Tuesdays with Claymore
Our guy = good, your guy = Hitler
I think I need some waffle fries and a sammich today.
Charity is a village in Africa
Apparently he needs to read a book.
Nothing worse than hippie nostalgia
Oh, but I thought Obama was the Messiah….
In essence, you’re saying the indictment was political? This is my surprised face.
Anti-union? You deserve to be poor.
No thanks, I’ll drink decaf first.
Category: Tuesdays with Claymore
The folks over there sure like to talk a lot of sh1t about being inclusive, but they want to exclude everyone who doesn’t agree with them….
I love seeing those pretentious f$cking idiots posting about you reap what you sew were I still allowed to post there I would like to ask how attaching two pieces of cloth with thread has anything to do with the farming practice or reaping? What is so difficult about understanding the language and using it correctly? Half to three quarters of the posts read like they were written by undereducated idiots on mood altering substances….hard to have a substantive argument when there is no substance in your post.
This thread could give a dead man a blood pressure — and he’s need B/P meds afterwards, too!
The idiocy would be funny, if it weren’t so frightening. I keep thinking, “…and these people have the right to VOTE?!”
I’ve decided to read at least a post or two, though, because Claymore puts so much effort into it.
they give me a headache.
had to laugh at the one entitled “crazy gun nuts” – the Connecticut Senate voted down a plan to restict ‘dangerously mentally ill’ people from acquiring guns. The reason given was an apparentl lack of due process: I suspect that as written, all it would take was any one of many bureaucrats deciding you were mentally ill to strip you of your rights, without a reasonable appeals process or even criteria list. Sort of like when they wanted to exclude committers of domestic violence, and wrote it as “anyone with a restraining order”. Which in effect said “anyone with a crazed vindictive soon-to-be-ex-spouse who convinced their lawyer to screw with you”.
I love when someone rationally pointed out that they cannot convict George Zimmerman of the charges leveled against him the chorus lit up. Remind me if I ever decide to stalk and kill a youth, I will call the cops and refer to him as an archaic term that noone has used for 300 years so they can debate wether or not I am racist, homophobic, or sexist…