The Holder Effect

| January 10, 2014

In spite of the best efforts of the liberal media to first suppress news reports about the Knockout Game phenomenon, and then, when that failed, to poo-poo the idea that any such thing as this violent and obviously race-based crime even existed, the truth will out. Thanks to the internet, the liberal elites who censor the output of the major news organizations can no longer cover up events that fail to depict contemporary life as they wish it to be. But even if you don’t hear about it or read about it from one of their publications or networks, your chances of learning about these crimes are much better today than just a few years ago when the so-called mainstream media could effectively bury what was unfavorable to their vision of fit to print.

This inability to totally control the dissemination of news now causes the media establishment to put even more than their normal amount of spin on their output when they are forced to cover an issue or risk looking foolish for the outright denial of an ongoing crime wave that everyone knows is growing. For instance, when they are forced to cover this offense, they still will not use the actual name of Polar Bear Hunting because of its all too obvious racial implications. Unable to ignore it any longer, they play it down — especially the racial aspects of it, because that may put our black president, his black attorney general, and all those black and liberal white lawyers in Holder’s civil rights division in a bad light because they aren’t investigating what appears to be serial hate crime.

Which of course is true; our president is silent on what is a matter of growing public concern primarily among white Americans, who constitute, to date, all but one of the victims of this criminal game. That he remains silent when it is a particularly supportive and primarily Democrat demographic, white Jewish Americans, who appear to be the most at-risk group, offers even greater testament that the Obama administration and the Holder justice department are deliberately disinclined to prosecute hate crimes where blacks are the perpetrators and whites are the victims. Jewish Democrats should take heed of this policy where race trumps ideological loyalty.

Liberals who do acknowledge the existence of the Knockout Game and who its perpetrators are, trot out all the old chestnuts about racist white America being responsible for troubled black youth. I’d like to see Obama, Holder, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and other so-called black leaders and all their white liberal defenders watch this truly disgusting video and then tell us that we, white America, are responsible for such pathologies of black youth as the Knockout Game.

The latest example of a Knockout Game attack is going to make this head-in-the-sand policy a bit difficult to maintain but they are trying their best. The Daily Caller’s lead article from that day has the goods on a young black thug who assaulted an elderly white woman in Rochester, NY recently — and I do mean the goods, with Facebook videos, photos, and audio boasting that should enable the Rochester Police Department to put him away for a stretch on charges of harassment. Harassment? Yep — according to the RPD spokesperson, Sgt. Elena Correia, the crime committed by the appropriately self-styled True Goon Tocool Sneekey, appears to be harassment, not felony assault, even though True Goon allegedly struck the woman full in the face with his fist at the end of a roundhouse left. That’s some fairly serious harassment by anyone’s definition. And this is not RPD’s first attempt to play down this despicable crime. I’d dearly love to see that portion of the New York criminal code that Sgt. Correia claims to define such an act of felonious assault as harassment, wouldn’t you? Makes you wonder that if some white gun-loving male punched his wife in the face with his fist if that would be handled by the politically correct Rochester Police Department as a case of domestic harassment, hmmm? Any bets?

Update: New York Teen Arrested In Connection With Videotaped “Knockout Game” Attack On Elderly Woman

It is becoming increasingly disturbing that it is not just the Obama administration and the brown-nosed media that have attempted to sweep this new criminal activity under the rug but these local police departments. It’s happening all over the country, and not just in the major urban centers. I call this racialization of the law and criminality the Holder Effect, for it was the relatively new attorney general who famously announced that his justice department would side with his people.

Of course, the Holder justice department has not ignored the Knockout Game entirely. A recent such attack in Houston has been charged as a federal hate crime, and the perp is going to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Anyone care to guess the races of the perp and the victim? Mind you, I’m not defending the despicable behavior of this racist and probably mentally unbalanced jerk — just making the observation that out of the hundreds of these crimes that have occurred, the first Knockout Game perp to be charged by the justice department with a hate crime, and done so with great swiftness, is white.

Holder Effect, indeed…

Crossposted at American Thinker

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Legal

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Might want more facts: The only reason the Feds are involved is because the county attorney acted like he could give a damn about trying to get a conviction on the assailant. There was an extensive article in the Houston Chronicle today. The victim felt like he would get little justice, and so originally did not even come forward, until tracked down by an attorney who wanted to help. When they met with the DA, he lived down to all expectations and acted like he couldn’t give a shit – only then were the Feds given the case.


Anyone want to say there is no reverse racism in our country? At least that is what they use to call it. To me, it is simply racism played out in violence by the useless trash of society. Trash we support for multiple generations form cradle to grave.

Just An Old Dog

@1 If that’s the case the useless Feds should be bought in by every other victim, since apparently NO OTHER victim seems to be getting justice either.


Old Dog – No argument… just wanted to make clear that this particular case wasn’t the Feds champing at the bit to prosecute a white-on-black crime, but more getting dragged into it as a last resort. Which is as it should be – DAs across the country should be prosecuting the shit out of anyone who does this, black, white, purple, or pie-bald.


Sparks: Don’t get sucked in by the “reverse racism” meme. There is no such thing. Even if the term were taken to mean displaying an exceptional love for someone based upon the race of either, it would still just be racism.

There is a perfectly good definition of racism, and it applies universally.

Just An Old Dog

@1 “The victim felt like he would get little justice, and so originally did not even come forward, until tracked down by an attorney who wanted to help.”

In that case about every one who has been assaulted by the Knock-out game should go to the useless Feds, since apparently none of the local DA’s have the balls to call it what it is.

Herbert J Messkit

When I see these cases I think about ways to turn the rest of their lives into a lump of shit. If they go to jail make sure all the other prisoners know that they like to hit the elderly. When. They get out track them down and let future neighbors and employers know what a coward they are. but then I think they are beyond public shaming.


I don’t want to see the asshole in Houston get off, he deserves to go to jail. But, I’m betting that his defense attorney will bring up, at some point in his trial, that what his client did is NOT a hate crime when done by a black ute, only when it’s done by a white male.


@5 Sorry I thought I was saying it is not reverse racism. It is simply racism, period. For one race to target another for the purpose of violence is…racism. I watched the video posted of the adults talking to the small child about becoming a thug. All that went threw my mind besides disgust was…figures.


It’s only a hate crime if the victim is a minority. i.e, not white, not heterosexual. The entire “hate crime” pile of lies needs to be dismissed with all haste. Assault is assault, regardless of the color, gender, sexual orientation, or political orientation of the victim or assailant. That applies to any crime. The whole “hate crime” idea places one group of citizens as being more valuable than another. I read this thing once I think it said “all men are created equal”.


Actually, I think the cracker in Houston should get off just to get the point across to Holder and Company for the lackluster performances of the DOJ and D/A’s in general everywhere over these “harrassments”. Let the dog piling begin…


@10 Excellent point. Thank you and well said. Yes let the country and court system look at all crimes from that point of view. No one is lesser or greater than another. Justice would then, truly be…Blind. As it should always be.


@ #9: I probably read through your post too quickly. No harm no foul?


@13 We’re all good my friend.


@ #10: Yep. Been saying the same thing for years. Convict them of whatever crime is appropriate, without regard for details like skin color, whether they still have molars in their jaws, or the last time they got a pedicure. None of that matters in assessing guilt or innocence of having committed assault, for instance.

Now, if when targeting an individual for victimhood it can be shown that the criminal based the choice upon age or whatever of the victim, use it during sentencing.

2/17 Air Cav

It’s just another piece of the program aimed at different elements of the society that is being fundamentally changed.

“Education experts blasted a recent Department of Justice directive, which they say seems to advocate a racial quota system for punishing school kids for such transgressions as being late or chewing gum in class.” (There ain’t no “seems” about it.)

“Attorney General Eric Holder announced last summer that he was instructing federal prosecutors to stop charging nonviolent drug offenders with crimes that carry mandatory minimum sentences, a change affecting crack cocaine sentences that have disproportionately affected minorities.”
(See how that works? If you can’t affect the courts’ sentences by changing the law, you simply ensure that the defendant isn’t charged appropraitely.)

Oh, and if you haven’t been watching, The Emperor is packing the DC Court of Appeals with uber libs to rubber stamp his bullshit.

Both quoted paragraphs are taken from the same Fox News of 10 Jan 2014


Eric Holder= King of lawbreakers…aside from the other Shitcago dirt bag known as the Pied Piper.

defensor fortisimo

Polar bear hunting-so they’re looking for coca cola…
seriously though, as far as slurs go, this is pretty weak, especially when you take into account the fact that polar bears a)are not in fact white, their fur is in fact hollow creating the illusion of it being white, (their skin is actually black, which makes the implication even more interesting), and B) because it creates the illusion that what they’re doing requires a modicum of courage, (again, to borrow from real life, I would actually pay good money to watch one of these punks head down to the local zoo and play this game with the real thing).
The fact is the administration already admitted this was racially motivated when it charged a white youth in Texas with a hate crime for doing the same thing.