Bush Derangement Syndrome

| February 2, 2014

According to CNN, 44-year-old Benjamin Smith was arrested in New York City as he plotted to “kill, kidnap and inflict bodily harm” on former President George W. Bush. I guess he thought that Mr. Bush was the only thing keeping him from a relationship with former first-daughter Barbara;

Benjamin Smith, a resident of upstate New York, threatened to “kill, kidnap and inflict bodily harm” on Bush, the complaint said.

Smith also professed a love interest in Barbara, one of the former president’s twin daughters, according to the complaint filed Friday in U.S. District Court in Manhattan.

“Bush will get his,” Smith allegedly screamed as he was being arrested, said the complaint.

The U.S. Secret Service was alerted to the threat after Smith’s mother found a note in the home they share in which he allegedly wrote that he’s “going to work for George W. Bush and the Pentagon,” the complaint said.

Smith also allegedly wrote: “I have to slay a dragon and then Barbara Bush is mine… America is finished. Obama, Etc.”

Funny, but I don’t think he sounds any nuttier than any of the other trolls who are still clinging to their BDS. Oh, yeah, nutjob here also had a can of gasoline and a machete in his car. I guess he was planning for all contingencies.

Category: Do You Miss Me Yet?

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I see nothing in that story in which he clearly specifies which Barbara he was smitten with.


Poor, VWP. I hope Jerome lets him post from prison.


This guy has been up on the board.



@1 JohnC

Article points to one of Bush’s twin daughters…so there ya go.

Must admit Barbara is damn easy on the eyes…no, not Babs Walters or Streisand.


Musta missed the memo about the way to a gal’s heart being through alienating, much less eliminating, the father. Yeah, well, no, not so much.

You are right, Jonn. Not much more than a variation on the BDS expressed by others. Nice little twist, though. A bonus point for that maybe?

Just An Old Dog

Nuttier then Squirrel shit. But, this is a perfect example of the idiotic nature of the secret service. We probably wasted about 100,000 bucks in travel, lodging, meals and pay to send four guys in suits to pick up a guy that should have been 5150ed by the local cops and put on zoloft.

NR Pax

@2: Today, you win the internet on this website.

Roger in Republic

We had one like that a few weeks ago in our fair village. Dude claims he is Jesus Christ and that he can raise the dead. Made threats against Prez Obama on Facebook. The secret Service talked to him and decided that since he had no money or any way to get to DC that he was not a threat to the prez. Two weeks later he went on a Facebook rant where he threatened to burn down several local businesses and kill a bunch of people who he claimed had persecuted him. The local police found his threats sufficient to arrest him for terrorist threats, a judge agreed and he has been committed to one of our state mental hospitals. I guess crazy only counts when you have a way to get to your victims house. I hope the SS is more careful next time. Crazy people do crazy things.