Funny or Die; The Black NRA

| September 10, 2013

Yeah, they think they’re being funny, but they’re just perpetuating stereotypes, both white and black.

I’m not particularly frightened by a Black man who legally owns a gun. Since the NRA supports responsible gun ownership, I’m sure there are already Black members of the NRA. In fact I know a couple.

Colin Noir responds to the idiocy;

Category: Guns

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Bubblehead Ray

Meanwhile most modern gun laws are a direct result of white Democrats trying to disarm Black Americans.


“And their names are Mayor Bloomberg and Dianne Feinstein!”
That got a laugh out of me.


Sara Silverman has never been particularly funny, nor cute – except when she made voiceovers for cartoon movies my kids used to watch.

As far as the video goes, this kind of race-baiting has been going on long enough. Some people continue to complain about the injustices against their race because they won’t rise above the problems that plagued them in the past, and they’ve postured themselves in such a manner that the attention they get (Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, et al) simply pays the bills.

I remind them of this:

“There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public.

Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances because they do not want to lose their jobs.

There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don’t want the patient to get well. ” – Booker T. Washington


Silverman isn’t funny. It isn’t even satire but I guess if your a liberal woman, a “comedian” and can throw in a few washed up black guys you are insulated from the obvious racist routine you are doing.
Newsflash Silverman: Take a gander at the NRA’s history and why it was founded and who it now represents.
I guess if you feel free to say the 2cd Amendment is only for white males not the whole country then I can say the 1st is for everyone but YOU so shut your piehole, dipshit


So was this a swipe at the NRA, or young black men? I honestly think I lost the point on this one. Sarah Siverman’s given me more than a few laughs in the past–I’ll own up to it. Her showing up to a screening of Jesus is Magic was one of the few positive memories I have of being stationed in the LA area. That said, I just don’t get this one. Try and stir everything up and see if any of it sticks?


Silverman is an idiot, and I agree with Colin in his assessment of her video. It was far more racist than anything I have seen come along in quite some time. It simply played on racial stereotypes of both Blacks and Whites.

I wonder, will she make a follow up video on the Asian NRA, or the Hispanic NRA? Maybe the Jewish NRA?


She’s still around (Silverman)? I wouldn’t have know it if this little news blurb hadn’t made one of my frequent web favorites… Guess she’s getting more desperate for attention…

Green Thumb



I’m glad the reply video was posted. He said everything I was thinking but if I had of said it then I’d just be racist.

Just an Old Dog

Any law abiding citizen 18 or above in this country should be allowed to own a firearm, regardless of race.
The moonbats try to make it sound like the NRA wants to go out throwing handguns on the street for any fool to grab.


Sigh-I should know by now that libs glory in their ignorance, which is unassailable given that it re-enforces their titanic narcissism.

Still, I’ll let Gateway Pundit speak for me-


Apparently you can be overtly racist as long as there are black people to go a long with it. Black people participated in it, so that makes it ok, guys….

Just wow.


Love how she violates every gun safety rule. Idiots


I must have missed the punchline.

Are they making fun of the NRA or the Zimmerman verdict, or stand your ground.

Whatever. It wasn’t funny regardless.


Let’s see her booger hook was on the bang switch and it was pointed at me. In most states I would be free to shoot her in self defense.

B Woodman

Sarah? Or is it Sara? In either case, I’ve heard OF her, but never heard any of her material. If this is an example of her thinking and writing, probably just as well. Her and Al Franken would do well together.


More proof that liberals are insane.


I have a man crush on Colin Noir. Whenever a Liberal tells me that the NRA is a racist orginization I point out that one of their spokemen is a black man. They usually reply that he is a “token”.


shitload of tokens running around the NRA convention when it was in Houston, then