Karma in Action
Title says it all: “Police: Man Sets Himself on Fire Displaying a Burning Cross”
Category: "Teh Stoopid", Dumbass Bullshit
Title says it all: “Police: Man Sets Himself on Fire Displaying a Burning Cross”
Category: "Teh Stoopid", Dumbass Bullshit
Karma’s a bitch!
What part of “don’t start fires with gasoline” don’t people understand?
He’ll likely survive the burns. The stupidity? Not so certain.
I kinda hope he survives them…debriding is REALLY painful.
The article is very odd. Did you see the purported statement regarding ventilation, although he was on his lawn? and did you see the last line regarding a pink elephant? I don’t get the karma reference.
@5 2/17 AIR CAV:
“I don’t get the karma reference.”
Maybe it has reference to the Ku Klux Klan, although this incident apparently has nothing to do with the Ku Klux Klan.
By the way, the Ku Klux Klan appropriated that fiery cross symbol from ancient Scotland, where it was used as an alarm signal warning of invasion.
I guess no squirrels were in the immediate area.
Since this was being done for Halloween, you folks might be interested to know that our modern day celebration of Halloween was originally a Celtic observance of SAMHAIN (pronounced SAW-VIN), the time of year when the harvest has been completed and the cold, dark nights of Winter approach.
To get converts, the Roman Catholic Church merged their rituals with the Celtic customs, and that’s how we got our Halloween.
If he dies it will be from the stupidity, the burns are only a secondary result. Looks like his karma ran over his dogma.
@6. Yeah, John, it would make sense if this had been a klansman who ended up torching himself but, you’re right, it had nothing to do with the KKK. In fact, the article is so strange, I’m not sure what happened or if it happened but I’m not so curious about it that I’d look further than the link.
Face palm
Oh, dear me. Words fail me.
I was thinking it could have been Dullass …
Dullass would have set himself on fire with a flaming squirrel while trying to emulate his pal/idol!
Wait … Man sets self on fire while attempting burn cross.
So what’s the problem here?
Yep … Karma in Action!
There is at least one lesson here. Like, using one of those long handled lighters might be a more effective way to light a candle. Or maybe, disrobe prior to burning your clothing.
We probably need some more labels on stuff to keep this sort of thing from happening again.
Another grant possibility right here! Yeah. Uh-huh.
I think I’ll apply for a Government Grant to try to research and develop a dummy-resistant grade of gasoline!!