Changing the course

| October 28, 2006

How do Democrats think that by winning Congress next week they’ll change the course of the war in Iraq? Do they think that they’ll become the new Department of Defense? Do they think that they’ll be able to cut off funds for the war (the budget is all they really control)?  No, actually, Nancy Pelosi’s claim that a Democrat Congress wouldn’t try to impeach the President is an outright lie – it’s the only way Congress can influence the War Against Terror so, of course they’ll attempt impeachment. Despite the fact that there’s no evidence of malfeasance..

Do they think that professional military commanders who’ve sworn allegiance to the Constitution and the President will start taking orders from a loose collection of nitwits like Henry Waxman and Dick Durbin? The only thing they can do is investigate and denigrate those commanders in public. The only thing they can do is disparage our military while grilling the service chiefs. Those chiefs can only nod their head, smile, go back to their offices and follow the President’s orders.

The only thing that Congress can do is get more of troops killed by making them perfect targets for the international cabal of thugs and sociopaths – as long as the deaths of more of our troops weaken our public will and as long as Democrats use dead bodies as ammo against the successful execution of this war. And go through the motions of an impeachment.

The troops know it, too. They know who is calling them SS guards, they know who claims Iraq was better off under Hussein. They know who is trying to draft their baby brother and baby sister into the military.  The troops know who will try to toss out their votes next week.

Category: Politics

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