Alligator mouth overloads hummingbird a$$
If you ever wondered what that phrase meant, here is a graphic depiction;
She lasted a good long time, but not as long as she claimed she would. And she’s wearing a 1st Cav patch.
Thanks to 1AirCav69 for sending the link.
Category: "Teh Stoopid"
Sometimes severe delusion can only be cured by a cold dose of harsh reality.
Good thing she was stopping all those punches with her head! Maybe the JCS should watch this video while making the decision about women in Combat MOS’s.
One more thing: a man should never initiate violence against a woman, but he should be allowed to use appropriate force to defend himself against one. Plenty of men get the hell beat out of them by women (the opposite is more common, but violent women are not as uncommon as you might think). The hell with that! I’ve never once raised my hand to my wife, but some crazy woman intent to do me harm gets her ass thrown to the ground at the very least. I’m not trying to hurt her any more than I have to, but I’m not going to take a beating either.
Opinions vary and are appreciated.
We’ve all seen women like this before. Some refer to it as having “penis envy” – the ones who think/wish they were a guy and run their suck just like the guys, but once challenged, perceptions change… especially when asked to back it up. I don’t personally condone hitting a woman, but given this venue and the circumstances behind it, well…
Better to learn a lesson in the ring where there are controls instead of the battlefield where the enemy doesn’t care what sex you are. Maybe she learned some humility if nothing else.
Beyond that – I wouldn’t want to be that male Marine who will likely carry the stigma of being the one who stepped into the ring and beat a woman almost senseless. I doubt I’d let myself be put in that situation, but then again, whose to say how anyone would act if someone offered up a challenge followed by a spit in the fact (if that really happened, that is.)
To borrow from an internet meme:
I can’t fap to this
@ #50: Too late. That already seems to be the rule. Unless the women involved are conservative.
Smoke-check, you’re quite right. I was going on memory.
Now I have to watch that movie tonight. That, and Steve Martin making nose jokes in ‘Roxanne’.
I like the way USMCE8Ret tee’d it up.
And just for the record, I challenged my wife to a gloved fight once after attempting to teach her some jabs. She did not seem to get it.
So … the bell rang, she swung her leg up and around and connected with my head at about 5 foot 9 inches. I went down like a wounded sea dog!
She ran track at Yale, specialized in hurdles and high jump. And she neglected to tell me she was taking kick boxing during her early morning work outs.
So … don’t call me a wife beater … I am a victim! Dunmbass victim, but a victim just the same!
@54. “Beyond that – I wouldn’t want to be that male Marine who will likely carry the stigma of being the one who stepped into the ring and beat a woman almost senseless.”
I’m with that. Amen.
He was pulling his punches. I felt bad for her until I read some other comments about her actions before. Spit in his face? Yeah that is universe go time on anybody’s ass. I believe it to because of how she acted after he clock got knocked. If this marine wanted to hurt her she wouldn’t have been getting up.
Also what the hell. This is what Pogs do during war? I’m glad I was out busting my ass so salsa night and boxing could be done by other military. I hope you shits enjoyed your ice cream too.
Perhaps this soldier learned a lesson here, but I doubt it. There is an old saying: “If you have a big mouth, you need a fast horse.”
She issued a challenge, it was accepted, and she was not up to it. It was obvious that she should have kept he big mouth shut, she was just too stupid not to realize it. At least the Marine did not maim or kill her. She deserved a beating and he gave her one.
Ok, so comments from the peanut gallery…
Chivalry is not dead or unappreciated. I can do anything intellectually any man can do and expect equal pay for equal work. However, I do appreciate you opening the door, lifting heavy stuff, opening jars, taking out the trash, and killing varmints and insects.
As to this situation, she issued the challenge and got what she deserved. She should not talk the talk if she can’t walk the walk. (Leila Ali could have kicked that guy’s ass). I don’t think the never hit a girl thing is necessarily true. I grew up with an older brother with a temper. He was always about twice my size. If he threw the first punch, he got in BIG trouble. However, if I did, well, I got in big trouble. The right of self-defense applies when confronting aggressive women just like it does aggressive men. However, the force must be reasonable.
In this day and age where someone in Washington is forever thinking the military is a social experiment, her challenge did need to be answered. Two last question though – (1) were there no female Marines there to kick her ass and (2) are we sure he wasn’t “voluntold”?
Never, ever, ever hit a woman. That being said, if someone is trying to whack the hell out of you, especially if armed with any kind of weapon – they’re unisex till it’s over. Now go open the door for that nice lady coming in, son.
I wonder if there were any female Marines on that FOB at the time who could have stepped up to the challenge? After all, the Army chick said she could kick “any” Marines’ ass.
That would have been more equally matched.
Here are some rules you can go by:
1 – Open the door, and hold it open, for someone whose hands/arms are fully loaded, or who is in a wheelchair or on a walker.
2 – Do not park in parking spaces marked ‘HANDICAPPED’ unless you are.
3 – Elbows off the table, napkin in your lap, know how to use a fork, knife and spoon, and help the host/ess clear the table.
4 – Share, if you have more than you need.
5 – Pull a chair out for someone who needs the help.
6 – Remember: there is more than one peanut butter and banana sandwich in the world.
7 – Let other people have their opinions. They may have nothing else.
8 – Don’t talk with food in your mouth. It’s bad enough if you can hear. If you have to read lips, it’s disgusting.
9 – Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.
The Golden Rule works in most situations. And I was taught at a very young age not to hit boys unless I wanted them to hit me back.
@66. I never hit my sister…but I did pin her down and drool, sucking it back up at the last possible moment. Well, most of the time. Sometimes, gravity won out. She, on the other hand, used whatever she against me, including pots, pans, and brooms. But the onlt thing that ever scared me from her were these words: “I’m telling Dad.”
@67 I never had a brother, and envied all my friends that did. I used to get along pretty well with the neighborhood boys, mainly because my yard was perfect for kickball, and I liked snakes.
equal rights…GO
@67: The worst words a child can hear “just wait until your dad gets home”.
Talk like a man, get fought like a man.
And to those who want us to treat women like ladies…I believe women should go back to ACTING like ladies.
Greatest thing about my wife, she is a lady. Does not have a foul mouth, polite, thoughful, and because she is a kick-boxer she has a hell of a right hook.
Don’t go easy on females. Our government approves of them trying out for all MOS. and women need brutal honesty. Pull no punches with them. The only reason I know my physical limits is because I tried to walk right past them and my shortcomings got a vote. You do women no favors in the military by being chivalrous. Your chivalry may get them, and you, killed. Put them through their paces. Only then will we really find out who is qualified.
Better her mouth get her in trouble in a controlled environment like that than on the streets of some city where not only are they not as forgiving, it’s never a one on one situation.
@ 71 TacTrkMnk … Sounds like you married up like me. My wife can kick the begeezeus out of me … Read above.
Susan. If you are suggesting in anyway reasonable force standard is to be applied in the ring, although respect your opinion, I would most strenuously disagree (taken for mil movie).
The objective in the ring is to knock out the other, on the battlefield same thing, and in the civilian world generally to STOP the real or perceieved threat.
No mention of gender here.
You want a fight? Game on! Fight by the rules and laws. Wheather you have a penis or breasts … Well that ain’t in play.
I used to muck around with some of the guys on the Lejeune Boxing team wayyyyyy back in the day. There was a WM that would come in and work out hitting the bag and punching the mitts. She was pretty decent and level headed and liked the sport. I asked her about actually fighting guys and she said there was no way she would ever go for that. She said even when she “play sparred ” she could tell the difference. Guys were simply too strong and hit too hard. She readily admitted she wouldn’t last a minute against a guy who knew what he was doing and didn’t pull punches. There are women out there (google Ann Wolf) who could knock a guys head off that didn’t know what he was doing. But she wouldn’t stand a chance against a legitimate pro boxer in her weight.
@65 – …and no fuggin’ cell phones or other electronics at the table! (I hate it when I’m engaged in a conversation and someone interrupts to check the latest e-mail message or FB post.)
Just another OIF vet…
“Don’t bad mouth the female, curse and abuse all the men who spent a year in Iraq working staff/fobbit jobs while others bled and died in sector.”
Everyone has a job to do. I don’t care how badass you think you are, don’t ever think that what you do is more important than anyone else. You’re a small cog in a large machine.
Most vets inherently learn this throughout their time in service, which makes it hard to for to take you seriously. If you are really a vet, your superiors failed you.
Just another OIF vet…
“Don’t bad mouth the female, curse and abuse all the men who spent a year in Iraq working staff/fobbit jobs while others bled and died in sector.”
Everyone has a job to do. I don’t care how badass you think you are, don’t ever think that what you do is more important than anyone else. You’re a small cog in a large machine.
Most vets inherently learn this throughout their time in service, which makes it hard to for to take you seriously. If you are really a vet, your superiors failed you in some pretty basic teachings.
TL78, im gonna go out on a limb and say you were a fobbit. what OIF was complaining about, wasnt what their job was, it was that while the surge was going on, while the infantry were out side the wire for days on end or at a minimum, near non-stop patrols,(in 04 we did 18 hours on, 6 off 6 days a week. day 7 was 8 hours gate, 8 FOB security, 8 down) these fobbits and desk clerks had time for boxing smokers. you took one line of his post and tried to attack him? so here is the whole quote
“First of all, bunch of fobbits at Division HQ. This was filmed during the height of the surge, yet all these fuck sticks have boxing smokers and Salsa night at MWR. Don’t bad mouth the female, curse and abuse all the men who spent a year in Iraq working staff/fobbit jobs while others bled and died in sector.”
seems to me more an attack on fobbits not being asked to carry the same weight or make the same sacrifices of those of us out side the wire. we didnt get steak and lobster mondays at camp victory, or salsa nights and boxing smokers. i have no problem with anyone having their own job to do, but special privileges and treatment for those who do the least is a bit bull shit and the target or OIF’s anger. im sorry if you dont feel your desk job garners the respect it deserves from the infantry, ill try to work on that.
and in a war, im pretty sure a trigger puller is a bit more important then the general’s driver or the cooks or anyone that is working on those big bases for that matter
@79, will also have to agree with you. Hell, I was stationed at Balad Air Base for my entire tour. It was common knowledge that less than 10% of all service member stationed at Balad left the wire on a scheduled basis. I did Route Clearance patrols. I left the wire on damned near a daily basis, but yet I was never envious of the fobbits/pouges/remfers. Hell It was nice to go to a nice DFAC for chow, the mwr hall, the theater, and last but not least, the swimming pool just to look at all the pretty Air Force chicks.
And in war, just how important is that trigger puller when he runs out of beans, bullets, and asswipe Smitty?
@77 – USMCE8Ret – Yes, turn off that piece of electronic junk. I quit going to the movies because people wouldn’t shut off their phones, keep their voices down, or leave the theater to talk. I also left out ‘let other people finish their sentences’. Neither of those was an intentional omission.
If I may say something about logistics people – I guess you call them fobbits – they do form the base of support for people going into the field, so they are important. They’re supposed to make sure that you get what you need in the way of supplies and ammo and weapons, as well as pay, right? But they also have more time on their hands than you do when you’re in the bush, plus no place to go to get some amusement to relieve their (sheer) boredom. So they’re engaged in that or doing their real jobs while you guys are out there getting shot at. That’s the difference. I wouldn’t begrudge, but it would be nice if they did share that with the grunts in the field, once they come back. They just don’t do that.
In other words, if I may, there is only so much jerking off to be done. There has to be something else to do the other 58.5 minutes of every waking hour.
@85, You got that right. The guys in the bush in Vietnam didn’t get the USO shows. The troops back at the bases did.
Smitty, don’t deflect the argument by trying to attack me vs my point. You’re smarter that that. I simply don’t like to be disappointed in my brothers and sisters, and inane comments denigrating people because they have a different job than you is very disappointing.
I would be equally disappointed if a network guy were on here saying he’s the better one because he was pushed into a system admin job because his high ASVAB scores made him too valuable for infantry.
– Shooters don’t get guns without the Armory.
– No bullets without Supply.
– No MRE’s (or any equipment) without logistics.
– No immediate INTEL without Predator operators.
– No uniforms without Procurement.
– No working radios without Communications.
– No bombs without Pilots.
– No Patriots Missiles without the Patriot Missile Repairer.
– No endurance and/or strength without Services staff
– No medivac withhout the Trauma Nurse
– No base security without MP/SP’s.
Everyone who joins is Assigned (repeat, assigned) a duty, and those who complete their duty with competence and honor have earned the respect of their brothers and sisters. What you’ve done is show you’re not our brother, because you appear to be in it for the glory, which is a very narcissistic view unworthy of respect.
So yes, I’m disappointed in small-minded views and expect more from folks in the Profession of Arms. Regardless of your duty, your assertions place you beneath the that lowly admin troop who perform their duties admirably.
To me, anyway.