McCain sign called “slap in the face”

| October 12, 2008

A local business man decided to put a McCain/Palin sign in front of his business, on his own property in heavily Democrat Prince George’s County, Maryland (which borders the east side of Washington, DC) last weekend according to the Washington Post. Apparently, that simple gesture of expressing his personal opinion is somehow a “slap in the face” of the largely Black community;

Many local supporters of Democrat Barack Obama, jolted by the message as they headed down Branch Avenue on their Monday morning commutes, grabbed cellphones and BlackBerrys to notify friends. Operators of neighborhood e-mail group lists cried foul to their memberships. The NAACP logged calls. Community leaders demanded boycotts of the hotel, a common venue for Democratic events.

“Businesspeople have to be mindful of the sentiments and sensibilities of their market trading area, and Prince George’s County is overwhelmingly for Obama,” said community activist Arthur Turner of Kettering, who was among those advocating a boycott. “People I have talked to look at the sign as a slap in the face. They feel it was blatant disrespect. . . . I have heard people say they will no longer patronize Colony South because of that disrespect.”

The outcry over the hotel marquee tapped into the passion — and sometimes anger — that has characterized this fall’s presidential campaign. Supporters of Republican candidate John McCain have vented their rage at rallies this week, applauding thunderously as McCain’s running mate, Sarah Palin, accused Obama of “palling around with terrorists.”

90% of the District voted for John Kerry in 2004, PG County had to have been about the same. Obama signs and stickers are plastered across neighborhoods and cars like “Airborne” bumperstickers on Fort Bragg. But one businessman expressing a contrary opinion is somehow a slap in the face to the community.

Well, after thousands of angry phonecalls the businessman was forced to remove his sign under the threat of losing business. But, what underlies the whole incident, that the Washington Post won’t mention, is that the Black community in this area considers support for any other candidate except Obama as being racist – why else would a McCain sign be considered a slap in the face? Michelle Malkin writes that no matter what we do is considered racism.

That’s why Democrats are always surprised when their candidates lose elections…they don’t realize how large the opposition is to their candidates because they don’t allow us to be public about our opinions.

Heh! Welcome Hillary Clinton Forum readers.

Category: Politics

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Re: Your final paragraph:

“That’s why Democrats are always surprised when their candidates lose elections…they don’t realize how large the opposition is to their candidates because they don’t allow us to be public about our opinions.”

A blast from the past:

“In faculty clubs and in classrooms, as well as at public university functions, the prevailing speech assumes that anyone with moral discretion is a Democrat. As Pauline Kael once wrote, disbelieving the outcome of the Nixon-McGovern election of 1972, “Nixon can’t have won; no one I know voted for him.”


But think about it — I know where Colony South is and they put on a lot of special dinners and events and it’s a great place for meetings and business dinners and so on. It’s a very nice place.

So, that being said, I do think that the owner/owners should not display a sign like that. Would you be inclined to go to a restaurant that had a big Obama sign out front? This is not small neighborhood mom & pop family dinner restaurant, that had a sign by the register.

It’s aggravating, BUT it is NOT disrespect, it is not racist. That’s where they go over the line.

Asher Abrams

And somehow, the press can never find examples of angry, bitter leftists/liberals/Democrats.


Well don’t think I will not remember where I see Obama signs out front. Would hate to see any of my money wind up donated to the DNC coffers.

Putting up a McCain sign results in calls to the NAACP? I wonder if 911 fielded calls as well. /rollseyes


Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup…

Happy Sunday! Yet another fantastic day in America. Today’s pinup model, done by Gil Elvgren, entitled Keeping Posted, is wondering who all these people are who are getting letters in her mailbox from the Board of Elections
What is happening in …


He should have put a hot wire on it. It is a method used on the plains to keep cattle in a certain area, such as a stubble field. Very low voltage and very little current. All it gives is a shock.
It would have been a riot to see a left-tard scumbag obammy-hopey-changey burden on society pee on it. A friend of mine found one through about 18″ of snow once. LOL after 37 years.


I’m booking my next sales meeting there…let’s show our support for this guy.

Liberal Fascists…


Mr. Cassel, The place is in right in front of the hospital, so immediate care would be there!

But I would like to know can I also call the NAACP if I see an Obama sign somewhere that I don’t approve of?

Moonbat Hunter

Choose A or B.

A. I support McCain so I’m gonna put up a sign even though most people here support Obama.

B. I support McCain, but I’m surrounded by hysterical, low IQ infants who will flip out by the thousands, so I won’t put up the sign.

Seems to me that it would have been racist for this person to assume (Choice B) that he’s surrounded by morons. Though, perversely, he would have been right.




Disenthused as I may be with McCain/Palin right now, this is BS. But not expected from PG County.

Makes me want to go back to SE (the Anacostia part) and put up a McCain/Palin sign just as a social experiment.

richard wheeler

“Removed it under the threat of losing business” Wasn’t that obvious to this guy.If he’s stupid enough to put it up he should at least have the guts to leave it up.


I live in Price George’s county, I am black, and I support McCain-Palin. They are practicing thug politics. This county needs to get back to ethical behavior.

Outside Observer

#2…spot on.
Political races are all about aggravation. It is not a race of speed…..the date of the finale is always pretty well known.

The sign is nothing more than that, size of business or not. Businesses from the bottom to the top support their local favourite if it benefits them in doing so. Nothing new here…

Being on the the other side and considering it a slap in the face rules your own opinions mute I would say?

Outside Observer

Sorry…however that sounded. Not the opinions of #2…those of the ‘slapped in the face’ crowd. What were they saying?

Outside Observer

I am often amazed we liberals afford ourselves rights of condemnation not allowed of our detractors. I thought that went entirely against the grain?


Gotta love the organized censorship tactics of the Obama thugs. They hack websites, commit vandalism, disrupt rallies and campaigns, produce some of the worst smears in the history of politics, (just ask Sarah Palin) try to suppress votes, and now the fascist Obamabots have threatened jailfor his critics.

The shit they pull is a slap in the face to free speech.

Dave B

Did the NAACP get any calls when the school teachers in NYC wore Obama pins? How about when the school kids were forced to sing an Obama song? I bet they thought that was just great and didn’t understand how unbelievably creepy that was to anyone with a memory of Nazi Germany or anyone that keeps up with the goings on in North Korea. How about ACORN workers harassing people to register to vote for Obama? I’m losing faith in the people of this nation. It seems the mindless lemmings are beginning to outnumber people who can actually think for themselves and have their own opinion.


[original message deleted by Jonn Lilyea]

Jonn wrote: Yeah, I’m sure you thought that was funny, Reggie, but I thought it was truly racist and we don’t roll like that here.


Yeah, I know, racist, like that sign….lol. You people are amazing…


I am afraid we live in a nation of idiots. There are sufficient numbers on the left to elect the man. The MSM has fixxed this election. They controlled the GOP nomination process, and now they are suppressing anything negative about Obama as well as anything positive about McCain. They are allowing the ‘failed Bush policies’ mantra to continue unabated in spite of its’ absolute LACK of truth. The MSM has competely covered up the the FACT that the Democrats are the ABSOLUTE people who bear Responsibility in this stock market crash. They have completely covered up the FACT that the economy was growing and jobs were in abundance UNTIL the 2006 election. The democrats have destroyed our economy, inflated gas prices, doubled livestock feed prices, shifted millions of acres from food production, and crashd the value of the dollar…all in two years. This is not partisan wailing, this is ABSOLUTE FACT! You can google it all….its there. Now I am not so naive to think that there are those of you on this board who disagree with me, but you folks cannot prove ANYTHING without using far left websites(alternet) that have no basis in truth. I also know that there are those of you who are such sheep, that even if B. Hussein Obama went on national TV and ordered a hit on your mother, you would still vote for him while bemoaning a ‘vast right wing conspiracy’. The question I would want those of you who consider yourselves intelligent independent thinkers and are planning to vote for B. Hussein Obama is: Are you a communist/socialist/blacksupremist? or do you simply feel that someone can hang around with those types of people all their lives and not be one of them? What will you do when he comes for your rights? Your Gun? Your money? Your Property? I can hear it now ‘Oh you are crazy Vidman, he can’t do that.’ Can’t he? He has both houses. He may have a super-majority by the time the White-wash is complete. Who is gonna stop him? Nancy Pelosi? Harry Reid? Do you… Read more »

old grandma

What happened to freedom of speech? I guess if you are liberal you have freedom of speech, but if you are a conservative just keep your mouth shut. What a load of crap.
This is a sign of things to come if Obama gets elected. Russia here we come!