Retired Senior NCOs remember how to do their jobs
Chief Tango sends us a link to Army Times‘ article about a group of senior NCOs who have banded together to voice their opinions publicly about the impending Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) cuts to military retirees’ pay;
“You don’t join the military to get rich. There are a lot of sacrifices. There are PCS moves. There are bullets flying overhead. We’re still fighting a war, and now we are talking about reducing the COLA? I don’t get it,” recently retired Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force James Roy said.
In interviews, Roy and the others denounced the reductions, calling them unfair to the average enlisted troops who often struggle to find decent-paying jobs when they leave the service.
The six senior enlisted leaders said they decided to speak out after four retired generals and flag officers issued a statement Jan. 13 voicing support for the cuts.
So I guess they figure it’s still their job to speak up for the enlisted soldiers, unlike folks like Ray Chandler, the current Sergeant Major of the Army who sees his job to be protecting his political masters from criticism. I haven’t heard any of the current most senior NCOs sticking up for their troops. Yeah, I know, that’s not really their job, but, ya know what? When the Clinton Administration started making policies with which I disagreed, I retired rather than try to defend those policies to my troops.
Those four generals are just feathering their own nests. Who is going to listen to a retired general preaching about our duty to take pension cuts in the ass? At least some senior NCOs haven’t forgotten that their main job is to speak for the troops even though their officers aren’t listening.
Category: Veterans Issues
Income inequality. I thought obummer was against it. Unless it involves the enlisted serfs.
What about investigating all of the exaggerated disability claims? I am a vet, I was injured many times while active duty, smashed fingers, thrown back but I do not and will not claim any disability. While working as a GS at JCSE, all I heard from contractors, GS, and Active Duty was how to increase the percentage of the bogus claims by telling exaggerate claims of illness and discomfort due to injury. makes me sick.
Crap like this is the reason I dropped my retirement packet. How in good conscious can I encourage my Soldiers to stay in. 3 June can’t come soon enough.
WE need the Marine seniors NCOs and the Groatlocker to chime with opposation . The Army can lay to the MSM. The Air Force whatever a strong letter of disagreement? Joe
I remember a really Old Salty Dog who told me on Pinning Day. If you do not use those Anchors for your troops and even risk losing them sometimes, you do not deserve them. For Gods sakes stand the F**k up. This one of the main reasons the Chief’s Mess is pushing back on the intrusion into the Intiation. We always said Chief’s make Chief’s not the Officers. We know what we want in a Chief, we know what the Officers want in a Chief, who’s view is going to benefit the troops more?
Amen, finally, the NCO corps, though retired ones, are doing what NCOs are supposed to do. They are doing the job that a lackey such as SMA Chandler should do. Chandler is more interested in licking the boots of his appartchnick masters than standing up for the troops. The troops especially the lower ranking enlisted ones can ill afford a cut in benefits. My challenge is to SMA Chandler, quit worrying about AR 670-1 and grow a set of balls, tell Odierno, Dempsey and there ilk enough. It has always been my contention that at Taco Tech, AKA The U.S. Army Sergeants Majors Academy, the graduates under go three operations, a castration, lobotomy and the excision of all spinal tissue. Please CSA Chandler, prove me wrong.
Maybe they should just cut the COLa on the 06 and above retiree’s. They all seem to get cushy contract jobs after retirement. I agree enlisted folks have a very hard time finding work after retirement. I was an MP, no work for me in that field due to age requirements of most police departments. I did however just take a job with the Federal Protective Services working for a Contractor. The pay is decent but a far cry from a decent living.
@5: The Chief’s mess folded long ago. The enlisted guys would not be filling out liberty plans or having daily special interest/sensitivity training in leu of combat training & maintenance for past decade if the Chiefs were doing their jobs. You will have to excuse me now. CPO 365 looms is & the CO’s upset for having to regulate it.
“Who is going to listen to a retired general preaching about our duty to take pension cuts in the ass?” The WH, MSNBC, and all of the lefties, that’s who. No one else. Such stars are nothing more than useful idiots for the left and that POS in the WH. (Hey, did he just do that again, call the current president of the United States a piece of shit? Um, yes, he did.)
@8 I did not say there was success in that push back. Of all the Chiefs we do make and pick The MCPON is not one of them. The CNO does. He is in charge of the Mess though.
CPO 365 where everybody gets a trophy. Funny how the CO has to regulate it when the downward spiral started with Tail Hook. Not many CPO Pilots.
See the Post Generals gone wild. Who the HELL is watching them.
In the late 90s the CMSAF actually wrote an article for the AF Times saying they weren’t really cutting benefits. Last time I ever cared to hear anything from the position. When they started letting the new Chief bring his boy with him instead of an independent selection, it changed from a position that carried concerns of enlisted troops up, to just another way for the brass to blow smoke up the ass of the troops.
When I think of all the Tax Dollars wasted in Iraq by contractors, corruption and idiots I wanna puke.
Congress could have saved more money faster by not letting illegal aliens have the tax break. The aliens are sending almost all of their money back to their families. The money is not going bac k into our markets. Also, no tax refunds to convicts serving time. Joe
“It is an honor and privilege to lead men in combat. The most difficult issue in this type of leadership is making life and death decisions involving men under me.”
Silence among today’s general’s and admirals (Pipe-down McRaven!) is deafening.
I guess money now does talk in today’s military.