Her husband, Nathaniel Richardson, is an Army veteran

| June 7, 2013


Yeah, that’s a line that NBC News felt they needed to add in the story about Shannon Rogers Guess Richardson of New Boston, Texas who was arrested for sending ricin-laced letters to Nanny Bloomberg and the President, you know, because all of us have been trained in the refining and use of ricin. And then we teach our wives;

…Richardson…originally called the Federal Bureau of Investigation claiming that her husband had sent the letters, officials said. The investigators found that she had sent the letters herself, they said.

Richardson is an actress with minor roles on television shows like The Walking Dead and the Vampire Diaries, and was arrested in Arkansas on charges that will be filed Friday afternoon, the authorities said. She has five sons, according to the New York Times.

Ah-ha! She probably learned how to do it from Hollywood and her zombie/vampire movies. Or, more than likely her vicious and conniving veteran husband taught her, because it’s in our Common Tasks Training manual. Or maybe she’s just a freakin’ nut and the internet is an open source media.

Category: Veterans Issues

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More likely post partum depression, that variant of PTSD. Having five sons coulda made her catch it.

(Yeah, that’s sarcasm.)


shit’s getting stranger everyday

The Sniper

At our house we use the instant version: Ricin-A-Roni. It’s the Uncle Sam Francisco treat, you know?


This will quickly become a non-story. The original story was that the letters were sent by/inspired by the NRA, as they objected to gun control.

Well, now that it appears to just be a nasty domestic dispute, down the memory hole it goes!


Dammit. I hate posting a comment right after The Sniper makes a funneh.

Zero Ponsdorf

And soooo… Bizzaro World gets another nod.

The Sniper

xbradtc: Oddly enough, “the memory hole” is what I call my ex-wife.


you just can’t make this stuff up. truth really is stranger than fiction.


New Boston, Tx isn’t all that big. Going to be real hard for her to hide from family, friends, neighbors and church, lol.

2/17 Air Cav

I need to know that fellow in the ram horn hat in the facebook photo. That is my kind of nut.


What’s with the mask? Pro wrestling?

2/17 Air Cav

Wait. When I said “know” I didn’t mean know-know. I maent just know.


what’s funny is watching the megalibs commenting on other sites about how ee-ville the NRA etc are for this. Apparently the thought that she was lying and trying to screw her ex-husband failed to generate a lot of traction.


We can also surmise that she votes Dem all the time since there is no mention of her being a Romney support, tea partier, or the like.

Another typical lefty loon?


Hell hath no fury like that of an angry, spitefull, batshit crazy bitch. Or words to that effect…

The. Story. Stinks.

ok…..let’s see if I got this right:

This lady supposedly made ricin at home (ok, she can buy castor beans and use the internet, story still plausible) risking her own life and the lives of her children and unborn baby (ok maybe she’s a crazy redhead) THEN inserted the deadly toxin into two letters (….maybe she was reeeeally careful…??) without harming anyone and mailed letters to two gov’t figures.

Where the story ‘jumps the shark’ is the part where she is supposedly smart enough to do all that, yet stupid enough to commit this felonious crime that anyone would know would draw federal heat, then wave a flag identifying herself to the feds basically saying “Hey FBI, come and investigate this multi-felony crime and look in my house, my car, search my computer and internet search records, because I’m that confident I can outsmart you.”

This stinks to high hell as a frame-up job, crafted to accomplish two things:

1. Justify further attacks on our civil liberties and increase gov’t surveillance by ‘demonstrating’ U.S. citizens are beginning to resort to these kinds of tactics in response to increasing erosion of civil liberties and freedoms.

2. Show the public that 4th amendment advocates can and will be targeted and silenced by having their freedom taken away permanently.

I’m sorry, this story just doesn’t pass the smell test, just like the 2 brothers backpacks in Boston don’t match the exploded backpack.

Club Manager

Hell hath no fury like a women scorned. He probably told her to leave the mask on, it was an improvement, or words to that effect.


lol @ dangerous Libtards using idiotic Libtard meme to try to frame husband and the Libtard media plays right into it because it’s their most wished for fantasy.

This is so going to become a Lifetime movie.

Just an Old Dog

Ive watched every episode of the walking dead two -three times each. Where the hell was she? She’s got that emaciated face that could easily make her a walk on as a zombie, or was she just another person eaten by them?


@19, I imagine she was just another random Zombie extra in enough gore makeup you wouldn’t be able to recognize her. Extras always call themselves “actors” when they are really just living props.

Green Thumb

I sorta like the mask.

Just saying….


New Boston, Texas is home to the Red River Depot that rebuilds M-1 tanks, Bradley Fighting Vehicles, MLRS launchers, and other heavy equipment. Wonder if the ex-husband works there?


@16, she sounds crazy enough to do that. I remember someone a long time ago saying “Astronaut trying to kill another astronaut with a diaper? Sounds fake.”


@21 GT…. Cat Woman? Batgirl?

Just Plain Jason

@16 probably aliens…

Just Plain Jason

Its Aliens


She is no Sigourney Weaver! I say GOOD DAY TO YOU SIR!


Doesn’t Chris Matthews owe white middle-age male gun owners an apology again? I’ll hold my breathe…

Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

But where does she fall vis-a-vis the Veronica Mendoza axis?