More Radical Connections for Obama

| October 9, 2008

Peter Kirsanow at National Review listing the radical ties that Obama has been accumulating for years wrote:

The suggested theme for the 2004 Annual Eugene V. Debs Dinner was Dump Bush and Elect Obama.

From the Chicago Democratic Socialist archives, the actual title of the 2004 event was:

46th Annual Eugene V. Debs – Norman Thomas – Michael Harrington Dinner

Eugene Debs could best be described as the father of American Socialism. He ran for president 5 times as a Socialist.

Norman Thomas was the heir to Debs after his death and also became a perennial presidential candidate as a Socialist. His most famous quote should be cause for concern:

“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened.”

Michael Harrington was the founder of Democratic Socialist of America.

In the early 1980s The Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee merged with the New American Movement, an organization of New Left veterans, forming Democratic Socialists of America. This organization remains the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International.

This organization is 100% in support of Senator Obama.

This is not a small matter because even if Obama is not a Socialist (and that would take a lot of nuance to support), he certainly wants to be seen as one in some circles.

Category: Politics

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richard wheeler

COB6 Check the R.E. mkt. and the Stock mkt.and we’ll see the “GREED IS GOOD” philosophy of Repubs.will elect Obama No problemo.We’re talking blowout.


richard wheeler, Democrats are really stupid. How many times since 1993 did the republicans warn congress that this financial disaster was going to happen. ‘Action was blocked every time by DEMOCRATS’. Read on. Obama Held Membership in Socialist New Party The New Media Journal Evidence is continuing to surface that indicates Barack Obama was a member of the Socialist New Party, an organization headquartered in Chicago during the mid-1990s. The New Party was formed to serve as a in Chicago by the Democrat Socialists of America in 1992 to serve as a central coordinating body for various Socialist Party activities in the region. It survived until 2000, when it disintegrated into its various factions. The Organization experienced a bump in membership in the late 1990s but was all but defunct by 2000 in part because of a Supreme Court decision that ruled the organizations “fusion” reform platform as unconstitutional. The document uncovered by a variety of internet publications including Politically Drunk on Power, the Jawa Report, No Quarter, NewsBusters and Libertarian Republican, shows documents, webpages, that had been scrubbed from the New Party’s website but that had been archived by the non-profit Internet Archive Organization, that prove beyond question Obama’s membership in the Party. One document states: “Illinois: Three NP members won Democratic Primaries last Spring and face-off against Republican opponents on election day: Danny Davis (US House), Barack Obama (State Senate), Patricia Martin (Cook County Judiciary).” The New Party performed activities in addition to political advocacy in campaign activities. Their activities included community organizing efforts and voter registration drives. The New Party members staged protests – along with the radical group ACORN – to demand financial institutions afford unqualified borrowers loans at sub-prime mortgage rates, an action that served as the catalyst for the current mortgage crisis and financial meltdown. They also attempted to manipulate corporations the group viewed as supporting “racist” policies. The internet publication No Quarter exposed Obama’s deep roots with the New Party in that: Obama was an active member in the 1990s, and a direct political beneficiary of the Chicago New Party and, alarmingly, the… Read more »


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