The Colorado recall succeeds

| September 11, 2013

According to the LA Times, the recall election in Colorado succeeded last night. Here are the election results from the Denver Post.

In an unprecedented backlash, two state lawmakers who helped stiffen Colorado’s gun laws were ousted Tuesday in a recall that turned into a nationally watched referendum on gun control.

Colorado Senate President John Morse, who shepherded the legislation to passage, was defeated on a 51%-49% vote. Sen. Angela Giron of Pueblo, a fellow Democrat who voted in favor of the measures, lost 56% to 44%. They were replaced by Republicans who opposed the new restrictions.

Of course, although it was about guns in the smaller sense, it was more about freedom. State legislators are now on notice that the way they try to restrict the freedoms of their constituents will affect their political futures. Most affected by the recall vote yesterday is Michael Bloomberg. As Giron had told the New Republic earlier in the week;

“For Mayors Against Illegal Guns, if they lose even one of these seats, they might as well fold it up. And they understand that,” she said.

The billionaire’s group had pumped over $350,000 into the recall election to little effect. On the other side, the NRA only contributed $100,000 to the effort, probably because it wasn’t a hard sell to Coloradans that their legislature is out of control. Numerous sheriffs in the State had already said that they wouldn’t go out of their way to enforce the new gun laws. The recall in Colorado is also a preview of how the midterm elections will look next year, especially if the president and his lap dog, Joe Bite me, continue harping on their gun grabbing.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Jonn, Check Email

Ceck your email.

B Woodman

Is this the wake up call for conservatives to take back the U S of A?


@2 – Yes. It’s coming. Just give it time.


Ah. That will of the people thing – which scares the left more than anything else, even scary black guns.

The Al

Huh, guess this disproves that whole “90% of Americans want more gun control” BS the libs have been spreading since Newtown


Congratulations to the people of Colorado!


My faith in humanity and common sense is being slowly restored


Great news from Colorado! I am a proud Life member of the Western States Sheriff’s Association. It was heartwarming to see the county sheriffs stand up!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Two sh1tbags sent packing for not actually representing their constituents, I sure hope this catches on across the nation….


They haven’t won yet. There are still certification/vetting steps to be taken and the Dems have yet to find thousands of pro-Dem ballots in the back seats of union members.

Combat Historian

@10: Just because people had to actually go out and vote and not have their shit handmailed to them makes this “voter suppression”? DNCky Debbie really is the whoremistress of idiocraty…

Joe Manchin



While this is nice, I wouldn’t get too excited just yet. Colorado Springs and Pueblo USED to be solidly conservative, but when Morse barely loses and Giron didn’t lose by an even larger margin than she did.

And consider, that even though they may be gone, the laws still remain in effect.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

WASSERMAN-SCHULTZ has been an ignorant twat since she stumbled into DC…sadly there’s nothing new in her comments or her intellect.

I am not certain how much of an impact this has overall though as the Dems still hold the majority in Colorado…well at least until the next election cycle.


#14: NHSparky: Colorado and Montana have seen huge migrations of Californians move in. They brought California with them. It’s Manifest Density.


Oh man-I wondered over to the Denver Post to read the comments and the butthurt by the lefties is so sweet and delicious.

The left is relentless and pursues their political goals with admirable (it’s grudging admiration from me, but still) vigor, but when their action (inevitably) explodes in their face, they whine like little children-once they get over the Wile E. Coyote look of shock. They’ve lost time and again on this issue, but they just won’t-or, more likely, can’t-learn.

Common Sense

It was great news here indeed. Congrats to everyone who worked so hard to make it happen!

Most of the country sheriffs have sued the state over the gun laws, hopefully they will prevail there as well.

Hickenlooper is next on the list. His approval numbers have sunk like a rock over the gun laws as well as postponing the execution of Nathan Dunlap indefinitely. Some may not like the death penalty, but it’s the law of the land, it is his sentence, and his appeals have been exhausted.

We also have the 51st State Initiative underway. So far, 11 counties have voted to have the measure on ballots in November, with more interested. It’s an uphill battle against the left in Denver, Boulder, and the I-70 corridor, but it at least brings the issues to the forefront. I’d rather keep my state, but I’d move to North Colorado in a heartbeat. My husband and I have been discussing moving to Wyoming for a while, if things don’t turn around soon.


Let’s not be too hard on them. Apparently, they were “simply voting their consciences” according to this link /sarc. Unreal, only in the most cloudy mind would voting against the will of their constituency not be grounds for holding a recall.

This is the same guy who flat out told senators to “ignore” their constituents. Who knew that alienating gun owning members of his district by basically calling them a “sickness” that needed to be cleansed from “our souls” might have negative consequences for him? Funny how that works.

Day by day I find it harder to believe people like this exist.