Well Done, Captain

| April 16, 2013

During the last days of World War II in Europe, an American soldier – PFC George Charles Hankey – was killed.  He died on May 1, 1945.  He was buried at the Lorraine American Cemetery, St. Avold, France.

PFC Hankey’s family was notified of his death.  His little brother Alvin was 7 at the time.  He idolized his brother older, and thought of him often growing up.

PFC Hankey’s medals – including a Purple Heart – were given to his widow.  Unfortunately she also died a few years later.

PFC Hankey’s funeral flag was given to his mother.  But for whatever reason, PFC Hankey’s mother didn’t want his medals.

The medals disappeared.  And in most cases, that’s the end of the story.  Except this time . . . it isn’t.

Fast forward about 60 years – and enter CPT Zachariah Fike, VT ARNG.  CPT Fike founded and runs a nonprofit foundation called “Purple Hearts Reunited”.  The name of the foundation very succinctly describes its mission.

PFC Hankey’s medals were found recently in an old cedar chest.  Someone contacted Purple Hearts Reunited.

PFC Hankey’s name was engraved on the back of his Purple Heart.  That allowed Purple Hearts Reunited to locate his nearest living relative:  his little brother, Alvin Hankey, now in his mid-70s.

Alvin Hankey recently received his late brother’s Purple Heart – along with his brother’s Bronze Star, Good Conduct Medal, American Campaign Medal, European-African Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with Campaign Stars, World War II Victory Medal, Combat Infantryman Badge, and Airborne Wings.  With the medals and badges was a photograph of his older brother in uniform.

PFC Hankey’s medals are hardly the first returned by Purple Hearts Reunited.  Rather, they’re only one case among many.

Kudos, CPT Fike.  Damn well done.

. . .

Purple Hearts Reunited is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit corporation.  Their Facebook page, which IMO is worth a visit, is


They accept donations via PayPal.  Should you care to donate the old fashioned way, donations can also be mailed to

Purple Hearts Reunited INC
P.O. Box 3
Burlington, VT 05402-0003

If you’ve got some spare $$$ after taxes, this might be a good place to send a few of them.

Category: Blue Skies

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Awesome post!

Well done, Captain, well done!


Great post, Brother.


Now that is cool.


Really excellent.

T-Bird Henry

BRAVO ZULU CPT Fike! Well Done indeed sir!