Doomsday Prepper rats himself out

| January 18, 2014

Tyler Smith

Tyler Smith here made an appearance on the “Doomsday Preppers” a while back sporting his own homemade body armor and revealed his plan to raid other preppers to make up his own shortages in preparation. Apparently, his local cops decided that they should make their own preparations. I guess he is a felon and a sex offender who hadn’t registered with the local PD when he moved to Pierce County, Washington. From KIRO TV;

The problem is, Smith is a felon, convicted of communicating with a minor for immoral purposes and theft. He’s not supposed to go anywhere near a gun.

“Even if he doesn’t own the guns, he can’t handle, have those weapons, fire them (or) possess them in any way,” said Pierce County Sheriff’s Detective Ed Troyer.


Pierce county investigators say it was those claims, and Smith’s brazen use of firearms on camera that landed him back in jail. “What led us to this guy was himself. He put himself on TV and in newspaper articles and he did things that scared the neighbor,” said Troyer.

It looks to me that the onlt preparations he was making was storing up some energy (body fat) for lean times ahead. Sell off your Dunkin’ Donuts stocks while young Tyler languishes in a jail cell.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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All together now:

“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”


Doomsday preppers – gee, I miss those silly shows. And we still haven’t had the ‘end of the world’ event yet, so it kind of makes you wonder who is dumber – bernutsky, psul the uncool, or preppers.

Mike Kozlowski

…They just aren’t getting ANY smarter, are they?


OIF '06-'07-'08

Stupid is is stupid does!

OIF '06-'07-'08

@2, These idiots take this concept to the extreme.

Am I ready for some type of a situation like Katrina or super storm Sandy, where a lot of people suffered needlessly because they relied on the system to come to their rescue instead of relying on their selves, yes, but, there is a point where a lot of these so-called “preppers” are full blown paranoid wack jobs.


I don’t understand these people. We prepare for stuff, but it’s not for the Zombie apocalypse. We store food and water in case of an emergency like a natural disaster.

Old Trooper

@2: Not all of those “preppers” are waiting for the end of the world through government failure. Many of them, and their plans, involve natural disasters. In case you forgot, in the aftermath of “superstorm sandy”, most people weren’t prepared and women were turning tricks for a couple gallons of gasoline, others were dumptser diving within 3 days after the storm. I bet all those idiots were laughing at the show and preppers, too.

Old Trooper

Now, back to this turd; he needs to be dick punched……..several times.

Bubblehead Ray

Pretty small target OT. Might have to try many times.

OIF '06-'07-'08

@7&8, this idiot is just not the only one that Nat Geo finds for this show. There have been others whom have gotten into some type of trouble after the episodes that they were in aired.

My main gripe is that Nat Geo seems to go out of their way to find these nut jobs for this program instead of those whom take a serious look at being ready for damn near anything that ma nature or mankind can throw at them and as you have stated above, dumpster diving and selling yourself is not the way to rely on your self.


With this scuttlefu@k off the streets, we all have a beeter chance of surviving the ZOMBIE APOCOLIPS!


Just another criminal. Will give this one a couple of bonus points for using a slightly more imaginative platform for his criminality, but he lost those and a few others when he bragged about his criminality on TV.


A few more notes:

We will have a better chance to survive, because there will be much more to eat will him in jail.

He is sporting an INFIDEL patch on the right arm. He should wear DUMB on the right and ASS on the left.

I looked at the relative size and girth of this goon. And based on the angry looking disposition … There can be only one explanation: in order to maintain his robust appearance, he has inserted a 4 inch OD, Navy Damage Control Plug straight up his ass. Sealed with 1/2 oakum and 2 part marine epoxy, this fat ass is guaranteed to look like a goateed Uncle Fester (the molester) for the rest of his like.

Just sayin’.


And I’ll bet he thought Ed Troyer and PCSO wouldn’t find his ass hiding in Bonney Lake, WA. Heh.


Is it just me, or does he actually look sort of like an angry box turtle?

OldTrooper, I live in snow country, and I check the weather reports all the time, like any sensible person does. The minute they tell us anything over 1 inch of snow or 2 inches of rain, I hit the store for the freezer, fridge and pantry. When the Ground Hog Day blizzarde (2/2/11) hit, and there was a drift of snow 4+ feet high against my storm door, I could have stayed indoors until the snow melted, but that would have been boring. Some kind neighbors dug me out, and then I went out with my shovel. But I was ready, just like you, for hell and high water.

Turning tricks for gas is no way to go through life.

The Other Whitey

What a retard.

I’m not saying that I do any “prepping,” not saying I don’t, either. But if (hypothetically speaking) I was, the absolute last thing I would ever think about doing is go on TV and tell everybody and their dog where my stuff’s at, what I have, and what I plan to do.

Plus, I’m not a sex offender.

I also don’t walk around every day wearing surplus-store camo (except during deer season) and tacticool shit I bought on the Internet so I can look like a character model in Call of Duty.


“It looks to me that the onlt preparations he was making was storing up some energy (body fat) for lean times ahead. Sell off your Dunkin’ Donuts stocks while young Tyler languishes in a jail cell.” – John Lilyea


He’s the donut eating badazz, saving us from all those donuts that were preparing to roll us right over in a donut invasion of this country! 😮

2/17 Air Cav

That pose he is striking is one that is very popular with the reality TV types. I think it looks ridiculous. It says, “I’m tough. Beat the crap out of me.” I’m sure someone will accomodate him.


@1 What NHSparky said.


Youtube has a video of this self-styled “Apex Predator” getting his ass beat in 37-seconds in his first and only MMA match.

Old Trooper

@15: Well, I live in snow country, too (Minnesnowta, where we just got a little of the light fluffy stuff over night (5″)), and grew up on a farm, where they are the ultimate preppers. That doesn’t mean that most city folk understand what it is to be self sufficient in a natural disaster, or to be prepared for one. What the show does is actually give people tips on what they can do to be prepared for such things, no matter what the initial subject thinks is coming. Say, for instance, one guy who is waiting for the financial collapse. His preps may, also, work for someone who is getting ready for storm season or lives in hurricane or earthquake country.

What concerns me is that there are whole generations of people that think that milk and meat come from the grocery store and they wait around for the government, or someone else, to come and bail them out. I saw it here a couple years ago when a tornado tore up a couple of blocks, not miles, but literally 2 blocks, of a Mpls neighborhood. Well, they were all on tv whining about the government not getting there fast enough and that they had to wait in line to get hand outs from the Red Cross, etc. While they were whining, the tv camera caught something else in the background; people from outside of the neighborhood working to clean up the mess while the people that lived there stood around bitching. I’m not going to say anything further, about that, because I don’t want to be accused of being something I’m not.


Yeah, I gotta laud his commitment to improving public health. He’s made it his mission to eat those “evil, unhealthy” donuts that others might eat instead, thus saving them. (smile)

Apparently Run-DMC had many cousins named One-DMF.


@21, Yes, OT, in my little neighborhood we all get out and shovel snow off sidewalks, even if they aren’t ours. We dig each other’s cars out.

I grew up on a farm, too, so when a friend of mine bought a Brown Swiss cow to provide milk for her 4 boys, who went through 5 gallons a day, she made butter with the cream. She offered me some, and I took it. It was great for making cookies. But when she offered it to someone else, that person said “Good heavens, no! It came from your cow.” And Sandy said “Where do you think butter comes from?” “Well, from the store!” That was 1968, but same mentality.

I had fun growing radishes and basil, dill and parsley last summer. I may do tomatoes next summer, because I like the grape tomatoes.

Time to go kill a steer. Bernath!!!! I got something for you.

HS Sophomore

There’s a whole lot of shady people on this show. I personally happen to think a lot of them are a little funky up top (as inmedically, not just stupid). More than a few of them have made claims of being ex-SF/SEAL/sniper/assassin/recon ninjas. Matter of factly, Don Shipley actually sent out a query on facebook about a week ago asking for the name of a guy (apparently morbidly obese) who said on the show he was a SEAL.


“It looks to me that the onlt preparations he was making was storing up some energy (body fat) for lean times ahead. Sell off your Dunkin’ Donuts stocks while young Tyler languishes in a jail cell.”

LMFAO, freaking doosh wanna be!


@ 21, Old Trooper… I’m from Minnesota. 😀 Been well over 2 decades since I lived there though, I live in Hurricane country now.

As for Tyler Smith, his plan to steal other people’s weapons and ammunition stems from the top secret survival plan that he has cooked up… prior to stealing people’s weapons, he’s going to steal all their donuts, pastries, and snakes he could steal, then defend that steal with everything that he has. 😀

OIF '06-'07-'08

This IDIOT thinks that he is going raid others to steal what they have.

Well, lets look at this through a military tactical mindset, something very few of us here can do 😉

There is so many ways for him and his team(riiiight!!!!) to screw up and get hurt that I cannot even begin to start with that type of mindset he has. In a situation where there is no competent medical care period, how long do you think that Tyler Tubby(he must be the purple one)and his team(buuuullshit) would last in a complete or total apocalypse?

After looking at the pictures of him and his so called team, he might nwant to rename them the Teletubbies instead.


Not quite weapon’s grade stupid, but close. Guess I’m sort of a prepper, too, as I have a LP powered generator, plenty of dried and canned goods, deep well, firearms and ammo, and a stash of stogies and bourbon.

@23, Ex-PH2, try this simple salad that followed me home from Souda Bay, after you grow you ‘maters: slice the ‘maters (halve ’em, in you case) add a little s&p, fresh basil shreds, feta cheese, and extra virgin olive oil on top. Enjoy!

A Proud Infidel

Another lardball walking around in camo talking like he’s some badass, yeah, gimme a break! He too, looks like the kind of sniveling wannabe putz you’d see sitting on a bench or at a table in a large book store like Books A Million in clean camouflage clothes reading say, Soldier of Fortune or Guns & Ammo with a scowl on his face before going home to Mommy for a fresh peanut butter sandwich and some Kool-Aid! Anyway, he’s one of Bubba & Thor’s “‘lil bitches” now!


Maybe his plan is to just roll over buildings then send in his team to collect the remains? (Of the prepper targets’ stores, silly, not his remains!)

Not a good plan, but a plan none the less.

Byte Stryke

Color me skeptical.
I have seen and worked with an agency doing “predator traps” and the charge listed sounds allot like “He replied to our bait, but didn’t really do anything else. So this was all we could charge him with.”

When are you guys going to learn that “Zombie” is a euphemism in regards to preping

CI Roller Dude

…roofing tar as body armor? What a totally fuc–ng retard. I’d love to see his fat retard ass try and take stuff from other citizens who actually have brains.


Watched the episode and I told my wife if fat dummy tried that shit here his super armor would just make him heavier when his buddies were dragging him away…also why would nat geo even follow some moron who obviously is a criminal talk about being a criminal and raiding other peoples stuff?

Mr. Blue

A common or garden Mall Ninja. Please note the rotund physique common to the species. The cry of the common Mall Ninja involves boast of prowess, followed by an inability to actually put said boast into notible action.

The typical habitat of the Mall Ninja includes gun forums, FPS multiplayer games, small coffee shops, and gun retail locations, where they often regurgitate bits of misherd lore as proven facts.

If challanged, the Mall Ninja will put on a display of stories regarding fictional service during wartime.

OIF '06-'07-'08

@31, not knocking those that do prepare, hell, if you knew how many bricks of .22lr I have, I could probably fight World War ZZZ. The thing that gets me, is that the MSM finds these nut jobs to parade on national television and it paints us with the same damn stripe.

Believe me, I can pretty much weather any natural disaster, or short term disarray that can befall any civilized society, but the term “Zombie Apocalypse” has become an euphemism that just makes it look like we are all in the same boat IQ wise with young Tyler above.

That Guy

What a moron.
I especially like his boastful manner ‘all your shiny ar’s, blah blah blah’. Dude, you’re fat as hell. Anyone with eyes will see your rotund self rolling down the street a mile away.
‘This body armor is gonna be better than anything on the market’
Yeah, because the DoD and all those companies that’ve been working on body armor for decades don’t have access to roofing tar and shingle.
Seriously, dumber and dumber.


“Preppers” are nut bags.


He really does look like a land tortoise in that getup.

It’s probably one of those odd mutations that Darwin found in the Galapago Islands when he was sailing around with the Beagle.

You know what I mean: it’s that whole glowering hairless dome thing that says “I can steal your PB&J while you sleep, and the Ritz crackers, too.”


@27: Yeah, he wouldn’t last 5 minutes in my neighborhood.


Why is it I’m looking at that pic of him and all that comes to mind is, “Hey, nice tits!”


Mind bleach!!! Quickly!!!! Please!!!!

John S.

I would like to see how long he would last in the Englewood neighborhood of Chicago with that attitude of his. The ensuing hijinks would be most amusing.

A Proud Infidel

He reminds me of a lardheaded turd I used to work with who bragged that he too, was prior Military. He’d run his mouth that he got booted out of USMC Boot Camp for beating up his DI, and I laughed right in front of him every time he told me that! Yeah, he said he was gonna ” kick my ass” for laughing at him like that, and he clammed up when I said we could find someplace right there and then to “go behind the woodpile and find out”, works on blowhards like that every time! He also reminds me of the wannabes I see every time I go to a Gun Show, the ones dressed in Military camo, walking around with scowls on their faces,… Shit, I used to be an Over-The-Road (OTR) Trucker, I’ve been to or through every major city in CONUS with the exception of San Foofoo and San Diego, that cream puff wouldn’t last five minutes in any of them!!


It is amazing what modern fabrics are capable of – the fact that the ACS he was wearing didn’t explode off of him is proof :).

Just An Old Dog

Lots of these Prepper types are also into making their living giving lectures and teaching classes. They come off as people who actually hope the shit hits the fan so that can tell thousands of starving desprarate people Nanner nanner nanner


Mr. Blue@34, I assume that you are referencing the Mall Ninja Security thread. Someone posted that link on another thread here a few years ago, and that stuff was funnier than anything Paulie Boi ever posted. Can someone dig that up and link it here for those that may have missed it?

Virtual Insanity



When I arrive at church, I’m gonna say a prayer for Hack.Stone & Virtual. You two are *seriously warped*, brau… lmao!

OIF '06-'07-'08

@46, it has been years since I read that thread. I do believe it was one a Glock forum, and the mall ninja went by the name Geko45. I will see if I can find that forum if it still exist. This is what I have found in the meantime. WARNING, cover your screens and keyboards.