Wedding party droned in Yemen

| December 14, 2013

I’ve been hearing about this the last few days, but Yemenis are pretty upset that 17 people of a wedding party in Yemen got their asses droned the other day. At first, it was billed in the media as a case of mistaken identity, but it turns out that there were indeed some members of al Qaeda in the perfectly innocent celebration, according to The LA Times;

The death toll reached 17 overnight, hospital officials in central Bayda province said Friday. Five of those killed were suspected of involvement with Al Qaeda, but the remainder were unconnected with the militancy, Yemeni security officials said.

U.S. drone strikes have become commonplace in Yemen, where government measures have proven ineffectual against what is considered one of the most virulent Al Qaeda offshoots in the region.

However, civilian deaths like those in Thursday’s strike have inflamed popular sentiment against both the U.S. and the fragile central government.

Yeah, that’s what I’d heard, too. Maybe if wedding parties don’t want to be droned, they’ll scour their guest lists for al Qaeda members. But, when I want the truth, I do what most of you do, I go to The Duffel Blog, which reports;

According to the Air Force, the now-suspended [teleworking] operator, whose name is being withheld for security reasons, was in the midst of both controlling his MQ-9 Reaper over a suspected enemy compound in Yemen while simultaneously playing with a kitten on his desk.

Apparently the cat suddenly jumped on the keyboard, resulting in the Reaper launching half-a-dozen missiles at a wedding party, killing fifteen.

Sounds plausible.

Category: Terror War

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Found this just the other day when doing research:

“What is it that the Bush administration’s European critics like so much about civilian casualties?” — Rich Lowry in 2002

That was from 2002, when America’s critics wanted President Bush to give our enemies protection under the Geneva Conventions.

If they want to hide among civilians then we have to find them among civilians.


If it’s on TDB, it’s gotta be true, right?




So what is the problem here?

Look at it this way:

Just prior to meeting your 72 muslim virgins, you get to hang out with a bunch guys that like boys when they want (wink), the women are covered from head to toe (thank God), everyone gets to eat goat head brain and rice with their fingers, while getting their drink on.

Party on …

2/17 Air Cav

I understand the drone crashed the wedding smack dab between the Chicken Dance and The Macarena. Here, they’re nearly as bad as Makin’ Bacon Pancakes. Don’t thank me.

2/17 Air Cav

Wifey: “What the heell are you doing in there?”

Me: “Just the Chicken Dance, honey.”


I agree with the general consensus. If you are willing to invite/hide terrorists to/amongst your wedding party when you know full well that drones are looking for said terrorists, then…screw you and duck! It is like the Iraq war incident when a wedding party was really rockin’ it on and as usual for any avant-garde Muslim wedding or festivity, shooting their AKs into the air, just when an A10 was on patrol and reported receiving ground fire and responded in kind. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, as someone else here always says. I never liked these dumb f@ckers. I don’t like their customs and I HATE that noise the women make with their tongues for seemingly any occasion.


During major operations in Iraq, it was reported that, when Islamist terrorists send people off on a suicide mission, they sometimes hold a party first, and call it a “wedding.”


Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen…its always a wedding party

So either we have a program that specifically targets wedding parties…or these stories are complete and utter BS designed to provoke an anti-US reaction

The funny thing is AQ has no need to switch up the story…say the bombing of a bake sale, kids soccer game, renaissance fair, etc..or some other emotional tear jerker

They don’t have to..because US haters and self hating American will fall for the ol’ wedding party story every time

I bet they laugh their man dress covered asses off every time one of these stories makes the headlines

Just An Old Dog

We could always go back to carpet bombing.


Didn’t we used to hear a lot about such things during the Iraq War?

From what I recall, on those “wedding parties” that got blowed up, that our guys investigated, it’d turn out to be a whole bunch of insurgents w/weapons but no wedding.

My kneejerk is to put such “wedding got droned!” into samey same category as that AFP article that showed the reporter and some old Paki tribal dude standing next to what might have been a crater, with an old Sov 152mm arty bullet with lift ring still in the fuse well… as proof of Evil America Killing Civilians with Drone!


It just saddens me that the media and idiots just eat this type of shit up…but u don’t see them up in arms when one of our own gets desecrated or blown up by some stone age suicidal maniac



Veritas Omnia Vincit

F#ck the drones, it’s time we declared and actual war on these f@cking sh1tholes and started dropping tens of thousands of old fashioned stupid bombs on wedding parties, slumber parties, birthday parties, office retirement parties, AlQaeda training parties, naughty Burka parties, and all of the non-party daily activities that these 4ssholes do while they harbor our enemies amongst them.

We send a drone and kill fifteen people, big deal….send 100 B52s and kill tens of thousands, if they want to complain let’s give them some real numbers to work with…


@14 Amen and Amen!

Pinto Nag

@14 Preach it, VOV!


Aren’t our nukes like, really dusty??

I mean it’s been almost 70 years….why don’t we just lob a few of those in the Middle East? They’re cheap.
A few million dollars each??
