ACORN-registered phony voter caught

| October 14, 2008

I just watched one of the ACORN reps on Fox say that not one phony voter has been proven to have voted illegally in Ohio. Well the New York Post disagrees;

The vote of Darnell Nash, one of four people subpoenaed in a Cuyahoga County probe of ACORN’s voter-registration activities, was canceled and his case was turned over to local prosecutors and law enforcement, Board of Elections officials said yesterday.

Nash had registered to vote repeatedly from an address that belonged to a legitimately registered voter, officials said during a hearing at which the subpoenaed voters were to testify.

Board officials had contacted Nash this summer, questioned his address and told him to stop repeat registering.

But still, he breezed into Ohio election offices – the state allows early voting for president – reregistered with a fake address and cast a paper ballot, officials said.

Sayin’ it doesn’t make it so, ACORN.

The top story on Drudge right now is the ridiculous story about Mickey Mouse being registered in Florida by ACORN. In the story, an ACORN spokesman said he didn’t think the registration form was one of theirs (despite the fact that it had an ACORN stamp on it). Now, on Fox they’re saying that it’s their responsibility to turn in every form they get. So which is it, ACORN?

Michelle Malkin has many more links related to this.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Politics

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[…] This ain’t Hell, but you can see it from here » Blog Archive » ACORN-registered phony voter caug… […]


Mickey Mouse in FL… Just like Spiderman was registered in Venezuela.

Let’s just get Jimmy Carter to authorize the election and we’re set to go.