Watch Out for Those “Killer Cows”

| March 13, 2014

Remember Jimmy the Clueless’s “Attack Rabbit”?  Well, Jimmy had nothin’ on this guy’s troubles!

Several news stories out there about this one, but no real details.  I’d guess somewhere in South Asia, possibly India.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Dumbass Bullshit, Pointless blather, Who knows

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Pinto Nag

Do you know which domestic animal kills more people every year than any other? Donkeys/burros.

I don’t care if it does eat grass, if the beast weighs more than you do and particularly if it has horns, it’s potentially dangerous.


Believe I read that the most lethal herbivore in North America was a deer… deaths every year from deer the hunters just “knew” were dead. Turns out in many cases that yes, they are used to fighting offensively with antlers, and that being shot and wounded does not improve their disposition.


Killer cows? I’ve heard of them. My uncle used to auction them off at cattle auctions. They would jump the rails and go after people in the grandstands.

Personally, however, I would not mess with a Siamese cat that can chase off a grizzly bear.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You can’t trust livestock. Grew up on a farm and hated having to give shots to the cows and bulls! The only livestock I ever want to see again is wrapped in shrink wrap in the meat counter.

It is just my opinion but it looked like a turf war to me! That was the cows “hood” for drugs, prostitution and black marketing. This guy tried to move in on their block and payed the price. See, gang warfare, everywhere you go. Now we will have to have more legislation to keep guns and horns out the hooves of the damned cows! Should be a “horn free zone”. Maybe we can get Sheila Jackson Lee movin’ on this. Lots of cows in Texas.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Hey, at least they did not have firearms!!!


Is this what they really mean by the term ‘third herd’?


as someone who was actually in the 3rd ACR (Bend and Squea… I mean Blood and Steel!) I resemble that remark!


Could be worse…..


That is no cow. It is a bull.

In fact, the story is pure bull, no cow.


Picky, Picky, Picky.. 😀
You and your being parts specific. LMAO!!


We haven’t discussed sows who eat their young yet. 🙂

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe the cows were telling him to MOOOOOVE ON because they felt like he was dissin’ them?