Feeling too good story

| October 18, 2013

Chief Tango sends us a link to today’s feel good story, but the star today was feeling little too good – his blood alcohol level was .307 – four times the legal limit in Florida. So while he was turning his life around in his Chevy, his Chevy turned his life around into someone’s house;

The owner of the house Michael Nordman was startled out of his sleep by the accident and mistakenly thought that someone was trying to break into his house. And because he had his wife, three kids, and a 93-year-old relative inside the home at the time, Nordman grabbed a gun to protect himself and started firing at Gutheil. Gutheil, who was sitting in the driver’s seat of the car during all of this, sat back and watched as a ton of bullets hit his car’s windshield and hood. But none of the bullets hit him. And amazingly, when police arrived just a few minutes later, Gutheil actually got out of the car and attempted to walk away from the scene of the crime.

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Category: Politics

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Bubblehead Ray

Another hood shot by a legally armed homeowner. (so to speak)


Using a car for B&E? Oh! He was DUI! I get it now. Drunks never cease to amaze me.


That’s Dull-ass’ stomping grounds.


Trying to walk away from the scene may have been the most sensible thing the driver did that day.

(Would someone please tell the reporter that in most parts of the country we call that a sidewalk, or walkway, or entry path, but not a driveway.)


Someone shouldn’t own a gun. What if the guy was diabetic or having a seizure and crashed? The homeowner is probably the same type of asshole who shoots at anything that moves when hunting.

Just An Old Dog

Got to say this shooting didn’t make much sense. He’s lucky he didn’t hit the guy. I’d be pissed and scared if a car came through my wall too, but I think I would evaluate the threat before I’d empty a magazine in a dumb ass drunk who wound up in my house by what was clearly an accident,

A Proud Infidel

“Ghee whish, Offishppper, Iii’m not too drive to dhhrunk, *BUUUURRP!*


“Man…Fuckin’ car died…Eff it, Imma walk home.”

B Woodman

“A ton of bullets”? No liberal reporter bias here.
Granted, the homeowner should have evaluated the (non) threat first, but that’s just Monday morning hindsight quarterbacking. Given the situation, he’s awoken out of a sound sleep in the middle of the night by a loud crash, clear thinking is not immediately there. I’d say Mr Drunk is lucky to be alive.


let me see…. 2000 pounds is roghly 92,000 bullets at 150 grains each…. that’s a very impressive high-cap magazine.