Witness Protection Program missing two suspected terrorist participants

| May 16, 2013

From CNN’s Jake Tapper comes the news that an audit of the Justice Department’s Witness Protection Program has found two suspected terrorists in the program are unaccounted for;

The Justice Department issued a statement, saying, “The number of former known or suspected terrorists ever admitted into the WitSec Program represents a fraction of one percent of the total WitSec population, and the vast majority were admitted into the program prior to Sept. 11, 2001.

“To date, the FBI has not identified a national security threat tied to the participation of terrorism-linked witnesses in the WitSec program.”

I’m pretty sure that’s what they said about Nidal Hassan and the Tsarnaev brothers, too. And, for some reason that “fraction of one percent” quote doesn’t make me feel all that warm and fuzzy, either. How many does it take to perpetrate a terrorist act? Two brothers turned the Boston area upside down for a couple of days.

Category: Terror War

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Herbert J Messkit

There are two marines holding umbrellas at a White house news conference right now who probably wish they could disappear into the Witness protection program.

Herbert J Messkit

I guess they are within regs because they did not use umbrellas to shield themselves only the prez and turkish prime minsiter.


Remind me of the function of Marines at the WH again?

And now we’re hiding terrorists through the WPP? If they abscond, will the feds take them out of the program and let us know that they’re wandering about?


And there are terrorists in WitSec because????

2/17 Air Cav

Okay, here’s the skinny. The IG performed an audit of the DOJ WITSEC Program (commonly called witness protection) and, as a result of the audit, the DOJ has agreed to share certain information with other LE agencies, place the protected witnesses on a No Fly list, coordinate with Homeland Security in cases involving foreign nationals, and consult with the DOJ’s own National Security Division when a terrorism-linked witness is admitted into the program. The fact that these things weren’t already in place is more troublesome than the admission that two known or suspected terrorists who were in WITSEC are, today, somewhere unknown to DOJ.

2/17 Air Cav

@4. Presumably because they served as witnesses against their fellow terrorits(s).


I’d guess for the same reason there are Mafia-types in the WPP, OWB. They turned “rat” and fear retaliation.

In this case, apparently they either changed their minds about being a “rat” and split, or they got retaliation. Or maybe they changed their minds, split, went back to their former “friends” – and then got some retaliation.

I’m hoping it’s the third possibility.


#1: I saw a tweet that said that more Marines holding umbrellas for Dear Leader than were protecting Ambassador Stevens


Oh, I get all that. When exactly did we begin negotiating with terrorists? (If anyone says that we still don’t, then explain to me how you come up with any sort of deal without some manner of negotiation, even if the end result of that is testimony against another terrorist.)

2/17 Air Cav

Well, we don’t negotiate with terrorists who make demands, OWB. We do, however, offer trinkets and baubles to some terrorists to share what they know about active plots and other terrorsists.

2/17 Air Cav

What the heck is it with me and that word? I cannot seem to spell terrorist. Okay, I did it. Hereafter, I guess I’ll just cut and paste from there.


In your defense, AC, it is a rather vial word, and one many of us would rather was not really needed in our vocabulary.


Oh. And while I do not question your explanation, it does sound like bribery is OK but negotiation is not??

2/17 Air Cav

Yes, I suppose it is a form of bribery. The difference is that we get what we want. When we negotiate with terrorists, they get what they want, more or less.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

They might just be feeding some worms in the great American West….

OWB the negotiating trick is to let them think you are taking them to a nice safe midwestern WPP location. Along the way is a quick stop involving a small caliber round behind the ear and a shovel.


Okay, so we gave new legal identities to a couple of people who wished to wage war against the U.S. why? And they are now missing… Who were their handlers?


AirCav, maybe your subconscious is spelling terrorist for you as terrorsissies.

I thought all those pruneblossoms were down in Gitmo. Did anyone look there?


21st century’s version of the Keystone Cops? They are good at jacking up old crippled ladies at the airport…. But when something takes time and effort…by by!


Problem I see is we have two terrorists loose. Period. If they ratted out someone, then in their mind and IMHO, they want to redeem themselves to the Taliban or Allah or whomever. I doubt they converted, changed their ways and want to just “settled down in mid America” and lead quiet lives. That is probably what they were doing in witness protection. So we have another two lost in America somewhere and I am betting they are wanting back into their Jihad program ASAP. This is a messed up situation.

Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

Did they look behind the filing cabinet? Check between the couch cushions?

I just HATE it when I misplace my terrorists…


@ #14: Understand what you are saying, but nobody asked me – giving terrorists an opportunity to continue their chosen vocation in my backyard or that of my countrymen is not what I want.


Okay, okay, okay! Think I got it all figured out, now. These two birds flew the coop, because they got themselves a real good deal from Hakmeed on an abandoned 7-11 store front in Los Angeles and as of now, are born-again, self-supporting tax paying cititzens selling synthetic-grass to ghetto rats and the usual off the street clientele.

Top it off with $2.50 (two dalla n fity scents for those in the hood) cents rip music cd’s, made in China ball caps and other consumable items, they probably rely on the constant sale of 32 oz Budweisers and cheap junk food. Probably somewhere along Olympic Boulvard, close to Main. heh.


Streets, it’s 40 ozers. Other than that, you’re probably 100% on target.


Here’s a potential bit of hope. Maybe the reason they’re “missing” is because someone “accidentally” leaked their whereabouts and the wrong, or right, people got wind of it.

CC Senor

Where’s Raylan Givens when you need him?