Tax cuts are only good in election years

| March 4, 2014

Reuters that the Obama White House is planning to buy votes in the mid-term elections by giving tax breaks to the unwashed masses;

President Barack Obama will propose an expansion of popular tax credits for middle class and working poor Americans on Tuesday in a fiscal 2015 budget designed to serve as a blueprint for Democrats in this year’s congressional elections.

The budget, which would also create automatic retirement accounts known as IRAs for some 13 million workers, has little chance of getting enacted.

But it codifies the president’s policy priorities ahead of the November race, in which Democrats hope to keep control of the U.S. Senate and Republicans hope to expand their majority in the House of Representatives.

I always support tax breaks for everyone, but this seems to be targeted towards a majority of voters, instead of a majority of Americans. That makes it more of a class warfare thing, meant to polarize Americans. It also comes at a time when veterans are being told to give up more, further alienating groups of Americans.

[Obama’s] proposal would expand the Earned Income Tax Credit, a government anti-poverty measure that is meant to encourage low-income Americans to work. The expansion would cover some 13.5 million people who do not have children.

It would also make the program available to younger workers who are not currently eligible, the White House said.

So basically, we’re pitting “the poor” against the rich and the troops.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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The Other Whitey

Ah, the old “rich vs poor” tactic. But remember how Obama considers you “rich” if you’re married and your gross household income is $60,000.

This asshole never fails to appall me.


That means he is an evil rich person and should be excoriated with the rest of them.

A Proud Infidel

“Jaw-Jaw Binks” aka B. Hussein 0bama is all talk and politics. I hope his party flops on Election Day like 0bamacare has! Ditto with the RINOs, they need to be flushed out as well!


“The budget, which would also create automatic retirement accounts known as IRAs for some 13 million workers, has little chance of getting enacted.”

Create retirement accounts using who’s money? Is he talking about government funded IRAs for people too stupid to save for later life? I had to work my ass off and save my ass off for my retirement IRA. Funded completely by…ME.

“proposal would expand the Earned Income Tax Credit, a government anti-poverty measure that is meant to encourage low-income Americans to work. The expansion would cover some 13.5 million people who do not have children.”

One of the worst programs ever created in my mind. If they think they will do anything to get the woman with “Obama Phone”, to get off her ass and go to work they are dreaming. It’s like watching a Three Stooges comedy. These folks who are multi generational welfare scum will stay just that and NO amount of incentives will make them say, “hey, I get a great tax credit if I get out and get a job and work for a living instead of waiting in line each month for my handout”.

Right, yea, like that’s EVER going to happen. These fools (Obama and minions) are circus clowns of the worst sort. Because they have the power to initiate phony baloney programs like these. “Sound good solutions to feel good issues”. That is what the Democrats and liberals are all about.


When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic. – Ben Franklin



Actually, Alexis de Tocqueville.


But we already have mandatory, government run retirement accounts… They call it Social Security.
Just another excite for the government to seize control over money I have to work for.


But we already have mandatory, government run retirement accounts… They call them Social Security.
Just another excuse for the government to seize control over money I have to work for.


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