West Regional Second Round

| July 2, 2013

I’m off for Gettysburg this morning. If any of you peeps (or potential litigants) are in that AO this week, you can hook up with me on my facebook page, because I will charge the iphone daily.

1) Shane Ladner
9) Matt Farmer

4) Elton Perry Hawley
5) Michael Gerold

3) Todd Michael Hamilton
11) Carroll Bryant

7) Douglas Arthur Buono
2) Danny Russell Crane

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Category: Politics

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West Regional, but South Regional in the voting?



Ladner is the biggest turd in this toilet, but I could make a serious case for Gerrold and Hamilton since they bilked veterans (and others) out of their money.


I agree Ladner is definitely the largest hunk of excrement here. But I’m still rooting for Crotchrot to take it all.


Crotchrocket is a douche for sure, but I think this is Monkress’ tournament to lose,


I’s sad that there are so many of these d-bags that I can’t remember them all and have to click on their names to refresh my memory.

Green Thumb

A truly disgusting bracket.

I think I need to take a bath.


Where is the picture of the sock puppet?

I’m gonna go fill the birdbath. Turn the hose on myself. Ladner is so gaaaack! awful. Like a hairball, only worse.


I gave it to Farmer over Ladner – even if he is an imitation Poe, that PTS fakery is just infuriating.

Crotchity Old Bubblehead

I could not agree with LebbenB in your #4 comment more.

I had to go with Gerold in this round only due to the chick on his arm in the one photo. I can’t really tell what her face looks like (can’t see that well) but I bet her lungs stay nice and warm in the winter with all that sweater meat she lugs around.

Green Thumb

Todd “Turd Thief” Hamilton has that particularly disgusting stain quality to not only advance, but hang around awhile.

Green Thumb

Gerold climbed out of a window.

Speaks volumes as to his character.


Yeah, after reading this again, I seriously need a shower in boiling Listerine. Ugh.


@11. Or lack thereof.


I gotta go with Ladner. His sorry ugly fat ass makes me sick to my stomach. I gotta go throw up.

Just An Old Dog

Ladner is probably going to be the top turd in this septic tank. Bryant really irked me also. I really hate douche bags that use fabricated service as a basis for criticizing the Military or Government.
It’s like a shitbag critic panning a movie he never saw or slamming a restaurant he never ate in.

Military Supporter

Ladner gets my vote! Because of his lie his wife almost loss her life, but he continues his rants of two Purple Hearts, no now it’s one. “I can’t talk about it because it was a secret mission.” He has no proof of anything and just continues to lie and bully. Real class guy! He should win.


How about all the other medals listed on that DD-214 you where so lucky to have found. I count at least sixteen other medals other then the purple heart that have to be questioned. Where are those citations Mr. attorney ?
Free V.A. money really, its about free money !! Honorable recipient, lucky to have found the original!! Give it a rest Scum Sucker !! It was never about the money with this Turd, it was about driving his big fat ass around in his bright red pick up truck. Look at me I’ve got a purple heart , I’ve been wounded in combat! Getting the attention that he needs, because of his very low self esteem ! Sgt. Shame Ladner has my vote !! Lets not forget he lied to show of support to get a free hunting trip …… not that they care ! Yea and his wife lost her leg. he deserves to win this !!

Planet Ord

Ladner claimed a boatload of medals that he never earned. He claimed ones that aren’t on his DD214. I guess he made those up on the spot. His personal and professional betrayal still sicken me. The least he could do is come clean and ask for forgiveness, but he’s holding out for the railroad lawsuit to finish up. It’s all about the Benjamins with him, one way or another. I rode in that truck with him and saw the plate for years. If I’d only known then what I know now. I would ave painted it over or something.

Military Supporter

How much longer before Ladner’s attorney releases the documents he keeps promising? If he has the evidence bring it out so this loser can finally leave the house. Yeah, right . Not happening. If anyone in his area does see him out and about let him know how you feel about posers!

Military Supporter

I hope Ladner wins so his attorney will have a real honor to show the District Attorney! He keeps talking about all of the documents that they’re getting together to prove their client is Honorable….. Let’s give him another.