Washington Post predicts socialism

| October 10, 2008

The Washington Post front page this morning greets readers with a frightening headline;

Predicting a Depression-like economy, the author, and presumably the Post itself, blames unbridled capitalism for our current economic situation without examining the REAL REASON for the failure, that being trying to marry European socialism and “social justice” with capitalism. Of course, the Post supports the Chinese model economy;

“If you look around the world, China is doing pretty good right now, and the U.S. isn’t,” said C. Fred Bergsten, director of the Peterson Institute for International Economics. “You may see a push back from globalization in the financial markets.”

Even though China is killing it’s citizens and customers world-wide with their lack of concern for the health of paying customers by putting anti-freeze in toothpaste and cough syrup.

The Post drags out some Euro-idiots to say there wasn’t enough oversight (read that government controls);

“Obviously the crisis comes from an important regulatory and supervisory failure in advanced countries . . . and a failure in market discipline mechanisms,” Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the IMF’s managing director, said yesterday before the fund’s annual meeting in Washington.

I guess they can’t find one person in all of Washington, DC that wants to go on the record as saying that loaning money to people who can’t repay that money is a bad idea…but they can find scads of people to call for government control.

Category: Politics

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Again, more commentary on A1 in a major, national newspaper. There was a time when the front of the A section was for news and the back of the A section…the OpEd…was for commentary. Putting commentary in and amongst news is a wolf among sheep and further blurs the lines of truth and fact. Sad really.

was a dem not now

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