Everett L. MacDonald’s Purple Heart back in the family

| August 19, 2013

Joseph sends a link to the story of Tech Sergeant Everett L. MacDonald’s medals which were lost when his widow died and were returned to the family a few weeks ago. Sergeant MacDonald was killed on September 13, 1944;

For his service and his sacrifice, Technical Sargent MacDonald was bestowed with a Purple Heart, a Distinguished Flying Cross, and an Air Medal, all of which were given to his wife, which she held onto for the entirety of her life. After her passing, the medals were found amongst her possessions and through the diligent work of Purple Hearts Reunited and Captain Zacariah Fike, have now been returned to Technical Sargent MacDonald’s nephew.
In attendance were the Patriot members of the Military Order of the Purple Heart…

Everett, Massachusetts must be a great place to live for so many of it’s residents to pay tribute to a man none of them ever knew.

Category: Support the troops

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This isn’t the first time CPT Fike has been featured here at TAH for this reason.


CPT Fike’s nonprofit, Purple Hearts Reunited, is one that’s IMO worthy of consideration for donations. For anyone who’s interested, information on how to donate is in the earlier article.

Kudos again, CPT Fike. Many thanks.


Well done, indeed!