A Different Sunday Morning Feelgood Story

| February 2, 2014

I can’t say I’m generally that big a fan of Anheuser-Busch products these days (though their American Ale is pretty decent).  In a domestic, I tend towards Yuengling or Sam Adams.

But after seeing this ad – which will reputedly air during the Super Bowl today – I might have to give them some more business. Alert: you might want to have a tissue or three handy if/when you watch it.

The LT’s girlfriend was ultimately responsible for this.  She nominated him when Anheuser-Bush was looking for someone to honor in the commercial.

I’m thinking the youngster needs to use a bit of his tax savings from being deployed to buy a rock.

It seems that the commercial isn’t all Anheuser-Bush’s doing, either. They’re using the commercial to launch a social media campaign honoring the US military over the coming year. And they’re also hosting the LT and his girlfriend at today’s Super Bowl as well.

Hat tip to the Army Times for pointing me at the original links.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Thanks Hondo. Respect for the LT and a big hand to Anheuser-Busch!

OIF '07-'08-'06

I do not drink, but I may make an exception to this tonight when I get off work.

2/17 Air Cav

No tissues needed. No sniffles here. Just a big Hollywood-ype, overblown, choreographed, staged production for a beer company trying to sell some beer. As soon as it opened to the escalator scene, I called bullshit. No one was in the terminal except the LT and his wife/girlfriend and the video quality was too good, as if a $100,00 camera took the shots while pretending to be a run-of-the-mill videophone.

Yeah, I know, I’m a POS w/o a heart.


There is another spot I am looking forward to seeing, which is supposed to air within the 30 minutes prior to kickoff. Fox has donated the air time to the Army and SOS- that’s Survivor Outreach Services, for a PSA called The Gold Star pin. It will feature a couple Gold Star families and explain what the little gold pin with and without the purple background mean.

The intent is to educate the majority of Americans-even members of the military and veteran communities who have no idea what a Gold Star means. From what I’ve seen, and from what I’ve heard in the Gold Star community, it is tasteful, honorable and definitely tissue worthy. Which of the families, all of whom where flown out to LA to make the spots, will be shown today is not known, not even by those families. I’ll be interested to see when the remaining spots will be shown. Whenever, Fox gets my kudos for donating the time today, even if it is before the game starts.

Club Manager

Lighten up 2/17 Air Cav. Of course it was staged to get it right given the cost for the ad. At least it featured a soldier in a positive light as opposed to identifying some shooter as a “veteran.”
Jon, you got it right Yuengling. We have to import it to Arkansas much like we used to import Coors to Hawaii and send on to Nam back in the day.


Dunno, AC. Caught an interview a day or two ago with the young man. He said that the whole thing was a surprise to him. Yes, the photography was professional, because it was planned. All the participants knew about it except the soldier.

2/17 Air Cav

@4. Now THAT I want to see, Denise. (And in case someone reads this and doesn’t know it, Denise is a Gold Star Mom.)


@@@ #7: You are right. Change it to “Jondo” Heh.


goldstarpins.org #4 Denise, The commercial aired at 4:45 ET.
If one goes to the mentioned website they can view the commercial.

During Vietnam the Gold Star Pin was presented to the mother. I’m not sure about the father. I remember my mother wearing her GS pin.

B Woodman

You just know that young man has some ‘Nadds.
(Com’on. I’m surprised someone else didn’t beat me to that tired joke)


Here’s the link to the. PSA that aired.http://player.theplatform.com/p/IfSiAC/7Bn5HZqcBwxI/select/SY0rNrEBL0u6

. @#11, the pins are presented to the parents, spouse, siblings and children. My mother received one from my very kind CAO as she was particularly close to my son and his only surviving grandparent though she is not legally eligible

There are two versions, the one with a purple background is for KIA. The solid gold with a slightly different design is the Next Of Kin for Active Duty deaths not directly caused by combat.

In the PSA, it shows one mother who had it made into a ring. This is an interesting controversy in the GS community as that is not an ‘authorized’ way to wear it. I personally don’t care but would not do that myself. To me it is like taking a Purple Heart or other medal and making it into jewelry, but I also respect others right to do whatever gives them comfort.


To Denise,

Denise, I come with hat in hand in respect to you.

My brother and I were serving in Vietnam at the same time of his loss. I know that my mother was presented a Gold Star Pin. Perhaps my dad but none of the siblings, I would have remembered that.

Did I miss something back then? Perhaps I did. If so, please correct me. About that.

respectfully yours,


If you would like to contact me, Jonn has my email.



Binh Tuy:

As a sibling your are entitled under the law and if you did not get your Gold Star Lapel pin it is not too late. You will need to submit a DD Form 3. If you are near an Army installation take the form into the Survivor Outreach Service (SOS)office and they will have the pins on hand and will probably find someone that can do a quick presentation. Otherwise, I think the form has a mailing address where you can submit.

For the comment on turning the pins into jewelery I was in the commercial and the shoot was the first time I had ever seen the pin turned into either a ring or necklace. The pieces I saw was professionally made from the gold stars that were presented to them and it allowed them to be worn daily. I still wear mine as a lapel pin; however, I only wear it on special occasions. I can see where a ring would be advantageous for those the wanted to wear them all the time. I am not sure why it would be controversial, the pins were actually adapted from gold star flags that originally were blue star flags with a gold star sewn over the top to represent a service member killed in action. The jewelery is just a further adaption similar to placing the gold star emblem(s) on license plates.


To Denise and “G” I thank you both for all the information. I have visited the Gold Star Pins website. It’s very well done and with respect.

I too have no issue with how one would wish to wear their Gold Star, be it as a ring or necklace.