Monday morning feel good story

| July 1, 2013

Chief Tango sends a link to the story of two Houston kids who had their lives turned around by a homeowner when they found themselves in his living room;

“I was scared because I thought my dad was going to die,” he said.

Fernando’s eyewitness of what happened to his family has been helpful to investigators as they piece the scene together.

“My uncle come with the hands up,” he said. “My dad takes his gun out and then he shoots two, then one goes running outside.”

Police aren’t saying exactly how three armed men got inside, but investigators believe they were looking for money. Only one of the three escaped.

Investigators said the shooter was taken in for questioning, but they believe this was a resident rightfully defending his home and family. The case will be referred to a grand jury.

As extended family members heard what happened, they rushed to the scene.

“I’m relieved because it was either him or them,” cousin Julio Lopez said. “Tragedy, but he’s alive and I hope he’ll get out because he was just protecting his family.”

we’ve had a lot of these coming out of Houston lately. You’d think that these young people would find a safer place in which they can turn their lives around, wouldn’t you?

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guns

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Glad the homeowner made it. Good when the good guy wins.


I should have read the article first. He got two of three, dead. Taxpayer savings all around. Wonder if the one that got away will turn his life around? Probably not.

Dirt Dart

HELL YEAH, Cleaning the city one dirt bag at a time. Cant fix stupid on their own, needed the multi grain solve all. Besides whats the saying here at TAH?

“Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes”

Dirt Dart

Makes me all warm and fuzzy…


after Katrina,,the inflow of refugees has turned Houston into a cesspool!


Maybe the intruders were lost or something?


It happened smack-dab in the middle of Shirley Jackson Lee’s district. No surprise there.


@5 My Grandfather lived in Houston before/during/after Karina and I remember him talking about the immediate increase in crime in his neighborhood after the refugees were bussed into H… Not that it wasn’t an issue before, but per his observations it got significantly worse.


Here’s another good story from Oklahoma City today, where a police officer took action:


@9. Two feel-good stories today. Thanks for posting yours.


@10 – You’re welcome.

You just can’t miss when the muzzle is pressed against the temple.


@11. True, but it can get very messy. Either way, good ending, the kid was returned to mom and the dirtbag got dead right there.


We have a citizens group trying to arm women and elderly residents in Sheela Jackson Lee’s district because of incidents like the very story posted above.

Funny how it works so well.


@13 – That’s probably a good thing, considering she thinks people like “Young Jeezy” (thug rapper) are the types of people the community should look up to.


One of the best character references you can have is for Lee to oppose you. She lives in her own little fiefdom


Aw hell, lets make today a three for today Humble police officer shoots and wounds a B&E suspect, second apprehended and hunt on for third.


Correction: Hunt NOT on for a third….

Roger in Republic

After Katrina there was an interview with a Houston Homicide Detective. He related how the criminal evacuees got a rude awakening when they broke the law in Texas. There is a rule in LA. law that says a suspect must be charged within 24 hours of arrest. If a thug kills someone the cops only have 24 hours to find evidence or witnesses or they have to turn him loose. It is so bad that N.O. Cops call it Misdemeanor Homicide. Texas on the other hand takes things like Murder, rape, and armed terrorism very seriously. Now it seems that the citizens of that fair state are beginning to as well.


If you use the 2nd amendment these days you’re guilty until proven innocent, even if it’s in your own home. How pathetic. You don’t need a fucking prosecutor or grand jury to figure out obvious self defense.