Tuesdays with Claymore

| May 14, 2013

Uh oh…they don’t like Tom Brokaw anymore.

Bush’s fault: Part One-hundred-kajllion.

Bush’s fault: Part One-hundred-kajillion and one.

Ironically killing deer.

Dennis Kucinich: Right Wing Nutjob

It’s a trap!

“See, hippies get audited by the IRS too!”

Back To The Future

Bet they found this on Pintrest…

Charity begins at home.

Pretend gun owners always support “reasonable” gun control laws.

Dead Kitties

The right to feel safe

Everyone gets a trophy

“The meanies in the GOP are out to get Our President!!!”

Biden his time

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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I see they are still confusing Darrel Issa with his brother who was the one who stole a car in “The meanies in the GOP are out to get Our President”.


There is some unhinged shit going on at the Democratic Underground. Un fucking real….


In the ‘dead kitties’ thread, this species of animals was mentioned: hoof-rats.

Now, I thought I knew about most wildlife, including overgrown aquatic fur-bearing rodent mammals, but I had never heard of a hoof-rat until now.

I hope that someone can describe it and maybe provide an image of this previously unknown species.

Claymore, my computer objects to my forays into that stuff. Claims it has a headache when I do that.


Ex-PH2: my computer doesn’t care. I, however, get a hellacious headache if I visit that place. As well as a sore fist from punching the wall.


I think my computer is becoming pre-menopausal.

But do you know anything about hoof-rats, Hondo?

Now, I do recall seeing a rat the size of a medium poodle dragging an entire sunflower plant across the airfield and into a hole in the ground, one summer night in 1969, when I had quarterdeck duty at NAVPHOTOCEN. I said something about seeing a muskrat, but the sailor who was there said it was a wharf rat, and that he and his friends would use them for target practice in Naples.

However, he never mentioned hoof-rats, either.


Oh, dear God!


@3 PH: DON’T attempt to find the term “hoof rats” in the Urban Dictionary. Shocking.

From the context, I think they’re referring to the llamas. In other words, useless, mean, nasty beasts on hooves. People keep them around here for “guard dogs.” I’d rather see a Doberman coming at me, than a llama.

They SPIT, just like camels. Among other things.


I’m going to stick to looking for dragonflies and muskrats from now on. No llamas, either. And no chupacabras.

SGT Kane

You know I do my best to avoid clicking through these links anymore. I mean the wicked headaches and the desire to choke people out just gets overwhelming.

But when I saw the link to “Dead Titties” I just had to click, I figured there’d be something about Jolie’s bosoms on there…

Can you imagine my disappointment?

Just Plain Jason

Hoof rats? I assumed it would be what I call antler rats. They like to suicide themselves infront of cars on the road. People go out into the woods and hunt them all the time…

Just Plain Jason

Those fucking idiots piss me off, have they ever heard of feral cats? There are people who actually trap them spay and neuter them then release them back into the wild. There isn’t a lot else they can do. I love how they like to wag their fucking fingers, but shit cats, dogs, deer, and other animals get hit by cars all the time.
