Three more arrested in Boston bombing case

| May 1, 2013

ROS sends a link to a brief report from USA Today which states that the Boston police have Tweeted that they arrested three more people in regards to the Boston Marathon Bombing;

NBC News’ Pete Williams reported that the arrest apparently involves students who allegedly helped remove items from Dzhokhar’s dorm room at the University of Marathon Dartmouth in the days after the bombing. Williams said there is no indication thus far that the three had any knowledge of the bombing before it took place.

NBC reported that authorities had been watching the three suspects for about 10 days.

And some NBA basketball players are still gay.

Category: Terror War

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Was worried that you might have left out the most important piece current news. Thankfully you are on your game John.

Just Plain Jason

Wait what? Tom Brady still hasn’t officially came out…come on UGGS!

Doc Bailey

so can we put to bed this myth of “self radicalization.” You know for a fact that no one just wakes up one day and says Allah Huackbar, straps on a bomb and goes at it.

The brothers didn’t just look up an anarchists cookbook. . . why are people so terrified of facing the truth?


@2, It is so obvious that he doesn’t have to come out. That dude is so far in the closet that he’s having adventures in Narnia.


@4 – GREAT phrasing

Just Plain Jason

If Gesele were measured on a level of epic beardness from Wananabe talibeard to Alexi Lalas awesome Chin Beard…she would be crazy ass homeless guy. Goddamnit…we were talking about Boston terrorists not Boston Gheys…


Brady transcends sexuality. It’s not gay if it’s Tom. Look it up!11!!readabook!!11!eleventyone!!


TSO: I think that line only works with “Connery” . . . . (smile)

2/17 Air Cav

Huh? Arrests for removing stuff DAYS AFTER the bombing? How many days? The FBI was watching the students for 10 days? This sounds screwy. I hope the FBI accessed the room and inventoried everything in it before the students grabbed the souvenirs.

2/17 Air Cav

You know, maybe the FBI got the info from CNN. I understand that was their major investigative source for Benghazi too.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@3 We’ve become so worried about “feelings” that we don’t want the terrorists to have a bad experience while they kill us….

I keep hoping that one day I will wake up and find that Americans have finally decided to believe these f$ckers when they say they want us dead….self-identifying enemies do make it easier when deciding where to leave copious amounts of high order detonations…

Perhaps my governor (Devil Patrick) will wake up tomorrow and stop worrying about immigrants getting a nice in-state tuition break and actually start sending these little pieces of sh1t back to where they came from with a nice note stapled into their foreheads saying, “get the f#ck out, and stay out”….but not likely, he wants to help them get drivers licenses and welfare…no wonder we are losing population in the all important net migration category…


3 roomates from the younger terrorist college. All from Kazaksthan


Why is there no surprise in this?

Sloppiest investigation I’ve seen in a long time.

Wait…! Does that mean… no one was paying attention? Or is there more to the sloppiness than that? Hmmm…..


And in other news, Boston mayor Tom Menino gave a statement, saying, “Mumble grummph washam maaahbles…”


Makes perfect sense. They had no prior knowledge. Therefore they decided to tidy up the crime scene.


DOJ is already showing signs of screwing the pooch here.

Then again, I love the lawyer for one of the “yutes” claiming his “Terrorista #1” license plate was a party reference.

Dude. No. Just no.


Reported in the past few minutes: the new guys went to Joker’s room to watch a movie. He wasn’t there. After watching their movie, they turned on CNN and saw Joker’s pic as the bomber. That is why they decided that they should remove fireworks and other stuff from Joker’s room. Innocently, of course.

This all supposedly happened the evening that the surveillance pics were first broadcast.

Maybe they really are innocent of complicity in the bombings. (Doubtful.) Maybe they just figured that Joker was going to be doing hard time anyway so they would just relieve him of some of his possessions.


Enemy combatants.

String them up by their tiny little balls. I’m tired of this bullshit.


Can we cut off the quota for immigrants from the ‘stans now?

2/17 Air Cav

The report includes the info that their buddy, the bomber, actually texted them. That info–if reported at the time– would have helped with some triangulation and saved a life. The report also says that they dumped gutted fireworks, among other items. Just good, old-fashioned, college hijinks, I suppose–rather like the panty raids of yesterday. Oh, except for the deaths and maimings, that is.


I suggest getting off our asses and actually screaming about this immigration/amnesty bullshit instead of just posting to each other. The government/left is against us on this, but that doesn’t mean we can’t change it.