The REAL Cause of That Unrest in Syria

| September 9, 2013

Well, according to some, it’s due to drought caused by global warming.

Seriously.  That’s really what some folks are claiming.

That’s just par for the course, though.  As the linked article also shows, eighty years ago the idiots in charge in Damascus blamed freaking yo-yos for causing a severe drought – and banned them.

Historical climate data shows that Syria and the rest of that part of the Middle East has been subject to periodic droughts for literally thousands of years.  And yet there are tools who come up with this kind of pseudo-scientific crap to try and justify their cause du jour – as well as gullible fools who eat it up like candy.

Looks like the old quote erroneously attributed to P T Barnum was right.  There really is one born every minute.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Global Warming, It's science!

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That is odd … I thought it was because they live in a DESERT THAT LACKS SUFFICIENT WATER!


Well, John sKerry said “climate change” was the cause at Majuro, Marshall Islands on 2SEP2013. So, it MUST be true! lmao!


It must be ManBearPig’s fault. Where’s Al Gore when you need him? I’m Super Serial about this guys, MBP is to blame and only Al cane bail out the climate change issues there…

Been on a south park kick all weekend, sorry.

I suppose this is why us “infidels” decided not to live in the desert thousands of years ago and moved to better climates.


Gee, the same thing happened to the Hittites and ancient Greeks, only it was a 300-year drought in Greece.

The problem with all of these theories is that the drought during the Depression, which generated the Dust Bowl, didn’t cause a major war.

Or, wait — did it? Was that why bread was so expensive in Germany that you needed a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread?

2/17 Air Cav

Okay, let’s borrow from Hollywood to solve this. We deposit obamaman and Assad on an otherwise uninhabited island. You know the rest.


Wait a minute…the arctic ice cap is growing! More like global cooling I think…so confused.

Don’t forget fmr ISAF commander Gen John Allen blamed Ramadan induced hunger and thirst for the rash of green on blue attacks…yeah Syria, we got our own yo yos (biggest one at 1600 Penn Ave).


@2–Majuro. Seriously? And I thought I was the only person on this board to have been there. We tied up to the Proteus overnight there in 1989 (never left the boat) during PACEX and to transfer off a guy who had busted up his shoulder when he dropped his rack pan on it.

And I thought Guam sucked.


Yeah-I heard this listening to “Weekend Edition” on NPR driving home from drill yesterday. You have to admire the left in at least this respect-they never let an opportunity to re-enforce the narrative go by and they are disciplined about staying on message.


Eric: algore is much too busy spending the money he made from selling his cable network to Aljazeera to be bothered with the global warming meme these days.


2/17 Air Cav

@9. I saw some commercials for Allah Jazeera recently. I do not understand them.


Average temperatures have actually stabilized, then declined, since the end of the 20th Century. The reality is that the Sun, not human activity, has influenced this decline… like it has been doing for ages. The sun drives our climate directly and indirectly. We’re currently in Solar Sunspot Cycle 24, and it has been week compared to the previous solar cycles. Solar Cycle 25 is actually going to be weaker than the current solar sunspot cycle. The last time sunspot activity behaved this way, we entered into mini ice age conditions. The media is big on reporting massive heatwaves in Europe, Russia, and North America, and the deaths they caused. What didn’t they report as enthusiastically as they did those heatwaves? The deep freezes that most of the northern and southern hemispheres have been getting the past two winters. For example, in the winter of 2011 to 2012, the US, 48 contiguous states, had a mild winter. The weather people announced that if you wanted to see winter, you had to go to Alaska. What didn’t get mention was the fact that for that same winter, canals froze over in Europe, with one 6 to 8 week cold snap killing 650 people across Europe and Russia. Not munch mention of the increasing freeze weather related casualties in our media. Even North African nations saw snow. For the past few years, 100 to 200 year old freeze records have been broken. That’s compared to heat records mainly beating decades old records… mostly in the 30 to 40 year standing record range. There’s a website where you could track record high and lows. In the past two years, when it was normally summer, we’ve had long stretches of time where we’ve seen more record lows, and record low high temps, than what you’d normally see in the summers… more record highs and record low highs. When was the last time canals froze regularly in Europe? Answer, the mini ice age. Those 150 to 200 year record lows being set? 150 years ago, we were coming out of a mini ice age; 200 years… Read more »


Thebesig, you left out the following:

18 months with zero sunspots from October 2008 to March 2010;

the 3+ feet of snow in Peru in the Atacama Desert in 2011 where snow had not been seen in living memory, plus the 9 inches of snow last month in the same place (8/2013);

and the increasing numbers of blizzard conditions (high winds, deep snows) in the Midwest, starting back in 2008, and alternating with winters with almost no snow.

There is nowhere any taking into account the long-term effects of smoke from wildfires, either.


@6 – I remember that. Gen Allen’s comment was made based on his opinion, and he was going by what his handlers were telling him.

Truth of the matter is, it was later discovered those green on blue attacks were caused over grievances. The others were perpetrated by those who had ties with the Taliban.

IMO, he was spouting off an idea which couldn’t be substantiated, making excuses, as to not upset the apple cart and appease the WH.


I find it kind of funny. Everyone is claiming Global Warming, but the polar ice sheet has grown 60% this year, alone. This is more growth than in the past three decades. So, apparently, Global Warming is leading us into an ice age.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

At the height of the global warming craze the loss of north pole ice sheet was mirrored by south pole ice sheet gains so there was no net loss of ice sheet mass just where the ice sheet was occurring on the planet at the time.

Talk about your inconvenient truths…


@ #7-NHSparky: For real, bro. He spoke at a climate change conference there, the first of the month because islands are “sinking” slowly under the sea.

Mujaro Statement

<a href="sKerry speaking on video




Sorry about that…*ducking*

Green Thumb

Someone will undoubtedly publish a paper about this soon to maintain tenure and then pat themselves on the back.