The Duffel Blog in the Washington Post

| December 2, 2013

The Washington Post has noticed the Duffel Blog, but more importantly, I’m sure, to it’s founder, Paul Szoldra, Marine General Mattis has noticed, too;

“Duffel Blog is a beautifully crafted response to an increasingly stuffy environment in today’s America,” said retired Gen. James Mattis, a former head of U.S. Central Command who has been parodied in several items. “Duffel Blog reminds us of much of what we in the military fight for — the freedom to think our own way and to laugh about the absurdities without being mean-spirited.”

Paul Szoldra, a former Marine sergeant, came up with the concept almost by accident. While developing a Web site designed to help veterans succeed in college, he penned a couple of satirical posts that got far more attention than his tips for student vets.

I had lunch with Paul last year in Tampa and he’d heard that General Mattis had said of The Duffel Blog that former Marines had too much time on their hands if they were spending it writing satirical pieces about the retired commander. Paul used to write here as StrikeFO back when he had time, but, his family, his creation The Duffel Blog and his new career at Business Insider takes him away from us now. Regardless, we wish him continued success, not that he needs our blessings.

I love it when veterans make it on their own and Paul is a shining example for all of us.

Category: Bloggers

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DB rarely does *not* elicit at least a chuckle to a hearty guffaw from me.
Well Done.


Well done Duffel Blog and Paul, Here-Here! Keep it going and coming!


sadly (?) too often the Duffel Blog is more accurate than actual news.
OTOH, the recent article “I hate you all” had me crying. I am shamelessly stealing that and keeping in ready for my change of command………


If only I had a nickel for every time some outraged or panicked division staffer came to me with something they read in the Duffel Blog, I’d not be concerned about military pay & benefits that the NY Times editorial board so graciously offered up to be cut/reduced yesterday.

I’ve actually had to put out several times in meetings that Duffel Blog is not teh realz, but it doesn’t seem to have an effect.

Old Trooper

One of my all time favorites was the DI that ripped out a trainee’s heart and snuffed out his soul. I laughed so hard I had tears. Always good stuff at the Duffel Blog.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Too many people take themselves and their position so seriously they can’t find the humor in the reality of their situation. No one is so self-important the world will end should they not wake up tomorrow and that includes our leadership….

I am reminded of the Norman Vincent Peale quote: Drop the idea that you are Atlas carrying the world on your shoulders. The world would go on even without you. Don’t take yourself so seriously.


Ptolemy, some people are simply too dull-witted to understand the difference between reality and satire. Take, for instance, Jonathan Swift’s ‘A Modest Proposal’,

If one takes it at face value, it is repellent at the very least, but presented with such understatement that it appears to be sincere, rather than straight-faced satire.


@4–but that’s the mark of great satire/bullshit–it’s 1–believable, 2–at least 80 percent true.


The LT locked in the car had my 16YO son in stitches.


@8 Well, sure…but is it too much to ask of individuals to do a quick internet search on the Duffel Blog before reporting to me on a “media outlet” engaging in the “smearing” of key leaders?

That simple act would spare them the eye roll & they might even benefit from the humor effect of said satire.


I’d never looked at the about page for DB, but I knew… just knew, it had to be an enlisted Marine who done it.

The DB stuff mimicked the standard issue barracks scuttlebutt way too closely to be accidental.

An episode of such from the early ’80s. The real reason for the space shuttle? They’re gonna put MEUs (called MAUs back then, iirc) in space aboard shuttle fleets so’s we can rain down hellfire and discontent anywhere at any time.

What had so many of us interested in seeking out and joining up with the new Space Marines?
1. Just think of the Sea Story opportunities!
2. Just think of the libo range! In our minds, any city with an airport was within the Space Marine Fleet’s Libo AO.
3. Life aboard a space ship can not possibly suck worse than life aboard a navy ship.

Seriously. A whole bunch of us went rampaging around looking for the poop on how to get signed on with the Space Marines.

CI Roller Dude

For some, humor is the best medicine. For those who don’t laugh, lighten up.