TAH in the Syracuse Post-Standard

| May 2, 2013

So the story yesterday about James Ferris turned into a story about TAH in the pages of the Syracuse Post-Standard today;

Lilyea, a Lyons native and former Army infantry platoon sergeant at Fort Drum, said veterans who reacted to the news Wednesday were not happy that Ferris will be allowed to continue in his leadership post.

“Most everybody is pretty angry at the KWVA for not accepting his resignation,” Lilyea said. “Most of them are saying that if they were a member, they would quit.”

Regardless of what happens, Lilyea said the attention to the case should serve as a warning to veterans who make false claims of valor.

“We’re going to get you if you’re lying,” Lilyea said. “In the age of the Internet, you can’t hide anything anymore.”

So, I finally make the pages of my hometown newpaper – well, the first time I’m not in the police blotter anyway.

Category: Bloggers

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Great final quote.


See Jonn, this is the difference between Navy and Army…you don’t get caught, no police blotter. Ain’t that easy?

Seriously, good job. Nice to see you didn’t even use the word “dickweed” once!


@2 Asshat, fuck knuckle, anything with the word “Douch” etc etc.


Congrats! TAH has been in the paper/on tv quite a few times recently.


Well done!


Yer on a roll, Jonn. Kudos.

Now, anything you want to tell us about that blotter incident that made the Syracuse papers . . . . (smile)

Veritas Omnia Vincit

“I’d like people to stop doing it and put me out of business.”

This is a great line Jonn, it’s good to have dreams…no need to shutter the shop when that happens though….the veterans issues and political aspect of this blog are most enjoyable for those of us hopelessly addicted to the ruminations (or should I say machinations?) of our government’s officials and our duly elected representatives…

Combat Historian

Jonn, thank you for what you do to preserve the honor of the true and honest veterans here in this country…


Nice work Jonn!

2/17 Air Cav

Jebeebus. You’ll need a media secretary soon, if you don’t all ready. Andy Kravetz should know that his place at the front of the line is safe. The NYT and the TV Sunday talk shows will just have to wait their turn.


Good job! Keep it up!

Retired Master

OUTFUCKINSTANDING!!!! Great article, maybe KWVA leadership will sit up and take notice. Just realized I am qualified to be a member(Osan 1973 -74)but I won’t touch it.


This is great, Jonn. Keep it up!


Keep up the great work. It sucks hind tit that this is necessary at all…

Sam Naomi

Stand Fast you guys, Jonn has alot of work ahead of him, there’s afew more jokers in the KWVA that needs to be looked at, like they say, “It’s Not Over Till It’s over”
Sam Naomi (Where the Tall Corn Grows)


If they keep on this type of crap and allow corruption at its highest office…they should lose their congressional charter. I will call my congressman tomorrow.


I’d call my Congresswoman but she’s such a brain-dead tard she’d die if her staffers didn’t water her twice a week.