Lining up support for Syria

| September 8, 2013

Syria is a tough sell, not only to US taxpayers, but also the world. White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough argued today on CNN that Syria isn’t Afghanistan or Iraq;

“This is not Iraq or Afghanistan. This is not Libya,” he told CNN’s chief political correspondent, Candy Crowley. “This is not an extended air campaign. This is something that’s targeted, limited and effective, so as to underscore that (Syrian President Bashar al-Assad) should not think that he could get away with this again.”

His comments echoed sentiments from President Barack Obama’s weekly address on Saturday, in which the president pledged U.S. action would not amount to “an open-ended intervention.”

Well, yeah, it’s not Iraq or Afghanistan – George W Bush had more than 50 members in his international coalition, almost a third of the countries in the world. Today, Secretary of State, John Kerry bragged that the coalition for the Syria adventure had just reached “double digits”. So, ten is good, right?

When both presidents Bush assembled their coalitions, they didn’t have the Chinese and Russian Navies sailing into the waters around the area to protect their ally, but there those navies are for this one.

For his war with Saddam Hussein, George W Bush spent over a year preparing for it. He waited patiently for UN inspectors to do their jobs as best they could and positioned troops and their support around Iraq. This president drew a “red line” and promptly forgot about it a year ago, despite their own admissions that they had evidence that the “red line” had been crossed several times in the last year.

Both presidents Bush laid out their case for war to the American public. The Associated Press noticed that the American public is withholding their support because no one is showing us any sort of evidence;

The Obama administration, searching for support from a divided Congress and skeptical world leaders, says its own assessment is based mainly on satellite and signals intelligence, including intercepted communications and satellite images indicating that in the three days prior to the attack that the regime was preparing to use poisonous gas.

But multiple requests to view that satellite imagery have been denied, though the administration produced copious amounts of satellite imagery earlier in the war to show the results of the Syrian regime’s military onslaught. When asked Friday whether such imagery would be made available showing the Aug. 21 incident, a spokesman referred The Associated Press to a map produced by the White House last week that shows what officials say are the unconfirmed areas that were attacked.

The Obama administration maintains it intercepted communications from a senior Syrian official on the use of chemical weapons, but requests to see that transcript have been denied. So has a request by the AP to see a transcript of communications allegedly ordering Syrian military personnel to prepare for a chemical weapons attack by readying gas masks.

Presidents Bush allowed Congress to take their sweet time until they finally approved military action in the various conflicts, but the Star & Stripes noticed that the Obama Administration is rushing Congress to come a conclusion on the President’s time schedule instead of their own.

The Obama administration has conducted a variety of briefings and conference calls during the congressional recess to try to convince lawmakers of the chemical attack and win support for a military strike authorization, even though Obama has asserted that he has the authority even without approval from Capitol Hill. While a congressional vote is far from certain, his position has been strengthened in recent days by statements of support from some of Congress’ prominent Republicans — Sen. John McCain of Arizona, House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia, among others.

But many observers say much more still needs to be done to make a convincing case for action.

I guess there’s a big difference between saying there’s a red line and actually drawing one. So, this really isn’t like Iraq and Afghanistan, at all. It’s more like a “Charlie Foxtrot” playing out right before our eyes.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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But…but…but…the left is against war, right?

Oh, wait–it’s their guy, the Nobel Peace Prize recipient, who’s pushing for it. Nevermind, move along, nothing to see here, bombs away and all that shit.


They can merchandise it anyway they want to, but we AIN’T BUYING IT, DUDES! If they have to work this hard to sell us on the idea, it’s likely to be a very stupid idea. In this case it is most definitely a very bad and stupid idea.

They have to sell it to us? What happened to the notion that their job is to serve us? (I know, I know. I am a dinosaur.)


Kennedy had U-2 aerial shots of missile bunkers and missiles on truckbeds to back up his request for an OK from Congress for the naval embargo.

I guess it’s less important for this administration to produce proof positive than it is to have its own way, based on hearsay and inuendo.

Well, from Sept. 9 to Sept. 19, we should expect to see something happening – maybe angry noises that would put psul the uncool to shame.

I don’t know what to think any more, but I do expect the worst from now on. Yet it’s so easy to avoid this path that is being followed. You have to start asking why is it so important to launch an attack that will prove futile against the Syrian government? I say futile, because Assad’s military has scattered itself to the winds to avoid direct hits by US missiles. Oh – yes, that’s been published.

And they’re more worried aobut the rebels/AQs running amok through Damascus than they are about being hit by missile strike.


“This is not an extended air campaign. This is something that’s targeted, limited and effective, so as to underscore that (Syrian President Bashar al-Assad) should not think that he could get away with this again.”

Effective at what? And nearly every war we’ve fought since WWII we thought would be limited until the enemy cast its vote. As for Assad thinking twice, he’s allegedly used gas a couple times this year already. After this “targeted and limited” strike, what’s to stop him from killing another 100,000 people? Or do we only care if he gasses people instead of shooting them?


@4, the last line of your post reminded me of the following by Colbert:

“Dictator Bashar al-Assad is killing his own people with chemical weapons. Before he was just killing them with bullets,” Colbert said. “If America cared about shooting people, we’d be invading Chicago.”


@5 In my debates and discussions with people on this subject, the first thing I’ve done is ask them if this is a matter of international law, moral outrage, or saving our pride. There are HUGE differences between those reasons for war with Syria.


Well, bodaprez is visiting with Joe ‘drunk uncle’ Biden and the GOPhers invited over by Joey for dinner, to make his sales pitch on bushwhacking Syria.

It’s at the Naval Observatory.

I wish he’d just stay away from Navy stuff.

Roger in Republic

Syria, brought to you by the same people that gave us Fast and Furious, Rouge IRS Agents in Cleveland, And a Video trailer leading to Benghazi. Lying lairs, lying.

PS If John Swift Boat Kerry says that our partners now reach double digits we must assume he means 01 not 10. If there are 10 say 10. But to say double digits tells us nothing. And I think that’s the way they want it.


My theory is still that this is just another contrived crisis to keep Congress from addressing the budget generally, and specifically the question of how best to defund Obamacare. So far it is working beautifully.

One reason you know that they use this tactic is because they are constantly accusing others of creating false crises.

AW1 Tim

Seeing the Russian Naval buildup, plus the addition of a Chinese warship to the area, and our own Naval buildup, this reminds me of the line from “The Hunt for Red October”: “This will get out of control. It will get out of control and we will be lucky to live through it.”

Considering that at least 8 nuclear-armed nations are within striking range of the Med/Syria, it might well get out of control quickly and with some very serious consequences. This reminds me more and more of August 1914.

Obama may well be the first Nobel Prize winner to start a world war.


I tend to agree with you OWB. The countdown timer for the Affordable Care Act is soon over. With this new crisis (squirrel!!!), Congress and the Senate will look the other way. In the end, I think it will play out bad. Obamacare will pass due to lack of action, and Syria will be unilaterally attacked based on Obama’s word, no matter what legislators tell him. He just HAS to get his way.

Should that sceanio play out, then we’re all fucked – and so will our brothers and sisters in arms.

vietnam war protestor

democratic hispanic caucus told by obama support my war and I will give anesty to illegial aliens. Many democratic hispanic congress persons now have delema. they oppose war ;but have to have amnesty for there hispanic community. One california hispanic democrat said on msnbc 95% of my calls are against war ;but that won’t get amnesty so I will vote for war! I want amnesty and I can’t talk to obama without a yes vote on war with syria!


“Targeted, limited and effective“? If it’s effective, that’ll be the first thing that this Regime has done since 2009 that will even approach “effective”. I wonder if they mind that I don’t believe them?


The question is, and will remain, exactly WHO is being targeted?

If it’s Assad’s military, they’ve already scattered themselves and are widely dispersed.

“I’m more afraid now than I was ever when we fought in Qusair or Khalidiyeh,” said Saleem, referring to some of the most hard-fought battles of the past six months. “If a foreign strike comes and the rebels manage to intensify their operations simultaneously, that’s a whole new level of combat. I’m still more scared of rebel mortars than U.S. cruise missiles.”

Link to article quoted:

Lest we forget, Iran has become a manufacturer of arms, armaments, warships, gunship helicopters, etc.

It’s becoming more and more plain that the lights are on in the White House and nobody’s home. They have no clue to what they are up against, and because they have no evidence to back up the warmongering they’ve engaged in, they have nothing to show with their sales pitches.

When is this dog and pony show over?

vietnam war protestor

War is much easier to get into then out of! No war for peace!

2/17 Air Cav

@16. I prefer that he jump from a bridge–a high bridge–over rocks–very sharp and jagged rocks. I don’t read his crap any longer but, unfortunately, as I page past his comments, I do see a word or phrase or two. Would that there could be a separate, “Bona Fide Asshole” section that certain IP addresses automatically get dumped into.


It was the summer of 1939 in Warsaw. People were milling around, casually enjoying life, oblivious to the fact that literally overnight the lives that they knew, would be turned upside down and ripped away from them before their very eyes. I have a real bad feeling about this one. Real bad. It’s clearly evident that all of this has been designed.


Now we have Sens. Graham and McCain dissing the Syria arms deal, saying tht it will push Iran even harder into its pursut of a usable nuclear weapon.

Iran ships oil to China. It is developing roads that follow the Old Silk Road, that very ancient trading route in Asia Minor, for the purpose of sending oil tanker trucks to China. And just how hard would it be for China to return the favor by shipping parts for working nukes to Iran? You can pack a LOT of stuff on the backs of domesticated camels and who would pay attention to a camel caravan?


And this just in: scary kerry is still saying ‘shooting solution’ about Syria.

I’m getting a bit confused by these messages now.