Chelsey Manning Backup Plan: a pair of scissors and a shitload of advil
DoD paraphrased: Yeah dude, that’s doesn’t work for us.
Actual comment:
We are aware that counsel representing the soldier convicted under the name Bradley Manning conveys that his client now openly identifies as female.
There is no mechanism in place for the US military to provide hormone therapy or gender-reassignment surgery for inmates incarcerated in DoD facilities.
Inmates at the United States Disciplinary Barracks and Joint Regional Correctional Facility are treated equally regardless of race, rank, ethnicity or sexual orientation. All inmates are considered soldiers and are treated as such with access to mental health professionals, including a psychiatrist, psychologist, social workers and behavioral science noncommissioned officers with experience in addressing the needs of military personnel in pre- and post-trial confinement.
— For specific questions on facilities at USDB and its policies, please contact Ms. Lewis at (913) 684-1723\1715 or at
So yeah. There’s that.
Category: "Teh Stoopid"
Think about this case, and the new gay-friendly military leadership.
What are the chances policies will change to allow gender reassignment and hormone “therapy” for active duty folks?
I protest. I do not want that shithole becoming part of my gender population.
@1 Nik- That is a strong possibilty considering they have added a policy where Soldiers wanting to marry someone of the same sex, can go on “Special Leave” to a state that will allow such marriages.
“Defense Secretary Hagel announced that gay and lesbian members of the military who wish to marry now qualify for up to 10 days of uncharged leave to travel to a state where such marriages are legal. In addition, the DoD will begin granting full benefits to same-sex couples…”
@3, Excuse me for a moment, I gotta go throw up!!
This statement just paid for the Manning’s lawyer’s new boat and house in the Hamptons.
This will be the next cases in the sad saga of Chelseanna.
Hey, can I copyright that?
@3: Great timing that my mandatory retirement came up last year; I could stomach this radical social re-engineering of my beloved Army no more…
Hasan is still there, drawing pay as an Army psychiatrist, isn’t he?
Perhaps he can help treat (which salutation is appropriate?!?) Manning while s/he is there.
Soldiers are going to have to start asking themselves:
“Is it real? Or is it Super Surgery?”
Homosexuality is one thing, but there is a reason why transgender i stil on the DSMV as a disorder. The freaking shit that their heads go through, makes them as dependable as 2 year old. Even before they start hormone treatments which do a number on their heads and bodies, they are already going through some serious psych issues.
I think we can safely use Breanna/Chelsea as a prime example of why we should not allow TS/TG soldiers. Their psychological condition makes them unpredicatable and unreliable.
I have worked with someone going through that process, and know of another young person going through it now. No, they do not belong in the military and that has nothing to do with judging them for their sexual identity or choices. Just cold hard facts that they are going through major league psychological and physical issues that should preclude them from Military Service. Doesn’t make them all bad people, just not the type to be able to serve while going through all that, or even afterwards in my opinion.
#3 JBS
What #4 said.
He was going to be someone’s Chelsey when he got to the USDB anyway.
Why not start using the name now ?
@2 – Speaking for the men here, we don’t want him to be part of our gender population, either.
Maybe he’d just be better off an a eunuch?
“Maybe he’d be better off as a eunuch.”
No, I think that’s far better than he deserves.
Okay, he doesn’t want his penis or testicles, fine. Let someone else have them. Or make him eat them.
Sorry, this piece of whale’s offal pisses me off. This has never been about anything other than what an attention whore wants — attention.
And on top of all that, he looks like what he is – a wanker who needs to lose the interest of the public as quickly as possible. That means no more news items about the little creep.
My solution? Two knives: one sharp, one red hot. One to cut, the other to cauterize. Painkillers? You don’ need no stinkin’ painkillers.
I wholeheartedly agree, Ex-PH2, I just hope the mess media liberals quit pimping him trying to further force the LGBT agenda down our throats!
Bubba says BOHICA Baby!
Manning should make use of this time to reconnect with his penis
Ranger Pat nailed it. The no-balls PC types at Hood are not going to stand Hasan up against a wall so let him and the little prick share a cell. A win-win situation for all.
All please join me in a prayer for John Crisalli, a Vietnam-era SAS combat veteran who passed away early this morning. John held dual citizenship and was my shipmate and crewman in the CG Auxiliary for ten years. While we can come up with a quasi-official military burial, would you believe the British Defence (their spelling) Attache in Washington blew my request for a flag and protocol info off. Great way to treat someone who still had nightmares because of what his unit had to do in Nam’
This Brienna/Chrissie (whatever. . . ) puts me in mind of a favorite joke song, played by Bob & Tom In The Morning on KBER 101FM (SLC, UT); “I’m Your Prison Bitch”. I’ll have to look up the lyrics & post them here ASAP.
Here it is, for your edification, education, and entertainment, the “Prison Bitch” song, by Rodney Carrington: They say our love is taboo that what we’re doing is wrong but I don’t care what they say ’cause my love is so strong they tell us we should be ashamed were not husband and wife but I cherish each moment with you I’m so glad you’re in my life verse: You’re my prison bitch my prison bitch you’re not like other men I’m glad we share a prison cell when lights go out at ten I can’t escape the way I feel now that will be a crime as long as I am doing you I don’t mind doing time ’cause you’re my prison bitch, my prison bitch and I have no regrets, I got you for a candy bar and a pack of cigarettes at first you were resistant but now you are my friend I knew that I would get you in the end chorus: Prison bitch prison bitch I guess that you were sent from up-above Yeah! Prison bitch prison bitch and now you are my prisoner of love (verse 2:prison bitch) I’m your prison bitch your prison bitch and you’re a sex machine I only have but one request how ’bout some vasaline (Shut up!) I’m tired of this prison cell I need to get away, they sentence me to seven years not seven times a day I’m your prison bitch your prison bitch you nympho-maniac (Come here!) I really hate these knockers that you tattoo’d on my back I thought that I could break away but now I’m losing hope and god I’m tired of picking up the soap Bend over prison bitch!!(oo ooh oo) Prison bitch!(doo ooh oo) Turn out the lights ’cause I can hardly wait Prison bitch!(doo ooh oo) Prison bitch!(doo ooh oo) (bitch:) When I get out I’m ready to go straight! (verse 3:) You’re my prison bitch my prison bitch I’ll never say goodbye you’re not like all the others too bad they had to die… prison bitch: on second thought I… Read more »
What this shit-head did was treason. Blaming it on his gender-identity issues is nothing more than a ploy to get lenient sentence.
He can do his time with his useless and unwanted wang. If he doesn’t like it he can tuck it in when he looks in the mirror. Once he gets out in about 20-30 years he can take his dishonorable discharge to Castro Street and beg for spare change to fund his operation.
@ #19: Prayer said – strength for you and thanks for allowing your friend to be our brother in arms.
@22 – 20 to 30?? He’s probably going to server 8 to 10 at the most.
He can just wait until he gets out and get the transformation on his own dime, not mine.
I’ve known two men who have gone through the process. Both of them said that they knew they were supposed to be female from an early age. Manning should have never been accepted into the military in the first place with those issues.
It takes years of psychological counseling and steps from spending at least a year dressing as a woman, having your voice altered surgically, then having the final surgery. The docs want to make sure that it’s what you really want because it is not reversible.
Even afterward, they still needed counseling. Dating is a HUGE issue, most men are pretty creeped out when they find out the ‘woman’ they were dating used to be a man. The reaction can be violent.
I’m totally down with Bradley becoming Chelsea.
After he’s out of prison.
And on his own dime, or whatever idiots donate to his cause.
Other than that, hell no…unless it’s a jailhouse operation.
If he identifies himself as a woman, why is he still using a wall urinal to pee?
There’s speculation that this tranny bullshit is a scam cooked up by his/her lawyer to get out of military prison and into a federal civilian prison where tranny hormone, etc. treatments are required. With Hagel and Obummer running things, that could happen…
That’s what I’m talking about. Hey, don’t they have a womens’ unit in Leavenworth? Do they have a halfway house in that prison for those who are in transition?
My only hope is the Gov’t shows some testicular fortitude…wait…stop laughing.
Ok, they probably won’t, but if they did they’d say “screw you” to Ex-Manning and the lawyers, let the sentence stand as is, and put him in Leavenworth. He’d have to go straight to isolation for the duration of his stay, for his own safety.
Years. In solitary. I could live with that, as long as his parole committee members never get laid again, so they’re in a perpetually bad mood.
Give him my email, TSO. I’ll do ‘im for free …
The real victims in all of this is the men Manning has dated in the past.
They thought they were dating a guy named Bradley… now it turns out they were fooled by some girl named Chelsea, and really in heterosexual relationships. Are they really gay at all, or just fooling themselves?
He/she/it is just getting a head start on the “Making New Friends and Learning to share” experience at Fort Leavenworth.
as for the extra leave for gay marriage. I thought they just wanted to serve and didn’t want any special privileges? Let them do like I had to do: schedule my marriage in between deployments and hope that my leave wouldn’t be cancelled after I made all of those non-refundable deposits. bunch of whiny bitches!!!
LOL, Malclave. Never thought of that.
@31 I was about to say the same thing. Why do I wish that the first films they show on his first “movie night” are a double feature: Penitentiary backed with Deliverance. One thing is for sure even the “short eyes” in Leavenworth now have someone to look down upon. I can even give Nidal Hassan a modicum of respect (a very small modicum of respect mind you) for at least doing what he did because he believed it was right. Manning only did it because the Army was a bunch of “Big, Bad, Meany Faces!” Sorry kid, but that don’t cut. Better hope, somebody doesn’t declare a “Prima Nocte” when you get there or says “Bring Out the Gimp!”
Want in one hand, shit in the other, see which one fills up faster. That’s the little miscreant’s entire problem, it’s all about what he wants. The self entitled whiney little bitch.
I’m sure if he wants to feel more like a woman some of the guys in prison can tattoo some knockers on him. Of course they’ll be on his back.
A couple of my facebook friends have posted about this turd and there are actually those who support him, his acts, and his desires to have you and I pay for his wants.
There is no shortage of stupid.
Can he get shock therapy… with a cattle prod?
[…] Via This Ain’t Hell comes word that the US military will not be providing gender reassignment treatment for Bradley Manning who was recently sentenced to 35 years in prison and has now openly identified himself as a woman: […]
too rich to not share with yall