Wanted: Mark Hans Smith

| February 22, 2014

Guy keeps cranking out these great posters, they’re real popular on Facebook, so here’s one for Mark Hans Smith. I hope he enjoys it.


Category: Phony soldiers

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Awesome sauce!


I love it!

B Woodman

He looks like he could be spitted, roasted over an open fire, and feed a starving African family for a week.


Love it…Excellent job!


Great work! Hope they shame his dog thieving, lying ass out of the country.

A Proud Infidel

NICE WORK!! I didn’t know about his conning the kid out of a puppy, that places him alongside William Derek Church the roly-poly Round Ranger in the lowlife scumbag category as I see it! WTF, WTF?!! He legitimately earned the EIB, a VERY coveted and hard to earn badge, yet he proceeds with his asshattery, I hope he becomes as famous asWDC!


Great poster! Mark Hans Smith you wanted fame, well it doesn’t get any better than this!


William Derek Church has a brother on the left coast?

Green Thumb

A two-hole Ranger, indeed.


Good stuff. The photographer had to use a wide angle lens to keep this shitbag’s girth in frame.


After discharging approx 1,000 sailors in my 22 year career, typing up DD 214’s and other associated paperwork, I did not realize that a career sailor, soldier, marine could elect his own retirement rank/rate. Just goes to show, one cannot know everything. NEGAT BZ to this turd


Just how do asshats like Mark Hans Smith think they can get away with their asshattery? MSGT Soup Sandwich, the Round Marine, William Derek Church, and now this clown. The out on clown suits that look like some third world dictators wet dream and think no one will notice or call them on it? They actually think people will look at them and be impressed with the obvious fakery? Maybe civilians today are that ignorant of things military. But there are enough vets around that these morons will eventually be noticed. I just don’t understand these idiots. I always fee a bit embarrassed when I have to wear my uniform with the things I earned. I can’t imagine parading around like those fucking clowns.

AW1 Tim

I copied this to my facebook wall. Hopefully my friends up in that neck of the woods will follow my suggestion and copy and disseminate this poster all over the Sokane area.

In fact, I think it’d be funny as hell if some could be posted in the local Post offices and Police Departments. 🙂


I hope the dog neuters Smith.

A Proud Infidel

Ex-PH2, THAT would be poetic justice for that puppy thief! He obviously cares for no one other than himself and his ego, I think I detect a sociopathic streak in that soulless slovenly slug of a human being!

Green Thumb

This guy is a manhole inspector.


Printing out a couple posters and putting them up down at the VFW. May pass one on to the Warrior Brotherhood M/C

A Proud Infidel

Maybe his middle name is an acronym for “Half-Assed Nuts-Sniffer”?


@16 Green Thumb. Never knew anyone who could say in a word like you. TURD, MANHOLE INSPECTOR, MEATGAZER. A lot to be said for keeping it simple. By the way, this guy is all of those.

A Proud Infidel

How ’bout “Snotweasel”?

Toasty Coastie

Mark Hans Smith, please wipe the cock snot off your face, its not very flattering you Valor stealing thief.

Green Thumb


The reason is simple: I look at the sky and I know why it is blue.


Mark Hans Smith – Fat-ass sack of shit.
