Arapahoe High School shooter
I was going to write something like I normally do when one these shootings happened like the one in Colorado yesterday where the shooter killed himself after wounding two fellow students. But, it turns out I don’t have to write anything because it wouldn’t come close to what our buddy, Nicki wrote at her place, The Liberty Zone, so you should click over and read it.
Category: Guns
The writer at The Liberty Zone nailed it. This man, 18 years old, was just too into himself. He could not take a small setback in life and decided to turn to something he vocally hated, a gun, to make his “debate” point and have his last word. Who will the liberal media blame now? He was one of theirs. But I cannot wait to hear how CNN and MSNBC will spin this into an evil gun theory. They will propose more gun laws because we know guns kill people all by themselves. They will NOT propose arming school staff or making sure special little snowflakes like Karl Pierson, are merely special in their own mind and not “flakes”.
Sounds about right, spoiled little lefty used to getting his way and pampered cant possibly be at fault and culpable for his actions. sounds about on par with the “affluenza” defense the other day. stupid spoiled kids have never been responsible for anything in their lives, how can we make them responsible now? have to find someone else to blame, because it cant be the darling spoiled kids
The sheriff said today that from the time the shooter entered the school until the time he killed himself, it was only 1 minute and 20 seconds.
The over-reaction by dozens of school scared may children. One of my friends said her daughter’s school, 5 miles away, was locked down until 4:30 but the children were not told that the shooter was in another school. They all thought he was in THEIR school and were hysterical by the time they were released. Even schools 30 miles or more away were on lockdown or lockout.
This is a good school, my kids have competed against them in sports and music. 90% of the kids go to college.
We’re all hoping and praying that Claire Davis pulls through, her family reports that she is not doing well. He shot her point-blank in the head with the shotgun.
Oh yeah, the shooter legally purchased the gun on Dec 6th and legally purchased the ammo a few days later. He also had 3 homemade bombs with him, one of which he was able to set off. So which additional gun laws would have prevented this?
One more… the reason the shooter was suspended in Sept is because he threatened to kill the debate coach.
Ace of Spades has some good coverage of this as well…especially in calling out the Denver Post for their editing out of their original story that the scumbag hated Republicans/conservatives and was an avowed socialist.
Nicki nails it. Perfect case of a little snowflake who has been told all his life that his shit didn’t stink, and the first time he was, he lost it.
Memo to little snowflakes–you can debate like no other, but you don’t make the rules. You follow them. And when you don’t, you just pay the consequences when you break them, and this kid is a prime example of what can happen if you don’t say “NO” once in a while and mean it.
Prayers for those injured and their families.
Absolutely agree that nothing can be said to improve on what Nicki said. Well done!
Do have one question: Following libby logic, may we now call all libbies terrorists, since this one was? That is what they ALWAYS do, so it would only be fair, right? Err, left? Err, correct??
Backing up what #6 said:
Seems the darlings have been on the wrong track. Want to cut down on school massacres? Ban leftists.
I can’t wait until Tuesday with Claymore…
It was the school resource officer who caused the shooter to kill himself:
“The entire incident took 80 seconds. Why no longer? Because within that time “the shooter realized the school resource officer was running towards him,” 9News reports. Arapahoe County Sheriff Grayson Robinson continues, “He [the officer] was going to contain this situation. We believe that the response from the school resource officer, the response from the unarmed school security officer, was absolutely critical to the fact that we did not have additional injury, and/or death. One minute and twenty seconds from the time that the individual entered the school, until he took his own life.”
Good riddance to a POS leftist. Unfortunately two innocents were hurt. May this worthless commie burn in hell with his fellow travellers Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Chavez, the list goes on and on.
He was a very vocal Communist, not a Socialist. The Socialist label is being used instead because it’s a more friendlier term today. Communism was the evil of the 20th century resulting in the deaths of over a hundred million why is it fucking acceptable to wear the same imagery which played a part in that crime against humanity without any red flags being raised? Kid was a fucking nut, openly displayed he was a fucking nut, and finally acted upon it and suddenly everybody is surprised? GTFO is our country that retarded now? Kids wearing Communist imagery in a fucking school should be treated just the same as a kid wearing a swastika.
Why do I have this feeling his parents were two of our Bleeding Heart Liberal “Brethren”?
I guess I could be wrong above. But I don’t think I am.
I’ll just leave this link right here.
Whatever the left-leaning media does to try to disassociate itself from these people, they can’t do it. Eventually, it comes home to roost.
Would that these meltdowns just suck a bullet right up front, and save everyone else a lot of pain and heartache. Thoughts and prayers to the young lady and her family.
Great article, Nicki.
As for the young nutbar………yeah, he was one of those that thinks they are much smarter than the rest of us and that their ideology and actions shouldn’t be questioned by the masses, because they can run our lives better than we can. I can say that if I lose an argument to someone I perceive as less intellectual, I don’t resort to shooting them.
Thanks, guys. OT – I think it’s deeper than that with this narcissistic assnugget. He thought he was smarter and better than his political opponents. He thought his wicked awesome debating skills entitled him to that arrogance. And when he was booted off the debate team for… whatever it is he did, it just didn’t fit his worldview of himself, so the precious, spoiled, entitled snowflake just couldn’t take that! It’s pretty disgusting,
In all seriousness, it is that being spoiled thing which drives it all. What they want is all that matters. They are honestly surprised that not everyone else agrees with them or cares about their opinion.
With their fragile little egos, is it really surprising that they cannot handle disappointment? From their view, the entire world is supposed to bend to their will. Their heads must explode when they discover that what they want is of no concern to others.
SLS syndrome strikes again!
A similarity to Columbine appears, here, in that the shooter was known to be violent and a threat.
The “gun free zone”strikes again. Friggin libs will never learn.
Did I understand the coverage correctly this morning? The resource officer was an armed sheriff’s deputy? If that is the case, this one actually proves what most of us have been saying all along – even one armed officer (or someone) will at least reduce the total number of dead/injured.
Looks like it was a Sheriff, an unarmed school security officer (guess they’re well trained in the use of harsh language), and two administrators. Had it not been for them, this could have been much worse. Thank god for ARMED school resource officers.
@23. Yep, the school resource officer was armed. And, it does validate the concept that a bad guy with a gun will be stopped by a good guy with a gun.
Think is when the bad guy saw a good guy who was also armed, he tucked tail and ran. Pure cowardice.
@15. That truthy stuff so sucks! It just ruins everything! Bad truthy!
The truth always sucks when you’re a liberal!!
I am thankful for the armed security guard. I guarantee, he saved lives! Liberals should take a BIG lesson from the school having him there. But…alas, they won’t.
How true, Sparks, I’m surprised the liberal media didn’t write the headline: “Shotgun Grabs Kid and Makes Him Commit Murder/Suicide”.
Not that it changes the sentiment that you express, Sparks, one with which I completely agree, but as I understand it, there was an armed sheriff’s deputy at the school serving as the resource officer, AND an unarmed security guard. They both were reported to run to the sound of shots fired, with at least one school administrator.
Doesn’t change a thing, but sometimes the details are important. Libbies are easily confused, and attempt to confuse the rest of us. It helps when we use small words and make simple, factual statements. 😉
@31 Thanks for the info OWB! We do have to be careful when talking with liberals. What they understand they twist, what they don’t they dismiss.
Note to all: you have to remember that liberals suffer from a condition my father labeled ‘lazy intellect’.
They despise real intelligence because they have none. They make up words because they don’t know how to use a dictionary. They think they’re clever when all they do is mimic someone else. They have difficulty with words of more than one syllable and if a sentence has more than ten words in it, they don’t understand it.
You see a perfect sample of it in that dimwit vwprotestor and other little daisies like him.
I’m not one to promote whacking kids, but sometimes, I wonder if smacking their behinds occasionally is really such a bad idea. The failure of the SLS parents is that they do not use the word ‘NO’ at all, never mind enough.
No problem. That is what the sheriff said in a presser which aired this morning. Who knows what the story might be by tomorrow.
PH2 – fastest neural connection is the big one between a child’s butt and it’s brain. It burns out easily so it should be stimulated only very rarely – but when used correctly, it is very, very effective. 3 kids (now grown) and 5 grandkids will attest to that.
This won’t be any different than any of the others. And I’m not buying the “we don’t understand” business from his parents, either. Denial — yes. Ignorance — no.
Right now, I will cut the parents some slack simply because they are in raw grief mode here. But somewhere down the line, they need to come to terms with it. Sometime after they bury him.
Meant to ask earlier – does it seem that a disproportionately high number of these nut cases has a parent in the public school system? What’s up with that??