I’m Still Chuckling About This One . . . .

| May 16, 2013

Title from a UK Daily Mail article today:

Men who are physically strong are more likely to have right wing political views

The first “subtitle” after that:

“Weaker men more likely to support welfare state and wealth redistribution”

That was apparently the finding of a study of a sample consisting of individuals from the US, Argentina, and Denmark.

Well, duh.  That’s simple common sense.  Those who are able to take care of themselves would be expected to be in favor of self-reliance.  In contrast, those who are less able to take care of themselves would be expected to be in favor of the government taking care of things for them “cradle to grave” (while someone else pays for it, of course – thus the support for “wealth redistribution”).  Who’d a thunk it!

Still:  I’m still chucking over those two statements, and their implication:  conservative = strong, liberal = weak.   Seeing that in print reduced to “bullet points” was nice.  (smile)

The article is worth a read.  Interestingly enough, apparently women don’t show the same linkage between physical strength and political philosophy.

And IMO it’s worth following the link just to see that title and subtitle in print.  (smile)

Category: Society

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Well, they said it, not us. This makes sense if you think it through and, like everything else, there are exceptions. However, it sounds like a good rule of thumb to me!


Still: I’m still chucking over those two statements, and their implication: conservative = strong, liberal = weak. Seeing that in print reduced to “bullet points” was nice.

The other implication is, since strong people are dumb, conservatives are dumb.


It’s from the Brits. I don’t really give a rats fuggin’ ass what they think.


I’m surprised the study even made it into print.


Beta males everywhere are wetting their panties over this and saying, ‘Nuh UH…we aren’t weak. We’re just enlightened. You big mean man.’


Ok settled.

Buy that author a pint on me!



PAO…ROFLMAO…why am I reminded of the scene in Blazing Saddles with the little effeminate dancer beating his little fists on the chest of the cowboy, screaming, “You brute! You brute! You brute!!!”


No kiddin, Hondo–while I’ve yet to ask Master Chief to buy me a beer, were I to be so brash as to do so I’d probably be told, “Me love you long time too–now buy your own damn drinkee!”

Then again, there’s a very good reason I don’t go singing Karaoke–I suck at it. To the point where people buy me beers NOT to sing.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Puny vegetarian men with girly arms tend to be liberal?

Wow that’s a f$cking news flash eh?

Weak minded, weak bodied fools believe the government can support and protect them. Sheep are like that too, they all herd together and hope the Shepherd and his dogs can keep the wolves at bay….it works for most of the herd, what’s a few sheep lost to a wolf now and then other than the cost of being in the wool business?

We’ve been raising far too many sheep lately…this is an amusing story to end the day.

William Teach

One thing you have to love about the UK Daily Mail is the bullet points: they lay the entire article out right at the top, so you won’t find any BS deeper in the story that negates the headline and/or first couple of paragraphs, like in the US media.


So the old survival of the fittest thing may still be applicable?


Not surprised at all. Although I’d broaden the strong and weak characteristics to not only include physical stability, but also emotional.


Not all Brits are bad … just most of them!


Ever watch those films from Arica, the lions, hyenas, wild dogs run down one zebra and feast. The rest of the herd just goes a short distance away and resumes grazing.
Just like liberals.

Perry Gaskill

Before anyone gets too excited, it might be pointed out that the Daily Mail is about one push up away from the National Enquirer most of the time.


Perry, true, but it was the National Enquirer that derailed John Edwards aka Silky Pony’s bid for POTUS. When the other alleged media ignored the story.


You only have to go as far as watching Da Won throw out a pitch, or ride a bicycle to see that the Daily Mail is onto something here.


I must say this is quite true. After having attended a “conservative Christian university,” I have had far better political discussion while in the gym than while in the classroom/study room.

Carl Webb

But aren’t rich White pretty weak?


I dunno Carl–how many people do you have to have help move that couch from house to house after you get evicted from the last one for non-payment of rent or they just get tired of your mooching worthless ass?


[…] I know, Hondo wrote about it yesterday, but he didn’t use any good examples about the differences between strong conservatives and […]