Tuesdays with Claymore

| June 4, 2013

Bradley Manning…role model.

Occupy Magic Kingdom

Incoming Chewbacca Defense

…without the gas chambers, firing squads, oh and Nazis, but other than that.

Newtown, Trayvon Martin = gay hate?

$10 says some idiot leftist Photoshopped this.

Unicorn farts and fairy dust

Evil gun made Zimmerman do it

Paging Keith Olbermann

Stopped Clocks?

DUer’s ponder female sexuality, with no frame of reference apparently.

$85,000 in student loans and this is the advice you get?

Shut ‘er down!

Election math DU style.

Uh, what?

Wall of text. Summary? Bush’s fault.

Poor guy burns through retirement so he can be ignored by Obama in person.

DUer’s shocked…SHOCKED…that Fed agencies actually WASTE taxpayer’s money! SHOCKED I SAY!

Can’t Gitmo satisfaction

Or, you could just turn on MSNBC and see for yourself.

Zimmerman faked his injuries. Yup.

SEALed with a kiss

“Yes, dis bomb belt is defective…no wait…I see the probl…” click

DUer’s upset that educators are acting exactly like leftists want them to…brain dead automatons with no common sense. Oh and pay union dues.


Oh jeez, not this shit again.

Dilbert vs Munchkin King!

Wait, this wasn’t what the President said would happen!

Blow jobs vs hurricanes

Tour de A’stan

Big blue blob in Texas

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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Veritas Omnia Vincit

geez, I only read the first link you posted and I’m already so p1ssed off I could beat one of those f#cking morons unconscious…..

Reading these posts that involve morons who read some sh1t on Wikipedia and think it’s the definitive answer is so depressing with respect to the education level of our nation. Some idiot links to the UN Charter and thinks he has found a basis for Manning’s activities that make Manning some kind of hero…..what basement dwelling do these people live in that they are so sheltered from reality they can elicit these inane (insane?) flights of fancy unfounded with any factual evidence….


From Tour De A’stan, this comment cracked me up:

I remember when he enlisted he was going to be a “ranger” I was told. I thought it was like a park ranger. I had no idea that this is what it involved.


KenW: I got a kick out of that “8 tours in Afghanistan since starting his career in 2008” claim, too.

Sounds to me like some clueless tool from DU (sorry for being repetitive) got taken in.


I really wish I could just post a comment on DU without registering for an account and inform all these asshats that Bradley Manning was never in Iraq, ergo, his decision to release classified documents could not have possibly been motivated by “what he saw in Iraq”.

Just Plain Jason

I do think it is funny when a few people with an ounce of common sense chime in and say no Manning is a fucking traitor, he leaked information that got people killed.