Sailor sentenced for “attempted espionage”

| February 11, 2014

PFM sends us a link to Fox News which reports that retired sailor, Robert Hoffman, was sentenced to thirty years in prison for trying to sell classified material to FBI agents;

Prosecutors say Hoffman gave classified information about tracking ships to people he believed were Russian spies.

Hoffman was a cryptologic technician in the Navy who held top secret clearance and retired in November 2011. Hoffman spent much of his 20-year Navy career on submarines.

Hoffman, originally from Buffalo, N.Y., retired with the rank of petty officer first class.

To me, that’s just stupid. The FBI doesn’t need any classified documents, so why was he selling it to them? Being an “attempted spy” probably won’t give him much cred in the cell block or save him from many ass-whoopings.

Category: Shitbags

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A Proud Infidel

I hope he “gets passed around” like what Bubba, Thor, and Company would do to him/it in any State Prison!


Not long enough. Walk him down the waterfront and let every guy with dolphins dickpunch him.


@2 And I’ll be first in line. He was part of my community. Fucking douchebag.

Army Medical


I wonder how much money he was offered to turn over info?


Why does no one ask the obvious question?

What the hell was he doing with classifed stuff after he retired?

Oh, please drop him off in a shallow spot during shark breeding season. The female white sharks really hate it when their birthing grounds are invaded by humans. Or better yet, find one of those rivers that empty into Chesapeake Bay, which is a shark breeding ground, and call the bull sharks. They like to give birth in fresh water, and you all do understand that after that, they’ll want lunch, right?


What is wrong with people? I did almost exactly the same job as this sorry excuse for a human while I was in the Navy. (NEC 1435) and never even thought about selling info to the commie bastards. Greed I guess. @2&3, I want to be in that line too.


Glad to see that some with the authority to prosecute and investigate it still understand the term “espionage.”


I did the same job for the USAF in the Titan II missile silos for SAC back in my day. (I mean WAY back too.) Never once did it cross my mind to disregard the oaths I had taken or all the papers I signed, swearing to those oaths for my Top Secret/Crypto clearance. I remember reports of suspicious individuals approaching airmen off base about the goings on in the silos and they were always jumped on most riki-tic by OSI and FBI. They would get the airman in a room and “debrief” him/her about the incident. Names, dates, places, descriptions of individuals involved. Every so often, sure enough, there would be a local news article about a “suspected individual” being detained. It did not report they were also shipped off to undisclosed locations for further, “questioning”. That was inside military information only. I hope the guy gets everything cumming to him. Wait, did I spell that correctly? Yea…I think I did.


I really wish the Federal government would request the death penalty when espionage occurs during wartime. That’s authorized under 10 USC 794. The espionage doesn’t have to provide info to an enemy, either. See Rosenberg, Julius and/or Ethel, for details.


I hope they revoke his retirement benefits. Nothing about that was mentioned.

FC2 Dewclaw

CT1 after 20 years?


Roger in Republic

Death by Bungo is the appropriate sentence. Or hanging, if Bungo is not possible.


Roger in Republic: is that anything like “death by Bunta”? (smile)


What goes through someone’s mind to try and make a profit off something that could cause harm to your fellow brothers/sisters in arms? I agree that the punishment should be death (Hell, my first deployment we were all briefed by our commander that falling asleep in the towers was enough for the firing squad) but I think our kinder/gentler population will just do something like say “bad dog no biscuit” and let him go.


Better yet, keelhaul him.

At test depth.


@15 NHSparky: and then flog what remains of him around the fleet, until he falls apart into bite-size shark bait.