ACORN shenanigans and American culture

| October 15, 2008

Michelle Malkin finds an entire houseful of absentee Ohioans in Columbus;

Something smells at 2885 Brownlee Avenue in Columbus, Ohio.

I strongly recommend that the Ohio Republican Party get on the case before it’s too late. Today’s the last day to challenge voters who registered early in Ohio before the run up to Election Day.

Here’s the stench: An entire houseful of young, non-Ohioan Democrat activists have used the Brownlee Avenue address to register themselves to vote in the Buckeye State and secure absentee ballots under extremely shady circumstance…

Seems to me that the Ohio government would want to at least present an appearance of legality in their voting process, but, also according to Michelle Malkin, they have to be told by their judges to do their jobs for the voters;

Allahpundit’s got the lowdown on a Sixth Circuit court ruling tonight, which orders fraud-friendly Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner to implement a new system to verify voter registrations.

Darke GOP has quick analysis of the decision (hat tip – Patrick Poole):

Ace of Spades quotes some of the decision;

Secretary of State Brunner — a hyperpartisan Democrat — simply “turned off” (in the court’s words) this legally-mandated process for no offered explanation, thus compelling, effectively, local boards of elections to accept all registrations and votes, even from the huge pool of highly suspect ACORN registrants.

The court compels her to do her ****ing job as the law demands.

And Gateway Pundit gets credit on Brit Hume’s show for busting the Obama on edits on their website for the constantly-changing story of the relationship between Obama and ACORN.

So what’s the peoblem here? Government officials who won’t do their respective jobs, scurring around trying to pull the wool over the voters’ eyes? It seems to me that if Democrats (and Republicans for that matter) are so convinced that they have the right message, the message Mericans want to hear, why are they involved in all of this filthy, underhanded election fraud?

If they have to get into office by all of this sleight-of-hand vaudevillian three-ring-circus, why should we even vote for them? Why would anyone vote for crooks and liars? This goes much deeper than a few desparate polticians…this is a cultural shift. I’m  not getting fed up with the electoral system, I’m getting fed up with Americans – the ones who involve themselves in this and the ones who return them to office.

Who would have thought thirty years ago that some Americans would trip over each other rushing to put the likes of Marion Berry back in office after his prison term? Who would have thought an impeached judge liek Alcee Hastings would get a new job as a Representative. Who would have thought an incompetent, racist boob like Ray Nagin would get returned to office after his pompous and arrogant failures in New Orleans? What representative would have been returned to office with 90 grand stashed in his freezer?

In this day and age, what moron would think they could get away with covering up for a colleague who had paid off his lover with public funds?

Americans have been so poisoned by the moral equivalence BS in the media, that we’ve all become criminals complicit in these crimes and incompetence by allowing it to happen time-and-again and doing nothing about it. We’re slipping into a government similar to the backwater third world countries where I’ve lived in the past. Our infrastructure is falling apart, politicians line their pockets and the citizenry stands by and watches pretending we’re helpless.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Bloggers, Politics

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[…] This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here » Blog Archive » ACORN shenanigans and American cu… […]


I only have one vote and so much money to donate to the people who have proven ‘not to be total criminals’ (few and far between) and I refuse to become an anti-american, (destroying the voting rights of ‘citizens’) criminal as the entire democrat party has by supportin voter fraud through Hussein’s outfit, ACORN. There is nothing more I can do until a shooting war breaks out and then I’ll be on the anti-criminal side also. I seems that the democrats through dozens of criminal organization such as ACORN have won the war of votes and the issue will eventually result in a vote of bullets and bombs, just like the third world countries democrats choose to imitate.


[…] This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here » Blog Archive » ACORN shenanigans and American cu… […]

Frankly Opinionated

This election is ours to lose. We are sitting quietly, legally, by the side, and not doing near enough to secure this for us. It is not for John McCain, but for us, those who truly give a damn about our future. We must do all we can to see that we get the leadership that we want and need. ACORN, and the rest of the crooks who are the democrat party are pulling away from us, and I truly fear that the ignorant masses will elect this socialist bastard child. Tell your friends, your workmates, your ex-wifes family, all of ’em need to know just where we are headed.
nuf sed


“Seems to me that the Ohio government would want to at least present an appearance of legality in their voting process,”

Have you ever been to Ohio? It didn’t end up and armpit by mistake! B’leive me, my statesmen work very hard at it.


Jonn wrote: Speaking of which, check out Ace’s flaming skull.

Jon de Wald

In that case, you’ll love this video of John McCain telling the members of ACORN they “are what makes America special”:

Jonn wrote: Geez, Jon, that’s JUST LIKE WHAT OBAMA DID! Except that McCain didn’t give them $800,000 and work for them and train their members. Oh, wait, maybe it’s not like what Obama did at all.


de Wald,

You’re “special” too…

Jon de Wald

Thanks, Raoul. That’s a very kind thing to say.

Jonn, I just said you’d love the video! I didn’t say it makes the candidates interactions with ACORN comparable, though it may suggest that politics makes for strange bedfellows. 🙂

Raoul Deming

There’s a big difference between being ACORN’s General Counsel, funding ACORN and such, over several years, and speaking at a forum co-sponsored by ACORN.

BTW, back in 2000, someone added up all the Fed Gov’t $$$ ACORN and its member organizations collect in one year was $750-$800 million.

I doubt it’s gone down…

Big Oil, Big Pharma,…why not call them Big Poverty.

It’s a business.


Hey Boo, writing from downtown Columbus, I resemble that remark!

Seriously, I’ve been to about 42 (not the total of 57-58)states and each has their ups and downs. Easy on my Buckeye state.