Teh Sarah meets the moonbats

| October 7, 2008

A good friend of this blog, Ringo the Gringo, took time out of his day yesterday to document the moonbat invasion of Sarah Palin’s speech yesterday in SoCal. Ringo caught it all from polar bear suits to Cheney comparisons. I can’t wait until McCain wins and I get back to mingling with Moonbats again.

Ringo writes;

I arrived at noon and found myself surrounded in traffic by more cars with Republican bumper-stickers than I’d ever seen in my entire life as a Californian.

Gateway Pundit and Hot Air have the video of her campaign speech and smackdown of a interloper. Michelle Malkin writes; “She’s not taking lip from anti-war hecklers. Or anyone else.”

Here’s one of the videos;

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Category: John McCain/Sarah Palin, Politics

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At Ringo’s site, note the photo where the sign asks, “Sarah, have you stopped clubbing baby seals.” The little bastard is wearing a Vietnam Veterans Against the War shirt.

His sign should read, “Former Honorable Soldier, Will Stab Troops In The Back For Food.”

Jonn wrote: I disagree, Raoul. His shirt should say “will stab troops in the back for a coffee franchise”.


My favorite part of her come back is the “God love ya”.

That translates as “you dumb ass” in rural America.



Yep, ya gotta love her. Her personality does shine through and I believe for 2012, she’s a shoe-in.


Okay- Now I looked at all of the photos. WTF is wrong with those people who are out there putting animal rights ahead of the Country? Or the nastiness from the feminists? Holy cow. I have seen it before-the extremes people go to have a say. but Gee-sus. They are so nasty and bitter and, once again, giving Ovomit a pass.

Bill Hobbs

Here’s an audience member’s video of Palin taking down the protestor. It’s jiggly handheld video, but gives a good look at what happened. The incidence comes at 5:55 into the video.

Ringo the Gringo

Thanks for the link!

PDS has already replaced BDS. If McCain wins this election, expect at least 4 more years moonbats barking in the streets.


Ringo my man, that was a classic pictorial.

Paul Couturier - OIF Vet

Leave it to Sarah to put a gutless, hate-filled, un-American, andi-military extremist in his place!!!!

All you gutless, hate-filled, anti-military extremists take note; NEVER piss off a Blue Star Mom, especially if her name is Sarah Palin 😀

Dean F.

I’m in Love with Sarah Palin!!!