Chief. You don’t even have to like him. What you do have to do is respect the office and what it stands for. Military personnel don’t have the luxury of publicly questioning foreign policy or the lawful orders of the Commander in Chief. You execute the orders to the best of your ability.
Nailed it. If it is a lawful order, then you have to do it. Someone needs to tell him to re-read the oath he took.
One of the problems with the current C-i-C is that he picks and chooses which laws he will enforce and even which laws (i.e., Constitutional duties) he will break. I appreciate the distinction between the office and office holder. However, the office doesn’t make wrongful decisions and take outlandish positions; The office holder does. Thus, the respect one holds for the office or position can be influenced by the conduct and decision making of the office holder. In my view, The Emperor doesn’t give a shit outside of his own tyrannical agenda and, consequently, others in the chain of command, right down to the E-1, take their lead from him. I’m not defending it but I do undertstand it.
Dildos like this need to stop.
“(they ALL need haircuts, even when they’re leaving the barber shop).”
ROTFLMAO because I remember a SFC snagging an E4 coming out of the base barber shop and telling him to hold up. He looked him over and said, “son you didn’t get your money’s worth in there, let’s go back in and get it right this time”. Took the young turk back inside and watched as he got a proper haircut. High and tight with white walls this time!
Well thank god for that NCO, he is going to do well in the new Army. We should be able to purge all the experienced combat leaders by 2016, and have them replaced by TRADOC leaders with staff syndrome. That way we can handle important shit like changing the uniforms a couple dozen times, and making sure nobody is doing PT in goofy looking footwear that helps them grow stronger and prevents injury. Up to now the SMA has been doing most of this shit all by himself.
E-4 Mafia or not, It’s not the US problem, not our fight and I would advise anyone to stay out of the Russian Vassal state of Ukraine.
The US does not have the leadership nor the guts to fight Russia on their home soil.
NATO Euro is the ultimate reason for this event.
Beg to differ. The US has both the leadership and the “guts,” but the SCOAMF in the Oval Office doesn’t. Big difference.
Interesting piece of trivia: right now the US Army is bigger than the Russian Army. That’s not to mention the far greater combat experience. Food for thought.
Not to mention that there’s lots of things we could do which don’t involve a shooting war, but as I said above, Professor Ditherton Wiggleroom won’t do anything except whine. In public.
I know! Let’s start a non-shooting-war model of resisting Russian aggression. We could call it … a cold war. Has a kind of ring doesn’t it?
“They’re just moving back into their own back yard”, right?
(bonus points to anyone who can identify the reference)
While I don’t disagree with him, it would appear he is the wrong line of work.