Thursday morning feel good story

| March 6, 2014

Chief Tango sends us our feel good story this morning, this time it comes from Indiana two enterprising fellows welcomed themselves into someone’s home;

The resident of the home, Levil Bedwell reported to police that suspects had forced their way into his home, displayed a pistol and demanded money.

The intruders pried open the front while Bedwell and his girlfriend slept.

The suspects entered the bedroom, where they kicked and pistol whipped Bedwell, demanding cash and marijuana.

According to police, the suspects threatened to shoot Bedwell, however, no shots were fired inside the home.

As the suspects fled the home, Bedwell fired two shots at their vehicle with a 20ga shotgun, smashing out the passenger side window.

Well, a parting shot to tag the vehicle is better than none at all.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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B Woodman

He used Crazy Uncle Joe’s weapon of choice. A good start.


He is lucky he didn’t get killed when they were pistol whipping them…
I bet he keeps a gun closer to his bed now.


Mo range time! Mo range time!


My 2 cents again. Still do not like the new web page layout. Can we return to the old? I hate change just for the sake of change.

Will you address why you felt the need? Maybe I can get onboard. NEGAT BZ