Is This Just Crazy Uncle Joe or Something Else?

| October 11, 2008

Dan Riehl notices a change in the talking points coming from the left.

ST. JOSEPH, MO – Joe Biden echoed the campaign’s response to continued Republican efforts to highlight Obama’s past associations, adding a personal touch to the idea that McCain wasn’t willing to make the attacks in person.

“All of the things they said about Barack Obama in the TV, on the TV, at their rallies, and now on YouTube … John McCain could not bring himself to look Barack Obama in the eye and say the same things to him,” Biden said this morning. “In my neighborhood, when you’ve got something to say to a guy, you look him in the eye and you say it to him.”

Riehl makes an excellent point that seems to be very strange behavior from a campaigning point of view.

With three weeks until the election and an RCP polling advantage of +7.6 it seems very risky to launch an “in your face” attack against a bona fide war hero. Maybe they are trying to provoke McCain into saying something very angry to paint him as mean spirited and lacking the temperament to be president.

To me that might make sense but it doesn’t address the risk. If McCain blows up screaming like Howard Dean, it will work. If he calmly smacks Obama down (Face to Face), Obama is punked and his already perceived weakness is confirmed.

Why take the risk?

Running a successful presidential campaign is not unlike coaching a Super Bowl champion. Every play is measured in terms of risk and reward. Without reward you rarely see risk.

Case in point, November 19, 1978 in the Meadowlands. New York Giants fans recall it simply as “the fumble”.

On third and four with 31 seconds to play against the visiting Eagles, everyone in the stadium expected the Giants to snap the ball, take a knee and win the game 17-12. This was even more predictable as the Giants had taken a knee on the previous play forcing the Eagles to use its last time out.

There was no way in hell the Giants were going to try to run a play. But they did.

Amazingly they decided to hand the ball to Larry Csonka who promptly fumbled it. The Eagles’ cornerback Herm Edwards scooped it up and ran it back for a game winning touchdown.

Why is the Obama camp not taking a knee?

And with time running out, why on earth give the ball to Joe Biden?

Interesting times indeed.

Category: Politics

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Interesting observation and good point. Just why is he still reacting?

Deserves an ATTABOY… well, I didn’t see it clearly anyway.


“Eat At Katies”

richard wheeler

What Biden is saying is Mac knows it’s B.S. being spewed by Repub.commercials
and the designated attack bitch and not something an officer and gentleman like McCain would personally give credence to.Either that or he’s saying Mac is afraid to say it to Obama’s face.I prefer to believe the former.


I know people in St. Joseph and biden got away lucky. He could have been bitch-slapped by the good folks there.