The return of Tuesdays with Claymore
I know some of you went through withdrawals without Claymore’s weekly column last week, but he’s overcome technical problems, so here is his triumohant return;
First up, DU’s Facebook page, where they post all of their cool memes and shit. Mostly shit.
Yes, but aren’t we really all careless gun owners?
It’s just a zoo kills giraffe and feed it to lion world.
Alternate History DU Style…achtung!!
People protested, media ignored, clearly this is the end of civilization as we know it.
…this from the crew who basically invented opposition research.
You’re not really free if you have a job…or some shit.
What I took from this: AOL is still in business???
More things I learned on DU: all white Texans are racists.
Free market supporters are economic terrorists….or they’re mean…maybe both.
Forecast for 2014 midterms? Pain.
All the Republicans DUer’s respect aren’t.
Fauxcahontos leave’em reservation on Chief Pantsuit.
Yeah, but can he even spell it?
Republicans are lying about jobs outlook from the CBO…or something.
With their record on websites, how would you know?
Charlie Crist; Orange Colored Moron
Wonder what the shop owner felt?
With “Progressive” and “Change” in their name, what could possibly go wrong?
Cultures are for petri dishes.
As opposed to suddenly deciding it was time to tell the team you’re gay?
Build a bridge and get over it.
Littoral ship…almost has that whole “knock the little man out of the boat” thing going.
Category: Tuesdays with Claymore
So far, my head hasn’t exploded.
They should rename this thread “The return of high blood pressure”.
For the record, it only cost me $700 and about 30 hours of troubleshooting and repairs to bring this virtual cornucopia of crazy shit to your screens. You’re welcome…or as they say on DU…your welcome.
I’m glad you’re back, Claymore. I thought maybe the DU had found you and subjected you to some terrible ordeal like listening to Harry ‘the Finger’ Reid and Nancypants Puglosi orating at the same time.
I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.
ill be banned from DU’s fb page in five minutes.