Tuesdays with Claymore

| August 13, 2013

Stupid rich people

Drama queens equate caution with holocaust

In other words, that Master’s degree in Puppetry wasn’t exactly a smart move, Zippy.

Bitter Clingers

Pantsuit 2016

Driving Miss Crazy

Fukushima? No Fukuyou!

Shout out to DU lawyers…this should be good.

So Orwell had Bush in mind?

Well, he IS in the Film Actors Guild. (extra points if you can cite the reference)

…or a personal rights discussion with Hillary and Holder?

The left should be so proud of themselves.

More from the “It Wasn’t Me” president.

Nightmare on Penn Ave.

Countdown to Tombstone on this dude…

Neverending Election Cycle

Rock head

Droning on and on

Al Gore…the perfect Democrat…you know, that’s probably accurate for all the wrong reasons.

…dogs and cats living together….mass hysteria!

Grannie hates Bush

Conservatives hate Hillary because she’s a bitch.

Yeah, that Osprey ride was totally worth it, y’all.

U mad bro?

Bad economy….still Bush’s fault.

Pour grammer fo’ da’ whin.

So easy, even a caveman could do it.

…yellow stripe up the middle, right next to the dead animals.

More Bush Family Evil Empire bullshit.


Why have 60 reasons when 61 is way cooler?

As if the aroma of vinegar and water wasn’t strong enough.

The main reason Democrats are pro-choice

Black kid uses SYG and the left is still pissed

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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2/17 Air Cav

You really outdid yourself today, Claymore. Usually, I pick two–sometimes three–to scan but your retitles were so funny I’m at number ten, so far. I need a break from the idiocy, however, so I have to stop there for now. (BTW, I had no idea Matt Damon is such an asshole.)


It is an interesting article regarding Orwell and Bush. I actually was part of a debate the other day regarding the same thing, where a libtard was saying how the President was trying to undo the 1984 policies of Bush.

I lead the idiot through an almost Platonic (as in Plato) rhetoric which he agreed to every point from Orwell, and then asked one more question regarding the book, “and how did those in power keep the people loyal? Was it by blaming another entity which they had demonized from day one?”

He walked away, quite pissed, without answering.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

No one anywhere has suggested that since productivity is doing well, then the reason so many are still poor is because we have outgrown a work-based distribution of resources.

It’s frightening that not one person has called out this line as some serious communist bullsh1t….

For what it’s worth Claymore I’ve taken your advice, started a new identity over there and am quietly gathering intel and have even managed to post without being shot out of there for about 3 weeks now….far better than my less than 5 posts first outing.


the 3rd topic on College Loans…. right off the bat we have this gem.
“Higher education costs in the US are out of control. Tuition and fees need to be on a sliding scale
and repayment needs to be keyed to post-graduation income, not on a set schedule. It’s the only way to avoid a collapse of the system at the bottom – make the rich pay their proportionate fair share.”

…”their fair share”. WTF? I’m sorry, so now you think because you make less money than someone you should not have to pay full price for your purchases? Will this work with food, gas, houses? You only pay what you can afford at the time, we will have this sliding scale economy… WTF Planet do these idiots come from?

Okay, DU is to be avoided at the end of a long day.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@4 well, they don’t want to address how college costs have risen disproportionately to the rate of inflation so they come up with stupid alternatives…


Well, the D in DU does stand for depleted . . . oh, wait, wrong DU.

Or maybe not. Does the U stand for “understanding”?


Since no one else has said it, the Film Actors Guild reference is from Team America: World Police. Which is an absolute funny as hell movie, btw. What did I win?

Just Plain Jason