MCPO NYC USN (Ret.) isn’t taking the shutdown well
MCPO NYC USN (Ret.) sends this photo as evidence that the shutdown is impacting him. I don’t know why he just doesn’t go to a nice golf course and play until the growling in his stomach subsides;
Me? I’m hoping it goes on for another couple of weeks. I’m kind of liking sleeping in until 7am – especially when I think about the work that is piling up while I’m away that’s all going to be marked “Rush”. That sleeping in thing makes me want OMB to “rush” my retirement paperwork.
Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Barack Obama/Joe Biden
Master Chief, are you asking for a critique? Or sympathy?
And where are you in that pic?
Mrs. Insanity was irritated the last furlough only went 6 instead of 11 days as advertised. I didn’t finish the furlough list.
She’s got me hopping and popping now. This morning I was helping the preacher move furniture around town, then loaded, hauled, and unloaded a truck full of fence lumber…which project continues tomorrow (I’m 2/3 done).
I did get a pass to go kayaking this afternoon with a fellow furloughee.
…..a charity case if I ever saw one…
@3 Not yet. He’s too clean and his hair’s too short.
Not gonna work, Master Chief.
If you want to be successful in the panhandling vet part, you have to wear a disreputable fatigues jacket, prefereably with a couple of bullet holes and some chicken blood spilled on it, some ragged pants, worn-out boondockers, and hit on all the wimminfolk that pass you by.
That, and cry a lot, and go on about Agent Orange and being Agent Orange.
A 40 wraped in a brown paper bag not pictured!
@4 & 5, exactly. Dirty up, talk to the bushes about Charlie hiding there and scratch yourself excessively. Oh, and get a big gulp cup with some pennies in it and shake it aggressively at passersby.
Master Chief; that pic is null and void since you don’t have any golf clubs with you.
I’m disappointed that he’s not claiming to be a Navy Seal who graduated from BUD/S class 131.
Oh, and he forgot the ratty backpack and the scruffy, sad-eyed dog.
Fortunately, Obama found money to pay for police to shut down privately-owned businesses, like Mount Vernon.
Perhaps the Master Chief can get a job keeping vets from the VN Wall?
You all forgot about the raggedy kid on the side. Works every time.
OK … OK … I will kick it up a bit next week with clothing, beard, malt libation etc …
I feel your pain! (Both of you.) Since our BX is open, perhaps I can pick of a nice bottle of something, consuming it in respectful gulps, to your health, welfare, blah, blah, blah.
Hey MCPO, in the meantime, buy me a hamburger, and I’ll split it with you!
You mean hamberger?
I got furl-owed this week too. Heard all the complaints from the ‘essentials’- you get time off, no charged leave, back pay likely, etc etc.
But so far:
-laundry done
-vehicle oil changed (all of ’em)
-defrosted fridge
-software updated on devices
I hear the strip clubs are offering discounts in Tampa. May have to go see for myself
That can’t be a USN Master Chief. No coffee cup.
I tried to furlough myself, but my CSM said no.
You didn’t take a Gubment job just to sit around the house and chill?
badoom cha!
@17, The horror! Defrosted the fridge AND did laundry on the same day? I feel your pain. Well, not really. I don’t feel anyone’s pain but my own. I would like to meet just one person who feels another’s pain. In 10 seconds, I’m going to pinch myself. If anyone feels my pain, please let me know.
Ouch, AC! Stop doing that!!
Talk about a delayed reaction….But you did feel my pain! Wow.
Blame that reaction of OWB’s on the network switches and wireless signals it had to navigate just to get to your screen, 2/17.
— break —
Master Chief! Next week, hold a sign that says, “Why lie? All I want is a hamburger and beer”. Dude, it works out on the left coast quite well.
MCPO, I will give you the winnings from my next spelling bee win. In all seriousness hang in there brother.
Well, he SPELLS about as well as your average Master Chief.
I’m afraid to look…. is he wearing any pants behind the cardboard sign?
My kidknees are shutting down … Send money NOW!
I’ll send you a corned beef sandwich, Master Chief.
I’m tellin’ you, just go call Urchins R Us, and they’ll send you an appropriately pathetic, raggedy kid.
Hondo figured me out after like a year or so.
I have been advertising Black 47 and there departure, they are retiring in 2014.
Ouch … My liver is going …. Send money now.
MCPO: I still think ya ought to go after the other domain name I suggested. That one works damn near as well. And I think it’s still available. (smile)
PH2–I’m having a mental image of Master Chief in a red wig and urchin dress, dancing around and singing, “It’s A Hard Knock Life.”
And not the Jay-Z version, either.
Thanks for the laugh.
damn it, i work for the state government! i want to be furloughed! do yall realize how long its been since i had a vacation?
Careful what you wish for, Smitty. You might get it.
Working and getting paid (either immediately or eventually) IMO beats the hell out of no income.
i am working a mandatory 60+ hour work week, and we are too short handed for anyone to take leave. unfortunately, working 1.5 times the hours, doesnt net 1.5 times the benefits. i figure if i agreed to 3 weeks paid vacation a year for 40 hours a week worked, 60 hours should gain me 4.5 weeks a year. we get holiday pay for 13 days a year for federal holidays. however, despite our 12 hours shifts, we still only gain 8 hours holiday pay. close us down for a few months, i can afford it and could use a break
I stand by what I said, Smitty. Be careful what you wish for – you might get it.
Some states are in nearly as bad a financial situation as Uncle Sam. Others are actually in worse shape.