Terry Holdbrooks, that Guantanamo guard who converted to Islam

| May 31, 2013

Athena, among others, has sent us a link to this story about Terry Holdbrooks, who claims that he was a Guantanamo guard who converted to Islam as a result of his conversations with a detainee several years ago. Of course, you’re wondering if he was a actually a Gitmo guard, and we wrote about him four years ago and got his records. So yeah, he was a guard at that camp. I also had some email conversations with him during which he sent us his DD214 which also confirmed his duty there.

But, the stories that he tells about his time there less believable as evidenced in the linked article. At the time I wrote about him, he blamed Christianity for the way we treated our enemies, so he converted to Islam. I wonder how he justifies the way that Islamists treat their prisoners, or the innocents who get blown up while they’re doing their daily shopping. Or how he justifies shooting a 14-year-old girl in the face.

So, now he’s back on his high horse urging the release of Guantanamo prisoners;

“Islam teaches you that if you see an injustice in the world, you should do anything within your power to stop it,” Holdbrooks said.

Yeah, unless those injustices are committed by Muslims, apparently, because he’s only condemning US actions and not things like hanging people for being gay or stoning rape victims. Since he Googles his name, I’m sure he’ll be by here to justify this glaring blind spot that he has for Islamist atrocities. I’m not saying that his stories about his time at Guantanamo are true, just that he was there.

Category: Terror War

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Combat Historian

Fucker has a screw loose somewhere…


I think his discharge for “generalized personality disorder” says it all. That was a saavy army clerk.


“Islam teaches you that if you see an injustice in the world, you should do anything within your power to stop it,” Including flying air liners into the WTC? Pressure cooker bombs at the Boston marathon? Get your head out of your ass, Holdbrooks.


What a pile of camel crap. I do not see thousands of Christians burning and killing folks around the world just because some freaking priest/Pope/Bishop etc say they need to because thats what God wants…I do see brain dead camel humpers burning, destroying killing on the simple word of an idiot who just claims to be an Iman and say God want them to. Question.. if God wants someone dead.. why would he need YOU to do it??


““Islam teaches you that if you see an injustice in the world, you should do anything within your power to stop it,” Holdbrooks said.”

Jonn, those would be injustices as defined by Islam, not western society. So, in his oddly skewed thinking, some of what you have described as “injustices” are actually people doing anything in their power to stop injustices.

In several commercial flights to the Middle East, the only time that I was seriously uncomfortable was when an English speaking man of obviously Western European descent, wearing a man dress and a blonde imam beard got on the flight with his wife, who was wearing a full abaya and niq?b. I can only assume some very serious emotional issues for someone who strays so far from his societal connections.


He converted to Islam and is now spouting anti-American BS, eh? Then I propose we refer to him by an appropriate name.

Terry Holdbrooks? Oh, yeah. Fak’heem.


If he was interested in the pursuit of justice, he should have stuck with Christianity, or converted to Judaism. We have our shared books of Moses, with the commandment from G-d, “justice, justice you will pursue.”

I am not sure there is a similar mandate in the Koran. Similarly, the Mosaic Code is nothing if not one of the strongest frameworks for working within sociological causality, and since it could be argued that the whole of Western civilization is derived from that code, it works out fairly well. Even with the occasional short-coming. People have really taken the New Testament statements on judgment and mercy and turned them into obsequiousness and sissification, and what’s worse is that they’ve rejected their religious origin altogether. I don’t believe a truly religious Christian would ever abuse a Muslim on religious merits. I don’t believe Americans unilaterally abuse anyone, anyway.

It’s not uncommon, I suppose, in this day and age for kids to reject without fully understanding what they are rejecting. I made a deeply profound, and fortunately far more temporary and meaningless, mistake a few years ago when making a public statement on Guard participation in border enforcement. It’s the same thing. Since then, I’ve learned to err on the side of ALWAYS giving the American people and our elected government, right or left, the benefit of the doubt on policy until I have sufficient reason to question.

Thanks for posting this, I wouldn’t have gotten to read about it otherwise!


I thought the golden rule of Christianity was “Do unto others as thou wouldst have them do unto thee.”

They’re still mad because Charles “the Hammer” Martel kicked the Muslims out of Gaul (France), aren’t they? Couldn’t take over Europe like they planned to. And then Vlad Tepes came along and did the same thing on the eastern front. They’ve been so butt-hurt for such a long time about not having their own way, poor things.

I see it as nothing but an excuse to mistreat women and children and murder people who’ve done nothing to them. If you ain’t with ’em, you’re agin ’em. So be it.


Mark Steyn had a pretty savvy post about this the other day: as the West slides further into nihilism our cultural traditions won’t be replaced with atheism or some other secular, rationalist worldview. People will look for meaning where they can find it, and they will be attracted to strong, confident voices. Islam doesn’t suffer from the doubt and self-loathing that effects so much of the West and is the left’s stock in trade. Watching the feminists and gays slug it out with the Islamists in Europe for the next 50 years or so would be hilarious except for the whole “it will be a huge awful tragedy” thing.


Ex-PH2: please. Vlad Tepes was a minor player in stopping the Islamic invasion of SE Europe. If you want to thank someone, thank Jan III Sobieski, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania. He’s the one who stopped the Ottoman Army at it’s high water mark (Vienna) in 1683.

Barring that, most of Eastern and Central Europe would likely have been conquered by the Ottoman Turks – and would be as screwed up as Bosnia/Serbia/Kosovo is today.


Hondo, you left out Roger de Hauteville, Roger I of Sicily, who expelled the Muslim Moors from southern Italy and took Sicily from the Muslim Arabs at Palermo and Syracuse.


@9–I’m looking at it from the perspective of the gheys and feminazis will be first lined up against the wall when Sharia Law is implemented. Hell, look at a lot of European cities now.

Dear lefties, be careful what you wish for…


Ex-PH2: the local Moors were largely independent of the Caliphate during the Calabrian/Sicilian reconquest. Roger de Hautville was facing a largely divided and local opposition. That campaign was therefore more of an opportunistic conquest of outlying territory than a significant historical turning point.

In contrast, both Tours and Vienna were major turning points that prevented further expansion into western and eastern/central Europe, respectively, by a large and unified Islamic empire.


I would just like to interject that the major religions which have a huge chunk of humanity always have a history of crazies and atrocities that at one time they conducted. You can’t help it. You put a couple guys in charge and get told that they rule everything you believe in and eventually some power mad person is going to get his way into that gig and mess it up for a whole mess of people. Even Buddhists have done it I am sure.

Granted I cannot for the life of me remember a Jainist doing anything mean. But with Google I am sure you could find one of them misbehaving.

As to the guy in this post. Probably like all new converts to a religion he really feels he must make it up to it and has to go whole hog into it. I wouldn’t trust him to read me any passages out of any books at the moment.


Yes, but, Hondo, Roger I got the rulership of Sicily out of it and Robert, a/k/a Guiscard, ran southern Italy. And then there was Malta, plus that whole dynastic thing. Do you have any idea how many people in France have the last name Rogers?


Ex-PH2: so Roger was (as Cheech and Chong once put it) a “rucking roadster”. As I understand it, that wasn’t terribly uncommon among 11th Century nobility of Norman ancestry. Check out William the Conqueror’s alleged origin and first nickname. (smile)


AtDrum: the potential for atrocities to be committed “in the name of God” – and thus without restraint – is precisely why theocracy is a ROYALLY BAD idea. Even adherents of the religion are subject to persecution if/when factional strife occurs within the religion. See the history of Shi’a and Sunni Islam and the Thirty Years War for details.


OH, I know about William’s history. It might have been the reason for the Domesday Book.


This is one of the reasons I love TAH. You can start reading a topic and it veers into a history lesson. My TV rarely leaves H2 (I don’t watch the original History Channel anymore since they went to reality shows like Pawn Stars).


He’s chosen the side he’s on. Nothing further needs to be known. Hopefully he’s in an intelligence file somewhere.


Ex-PH2: dunno about the Doomsday Book, but I’d certainly bet it was the driving reason for numbering English Kings/Queens (e.g., William I, John III, etc . . . ) from that point onward vice giving them nicknames. (smile)

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Imagine there’s no heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky

And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace

Since muslim sh1theads can’t imagine that, this problem doesn’t go away with kind words. It goes away with dead muslims in quantities large enough to be horrifying to the eye and the mind. There will be no negotiation that resolves this, only death.

Some day we will have to come to terms with that, or face our own extinction.


Yes, bastardy was a serious issue back in them there good ol’ days of yore. Usually, the bastard son of a ruler couldn’t inherit anything but a name and a spot in court.

It might, however, explain why there are so many Tudors in England. 😉


Ex-PH2: all true. But you have to admit that “King William I” sounds much better than “King William the Bastard” – even if the latter is perfectly descriptive of either ancestry or conduct. (smile)


Jonn: leaving is easy. Surviving afterwards is the problem.

Islam doesn’t much care for apostates.


Not sure what to comment here, considering Muslims are a protected class now.

I do think, however, Holdbrooks needs to go over to Syria and stop the fighting. Maybe that will shut his ass up.


“Islam teaches you that if you see an injustice in the world, you should do anything within your power to stop it,” Holdbrooks said.” Problem here. When you read the Muslim fine print, injustice equals, Christian, Hindu, Jew, American, Israeli, pretty much anyone…who isn’t facing east five times a day. So there, they get their license to kill at will anyone they deem as committing “injustice”. Screw them ALL and I mean all. Here in my small community the Muslims have an Imam at the local Mosque who teaches this very principal. In cloaked words of course. My source is a Muslim from this Mosque who converted to Christianity. By the way if you think it is hard to to take a “beat out” from a mexican gang, this guy has received death threats and hate mail non stop. Because he is now and infidel of the worst sort to the local Muslim assholes.


@28 You might want to drop a dime on that Imam, Sparks.


@29 Thought of that a while back and talked to the my friend. Offered to go with him to talk to a local Detective. Unfortunately he is pretty anxious about this. He is hoping if he keeps a low profile long enough they will move on the the next “infidel”. I asked about this Imam and my friend said he never makes threats himself and never speaks his name anymore. It is apparently all “behind the scenes” minions doing the dirty work. If not for honoring my confidentiality with my friend I would talk to the police myself. But I made a “keep quiet” commitment to him and I will keep it. These folks can’t be appeased. Anything he might do would just bring more escalation. Sad to see but here I am in a small town and the peace loving, “majority” of Muslims here are no different than Britain, Syria, Iran, etc.


@30 Local won’t be able to help until some kind of crime is committed. You’d have to go federal. I understand about your promise to your friend. I hope it all works out.


You know, Terry Holdbrooks (Google Hit!), my Religion teaches me ten very interesting things. 1) You should be pious to your chosen religion, but that doesn’t mean you should hate others. Let each person believe what they want to believe. (Exodus 20:3) 2) You shouldn’t worship anything that is not God, this includes people. If God wants you to kill someone, he’ll tell you. But, if someone says that God told them to tell you to kill someone, remember that lots of things can be lost in translation and ask for corroborating evidence. (Exodus 20:4-6) 3) You shouldn’t do anything in the name of God unless God specifically tells you to. This can be anything from mowing your lawn to waging a holy war (depending on the version of Jihad you want to go by). (Exodus 20:7) 4) You should take one day off a week and use it to praise God and rest. Don’t exercise, don’t wake up early, don’t do anything that even seems like work. Sure, you can go worship, but that’s about it. (Exodus 20:8-11) 5) Be good to your parents. (Exodus 20:12) 6) Do not murder people. Yes, you can kill, but only in defense. You shouldn’t start the fight, but God won’t hold it against you if you end it. (Exodus 20:13) 7) Do not have sex outside of marriage. This doesn’t mean that you should stone an underage rape victim who was abused by five men. No, the texts were written to the men of the time (it’s history, don’t stone the messenger). This means that MEN should keep it in their pants with anyone but their wives. (Exodus 20:14) 8) Don’t take what ain’t yours. This includes items, property, people, countries… You get the picture. (Exodus 20:15) 9) Don’t lie. Don’t lie about people, don’t lie about the past, don’t lie to save yourself. Mark Twain said it best, “If you always tell the truth then you won’t have to remember anything.” (Exodus 20:16) 10) Be glad for what you have and don’t want what anyone else has. This mean don’t lust… Read more »


Why guards shouldn’t fratenerize with prisoners. Ismlaists are converting our own military while captive. How fucking ridiculous.


@33 Methinks Fa’Keem beard-boy wasn’t fit enough to do anything BUT pass out korans with kid gloves. There were also a lot of converts among our troops in the first Gulf War. Mark Steyn is right when positing that flaccid Western belief systems don’t attract the young, especially males


God loves apostates.


@32 – beautifully stated.


@24 – Jonn, that’s reminiscent of Communism – if it’s so great, why is it necessary to erect walls to keep people from leaving? Likewise, if Islam is so great, why is it necessary to threaten people with death to keep them from leaving?


Why do u all talk about Terry!let him be he is a grown up and he knows what is best for him!Americans is this the freedom you are always preaching?freedom of speach and to worship?can anydody tell me what is violating someones rights is?I thought civilization started there in america and you know many things than us in Africa but now am seeing things in a very different perspective!u don’t go to school and learn u stay at home and get everything u want!you take people and things for granted!style up everybody is now awake you can fool some people sometime but u cannot fool all the people all the time we now see the light!