Tarbaby news; Kerry says force threat is serial
So while the world breathes easier because the Russians have at least temporarily halted the Obama Administration’s rush to military action in Syria, John Kerry is promising that the threat of force is serial (yeah, I know it’s “serious” – watch South Park sometime). From the Associated Press;
Kerry issued the warning during a stop in Jerusalem, where he briefed jittery Israeli leaders on the new U.S.-Russian plan to rid neighboring Syria of its chemical weapons by the middle of next year. In comments aimed at his hosts, Kerry said the deal also served as a “marker” for the international community as it deals with Iran’s suspect nuclear program.
“We cannot have hollow words in the conduct of international affairs,” Kerry said.
Says the most hollow man in American politics trying to keep the spotlight on himself. Meanwhile, Military.com speculates on whether or not there will be boots on the ground in Syria.
The White House and the Pentagon have repeatedly ruled out “boots on the ground” in Syria, but Defense Department officials were less certain Thursday on whether U.S. military personnel might be sent to help secure or destroy Syria’s chemical weapons.
Pentagon Press Secretary George Little gave a vague answer when asked if U.S. troops were prepared to assist should an international agreement allow Russia to take control of the tons of chemical weapons believed to be in the stockpiles of President Bashar al-Assad.
“I’m not going to speculate on who may or may not be participating in a process that may or may not take place,” Little said. “We’ve got to see where the process goes” before the U.S. military considers involvement, he said.
Yeah, that’s just DoD being circumspect. I wonder why no one asked about the two ships in the Mediterranean with 300 Marines on each of them – to me that’s more indicative of their intentions that some politi-speak from a low-level functionary.
If the Obama Administration were on the ball, they’d take this situation and turn it around on the Russians and convince them to take al-Assad and some of his minions out of the country and bring an end to the war – although you and I both know that these types of wars never end over there. Let the Russians work out the details to end the deaths of thousands in this pointless civil war. I’m just saying that the Obama Administration can get the initiative back if they turn this temporary set-back into a permanent solution. But, look who I’m talking about.
Category: Terror War
Ships in the Med with Marines? Aren’t they always there?
Look, obamaman is saying today that he is less concerned about style points than he is about getting the policy right. First, style points? Isn’t that a figure-skating score element? Second, what policy? Is he acknowledging that he has been freelancing for years, w/o a guiding policy? That’s a tad bassackwards, isn’t it? And, of course, he is asserting that he did not mishandle the Syrian debacle. No, he didn’t mishandle Fast & Furious or Benghazi either. And, as we’re continuing to learn obamacare is a real gem. And let’s not forget the economy (He’s a few years past his promised deadline), and I don’t know anyone who is out of work or working a job that is well below their training, education, and experience. I’m sure you don’t know one either. And look how he has reduced the dependency of Americans on gov’t for food, housing, and clothing. I mean, he’s a miracle worker. I just hope that the country can survive three + more years of his miracles.
2/17 AirCav, you are so reserved in your assessment of bodaprez, you should pat yourself on the back for it.
I just wonder what kind of ‘serial’ we’re going to get out of this, and is there a prize that comes with it?
Since Assad’s boys are engaging in mass executions of villagers, mostly women and children, and the AQ-led rebels are now beheading any of Assad’s boys in public and holding their heads up when they are done, I strongly prefer that NO troops go there at all.
Let Vlad have this one. The Russians were tired of warfare when the USSR was trying to acquire Afghanistan. It bankrupted the USSR. Gorbachev said ‘We can’t do this any more.’
Why does no one learn these lessons from history? Why is someone feeding his f@#$@!!ing ego more important than using some common sense?
Serious and Obama administration are two diametrically opposed concepts.
You mean Obama is syriass about Style Points?
Tarbaby? Rev Jaaaaackson to the white courtesy phone SVP. /s
“the Obama Administration can get the initiative back if they turn this temporary set-back into a permanent solution. But, look who I’m talking about.”
It’s serial all right. Those aren’t regular Marines on those ships out there. They’re highly trained USMC man-bear-pigs. Half man, half bear, half pig. All Marine. Respect their ahh-thor-ahh-tay.
ROTFLMFAO…You actually think that the most inept and dysfunctional Administration of this century could possibly have anything on the ball???
0bama will do what the Muslim Brotherhood tells him to do.
They are having a high degree of success in doing exactly what they set out to do – dismantle all which we normal people consider to be great about this country. They have thrown a monkey wrench in just about everything which functioned well and continue to increase dependency upon gubmint.
So what’s a little lying among friends? No big deal. It’s always OK to lie to infidels.
@Red Neckerson, i wanted to make the manbearpig comment. you stole my thunder!
@air cav, i dont know anyone working jobs below their qualifications. i only have 2 bachelors degrees, that only qualifies me to be a cop right?
Manbearpig? Oh, THAT kind of serial!!!
Geez, I thought maybe it was a new version of Chex Mix for Parties or something.
2/17AirCav, I have no qualifications for anything other than shooting off my mouth, and there’s no shooting range for that.
@10, Ohio, that, or whatever George Soros tells him to do!!
Thank president Obama for not giving inn to the neo-con warmongers like fox not news. We don’t need anymore walls with names on them! PEACE NOW!
Personally, I think Obama was flying blind.
His narcissistic staff does not help, either.
My best guess is that he was employing Nancy Reagan’s psychic.
Ever read Family Circus when little Billy goes for a walk?
That is the current Foreign Policy plan.
Always passing the buck. GOP obstruction, inherited Bush problems, and the world setting the red line…someone else constantly tearing down the Emperor’s shiddy wall.
#15 VWP,
Did you miss the part where he WANTED to attack?
You’re entitled to you opinions, no matter how jacked up. You are NOT entitled to your own facts.
Dumbass 14 -year-old.
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@18 – VI, evening news report is ‘does not rule out an attack on Iran’. From bodaprez’s lips to God’s ear. It’s recorded.
He’s completely nuts.
Hey, is it time for me to find the voodoo doll that someone gave me a long time ago? I could use it on VNqueeflette (see #15 above) and after that, on bodaprez. I’d have to get a hatpin or something, but it would be fun. Sew their mouths shut.
I think he means “cereal”….bunch of fucking Fruit Loops.
the more i study this and the deeper i get into it, the more im becoming a fan of asad. i watched an interview with him last night and a couple things jumped out at me.
first, he stated that if our administration wants to support al quada, that is their choice.
second, he posed the quandary as to why when people hijacked our planes and crashed them into the twin towers, it was terrorism, but when foreigners come to his country and start cutting the heads off his citizens, we call it ‘the opposition’
third, when pressed about his father’s “ruthless” pursuit and persecution of the muslim brotherhood (good for him), and the claim that he is doing the same to those that oppose him now, he responded (my favorite line from the whole interview) “have you ever heard of a soft war? i never have. we are at war with the terrorists, just as my father was at war with the muslim brotherhood. i dont understand this ruthless label. you fight wars to win and to kill your enemy.”
there once was a time that America fought wars to win and wanted to kill our enemies. why cant we do that anymore? Syria has been stable under asad. they are still a bunch of jew and america haters, but its been stable. why do we want to disrupt that and let al quada have another place to call home? we almost for a second thought about chasing them out of afganistan, then decided to just let them have it. now we are helping them expand?
Smitty, you’re trying to understand the politics of the brain-dead and self-centered. If you keep doing that, your head will expand like a balloon and you’ll get strange looks.
According to a Daily Mail stringer reporter, Assad’s troops have been committing mass executions of women and children, just as the ‘rebels’ are engaging in public beheadings. While he did provide graphic photos of the latter, he did not provide any documented (as in photos) evidence of the executions by Assad’s troops. While I can understand the need he felt to get this story out, he should have provided some documentary evidence, as in photos, of what Assad’s troops did.
At present, Egypt’s military is pushing the jihadists out of Gaza successfully. Egypt is supposed to be US ally. They’re doing find without us. Turkey, another US ally, has closed its Syrian borders – coming and going – nobody comes from or returns to Syria now.
If this so-called administration supports this kind of destabilization, then there is a hidden agenda that is disturbing. To even vaguely mention the possiblity of US troops on the ground in Syria makes it more disturbing.
i will not deny Asad’s narcissism, but he holds one major quality that our president lacks. He puts his country before all others and what he feels is in the best interest of his country is top priority.
despite what our media whats to portray, Asad has the support of the vast majority of his people. those who he is fighting in a “civil war” are not syrians, but insurgents. Asad is right, we fight these same people when they attack us and call them terrorists, but when they attack him we support them and call them ‘opposition’
also, i can not find anywhere documentation of Asad’s troops murdering civilians, probably why the civilians support him and not the terrorists
I agree, there was no documentation – just word of mouth – that Assad’s troops were engaging in mass executions.
Meantime, bodaprez wants to do something to support insurgents who are mired in the AQs and will turn a once-productive country into a quagmire.
“More broadly, the Post-ABC survey asked whether Obama’s handling of the Syria situation has put the United States in a stronger or weaker position in the world. On that question, 46 percent say it has not made much difference. Among those who think it has made a difference, more say it has weakened than say it has strengthened the U.S. position — 32 percent to 17 percent.” (source – WaPo article http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/poll-americans-strongly-back-diplomatic-solution-on-syria-but-give-obama-low-marks/2013/09/16/b40d68e0-1efb-11e3-94a2-6c66b668ea55_story_1.html )
I almost begin to agree with those who say he’s bent on doing as much damage as possible. I always said he was just plain stupid and lazy. Now, I’ll keep the ‘lazy’ part and maybe ‘stupid’, but I’ll add ‘dangerously’ to ‘stupid’.