Stephen Kowalyshyn; Marine Sniper Phony
Meet Krazy-K, the Marine Sniper who is so decorated, it’d make you jealous. His real name is Stephen Kowalyshyn. You can tell he’s a sniper because he’s rockin’ that stainless steel Mini-14 and it has a scope – only snipers use scopes, wear black berets and sun glasses inside. I know you won’t believe it until you see the dog tags outside his shirt, but you’ll have to go to Scotty’s to see that.
Anyway, here’s what he claims when he’s trolling Facebook;
You’re jealous, right? Well, he’s so bad ass that he earned all of that bling in just 36-days;
Yeah, he was actually an entry level discharge because he never disclosed some psychiatric treatment prior to enlistment for depression. And his shoulder hurt.
Category: Phony soldiers
Ok; is it me, or does this look like a very bad combination i.e. dude gets the hook from the Marines, because he didn’t disclose psych issues, yet there are pics of him with several firearms……………..I’m just sayin’ that maybe someone with some law enforcement pull would like to alert the proper peeps that they need to check this walking clusterfuck out before we have another mass shooting that could have been stopped.
I’m serious as a heart attack on this.
Don’t worry, when he does snap, the media will be sure to reference that he was in the Marine Corps.
Which side of The Force is stronger in him, douche or STUPID?
I think we have our first war hero that literally ate the secret squirrel.
@3 I’ll take ‘stupid’ for $300.
Well, Ex-PH2, if you replace “douche” with “sh!tbaggery”, I’d debate you. I think the guy’s easily smart enough to know full well that he’s a LSoS – and doesn’t care a bit so long as he gets something out of his lies. To me, that’s a perfect example of sh!baggery in practice.
Snipers must be at least a division sized unit
Is that why he has a gun in his pants, Hondo?
I’d categorize that as ‘plenty stupid’.
Probably has anger issues, too. Loaded weapon, walking around loose.
All we need is a ND from that pistol, and he won’t be reproducing. Does his mommy know he’s running around in her basement dressed like that?
As for those of you concerned about a kook like that running around with firearms, I have to say DITTO!!
Why does not someone forward all this info to the local Law enforcement…..a history of psych issues, and he has firearms??
Its only a matter of time before his face winds up in the news with tragic headlines.
Wow, 36 days in the Corps, he must have made it a career.
There were certainly days that seemed like years …. but then again, I wasn’t a highly decorated sniper either.
A middle management type at All Point Logistics.
No more, no less.
Jeebus, what a freakin’ douche rocket.
@11, I’m not either, Cato, but at least my mini-14 is gunmetal blue.
This one is too easy. Facebook commando. Not that they are not douche buckets too, but I don’t put them in the same category as the asswipes that walk around in public wearing the uniform. The guys a Flickto posing for pictures in his mommies basement. As for the “weapons” he admitted on Scotty’s page that its a friends BB gun. The pistol is probably the same. As far as mental issues it would be up to a shrink to make the call. From what I’m seeing he had “depression” issues. If everyone who had “depression” Issues were banned from having firearms we would have a lot of our population disarmed.
The mental issue should be for those who are legitally considered to be harmful to themselves or others, or have seriuos anger issues.
Doc Savage: I’d be wary of taking that tack, amigo. It’s possible all the guy did was go in for some counseling as a teen due to depression and got treatment for same. That would constitute a “history of psychiatric treatment”. If he failed to disclose that prior to enlisting, it would be grounds for the USMC throwing him out. Remember, that happened in 2000 – the USMC (and the rest of the military) weren’t exactly hurting for people then.
Folks with serious mental issues do indeed need to be prevented from owning firearms, for their safety and the safety of others. But taking the position that anyone who’s ever been in counseling should lose their 2nd Amendment rights is hugely farther than I’d ever want to go. I want to see a court-order of mental incompetence – or a felony conviction – before someone loses rights guaranteed by the Constitution.
Looks like another maggot who pissed himself when the Drill Instructors introduced themselves to the Platoon for the first time. He was probably weeded out within the first week of training.
Then he returns home with a fresh new hair cut & wearing civilian clothes. He is such a top secret squirrel that the Corps didn’t issue him a uniform.
We’ve seen this scenario played out time and time again. Hopefully this exposure will cause him to grow up. And quit claiming to be something he isn’t. I highly doubt it though.
Nothing screams 1986 like a Mini 14 and 90 minute cassette tapes (in the background)
Rock it brother
Bet a paycheck he has some Lionel Ritchie and Def Leppard in that collection
@17 Scotty, I think the guy is a bit past the age when his level of maturity will change. He went to boot camp in 2000, at a minumum the guy is 30 years old.
@16 Hondo doubleplus check on that. Oxygen-wasting organisms like Fienstein are already trying to disarm combat vets based on the POSSIBLITY of them having mental issues. It’s a slippery slope when we have anyone who visits a mental health specialist slammed on the “no buy” list.
As far as Special “K” and his mental history. I am betting he was an “SI” in training. A Suicide Ideation was a fast ticket out of training. Have been at the other depot when he was at PI I remember the environment was one that if a recruit so much as talked about self-harm it was a trip to the wizard and a good chance of a discharge. If he self reported any previous counseling or meds ( remember ritalin was handed out like candy to kids in the 90s) he was taken at his word. The Corps would gladly believe him because that would make him a Fraudulent Medical, which meant he had zero chance of coming back later and blaming the Corps. It also looked better on the stats.
How did a dumb as a bucket of shrimp fucktard like him, even make into boot camp to begin with,this taint is clearly a sandy hook case waiting to happen.
@18- plus, stainless mini-14s were the weapon of choice for the A-Team. Though he doesn’t have the wire frame folding stock, his has a scope. B.A. never had one of those.
And at your 19- he looks more like a Pat Benetar fan. I AM THE WARRIOR!
Jealous? Of a guy who sticks a gun in his pants aimed at his crotch?
Far from jealous, but laughing so hard it almost hurt.
Here’s my litmus test for finding sniper posers-everybody who says they’re one wasn’t. Given that there’s only three hundred USMC Scout Snipers in operator billets at any given time in the entire Marine Corps, I don’t foresee any potential problems with that strategy.
“Ex-PH2 Says:
December 14th, 2013 at 3:55 pm
Jealous? Of a guy who sticks a gun in his pants aimed at his crotch?
Far from jealous, but laughing so hard it almost hurt.”
PH2, my guess is it would be a miracle with an ND if he actually hit anything vital.
“Killer” Kowalyshyn needs to put away the toys, grow up, and stop making a fool of himself on Facebook; this shit’s gettin really old, really fast…
@19. I’d bet that somewhere in his collection is “Abba’s Greatest Hits”.
Has anyone gone on his FB page and told him that he’s a
‘liar, liar, pants on fire’? Just curious about that.
Would it even matter if someone did? People like this are so far gone they believe their own bullshit.
Nobody else does, but hey, it’s all about making themselves feel better, right?
@ 28,
EX-PH2,I checked out both of his FB pages. The guy is so pathetic I can’t see me jumping on him. He has huge self-esteem issues. Unless he starts going out in public with a uniform, or trying to scam money I’m just satisfied with him being outed as a bullshitter.
I agree fully.
Last thing we’d want to do is give the psycho industry more power. Unfortunately, I don’t have the link but a few days ago I read an article that said a recent study found that peeps can get PTSD from watching TV.
PTSD from TV.
Think about that for a bit.
Too many in the psycho industry believe everyone is mind broken. It’s just a matter of getting everyone diagnosed.
#28 Someone must have, FB page is all cleaned up minus the dumb pictures. His alternate page is deleted now.
Hard to believe that this guy was married and has a kid that he whines about. His ex wife must’ve sped away as fast as possible.
teddy996@22, The Warrior was sung by Patti Smyth and her band Scandal. Pat Bentar did perform Love Is A Battlefield, so maybe he caught the PTSD from that song.
@16: I agree with you, Hondo, but what I was getting at is he needs to be checked out by law enforcement now. If it was merely depression as a kid, then fine, they can go along their way, but I believe it does need to be checked. Not to take away or deny his 2nd Amendment rights, but rather to make sure his cheese is still on his cracker. No different than if I’m walking sown the street open carrying and the cops stop to check me out. It doesn’t mean they can take my gun or tell me I can’t, but to make sure I’ve got my permit to carry. I have no problem with that.
I love the Jesus Gun.
Appears to be an old school six-shooter. At least it will not jam.
A very semi-tough individual.
For Nam vets who were snipers, they just should “sniper”. The Sandbox Marines say Scout/Sniper, always Scout before Sniper. A quick way to spot a poser. Joe
You know I was gonna send him a hateful message, however, I mean he has serious self-esteem issues. I feel sorry for him and personally believe that he doesn’t need any more crap. I am worried about him becoming an active shooter in the future.
The one time I stopped by his Facebook page (about 2 days ago), he had a photo of a knife that he “keeps underneath his pillow”. If you leave a knife under your pillow, does the Knife Fairy come in the middle of the night and leave you a dollar?
@ 38. Steve. STOP. You need to call the police. Don’t come here and reveal your worst thoughts. If you believe this person is a danger to himself or others, you have a moral obligation to report it to authorities. END.
Nifty picture, I wont sleep tonight. I bet he plays horde….
Alrighty then… that is my picture, it was when i was home on leave in the 80’s. Why is that looser using my picture! who do i have talk to get my picture off of here?
It’s sad that I actually dated him but I cans say this, that isn’t even a real pic of him, that’s his stepfather, he was posing as, he is also a women beater and blame it on ptsd from the military and I’m not proud that I dated him but I did and I’m glad it’s over
why r u even on here go away no likes u u got three of ur kids taken away good job goooo away